Are you talking about Mianus in Connecticut?
I'd like to go to Egypt, Greece, Italy, Thailand, Japan, India and I can continue fulfilling this list lol.
Signed Up:
Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"Meanwhile, I just had some great virtual sex with Sea Siren."
Which was either very unimpressionable or so terrible I've repressed it. ?????
Check yo'self.
Signed Up:
Aug 21, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 416 · Topics: 24
Go meme hunny. Maybe thats just what you need right now. A great screw, a good partner to go down, then you can get on with your life of success.... Whatever that may be.
Good luck you will do great..
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
Funny, how Virgo's claim that the other sun signs are a waste of time and full of bullbutter/deception, not real ..
.. yet, it's the Virgo who will be so shallow to only embrace a person's heart if their pretty/sexy enough.
Besides, one virgo ASKs the other virgo about if he should go back to the ex-cap.
Based on opinions of others, the virgo decides to block the IM.
WE CAP DO *******NOT********** ASK OTHERS FOR THE MATTERS OF OUR HEARTS BUT WE ASK OUR HEART AND FOLLOW IT. That's the fundamental difference between Cap and Virgo!
Signed Up:
Aug 21, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 416 · Topics: 24
Chocolate- I would hate to be a guy.... You would rip me apart..... LMAO...
Or I would be in complete shape.... Fit as hell.
Haha I got something for ya.. I have lost 10 lbs since I met Leo man... Wow.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Funny, how Virgo's claim that the other sun signs are a waste of time and full of bullshit/deception, not real ..
In this case FISHES are.. you are a living prove of the statement above..
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Challenge me if it is not
You are full of shit and you know it
Signed Up:
Feb 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 166 · Topics: 12
Thanks QS for your insight...I just couldn't understand how one day I love you and the next you're cold and distant. Right now I just feel so heartbroken...I've been contemplating calling him and then another part of me is just saying..."Walk Away" and "Let it GO"
Signed Up:
Aug 21, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 416 · Topics: 24
Yes Autumnc! I agree. I think I'm too courageous for my own good. I'll take leaps of faith and end up scaring guys with how honest and blunt I am. If guys enjoy the chase, I'm not much fun. If I like someone, I go for it. I'm not into all the games. And my reliability has often been taken for granted or taken advantage of. I have people that always call on me when all falls down and expects me to build it back up and sometimes I don't even get a frikkin thank you!
Yep, Yep, Yep and Yep.. All is true for me as well... I have to come and mop up the mess that people create form themselves then they call demanding. WTF!!!!!
Chase not here unless I have up,down feelings.. Or you really want a chase. I made the leo chase me now I have to chase hom alittle see if he is worth my time.
But GEMuine you are too right... Its scary reading your stuff its like im reading my own... At least I know your a kind heart....