Virtues of Integrity

Where is the merit in trying to be an honest, fair person in today's society? Why bother? What will it achieve?...

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by wheelhomies on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 and has 72 replies.
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""Does that answer your question yama?"
No, not at all."
Are you a Discordianist yourself yama?
For example, Israelis talking shit about Israel to foreigners because they are concerned about the welfare of the Arab population, if I'd ever meet one of those I'll beat him to a bloody pulp.
Not exactly in my way, but close enough to warrant a serious beating.
"Are you a Discordianist yourself yama?"
Of course I am, I'm the Pope!
inconsiderate selflessness..what the hell is the point of that?
"Israelis talking shit about Israel"
What kind of shit?
Does it matter? People who criticize their country in front of foreigners are worse than scum.
you don't mean that.
"People who criticize their country in front of foreigners are worse than scum"
Maybe they just have a global conscience yama.
Or maybe they can see beyond their own noses.
I never said that they shouldn't try to make things better, but there are more productive ways of doing that.
or maybe their president's a little on the slow side
oops...guess i'm worse than scum
By "in front of foreigners" I meant "to foreigners."
i don't like certain aspects of the U.S.
there, i just did it TO foreigners. scummy scum scum.
Man of the Year was such a frickin' SWEET movie. Aww...I lubber Robin Williams.
"remember folks, politicians are like diapers. they should be changed frequently, and for the same reason."
the equivalent of a pope in discordianism should be called something else.
well because the pope is a catholic figure
Did he trademark it?Tongue
*fights urge to quote Stalin*
hellz yeah sucka, all rights reserved.
i'm just saying...catholocism, discordianism...eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh
i'm off to...
*whispers* C-L-A-S-S.............Sad