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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
Do Aries women have a hard time letting go? I Had a recent incident and left my aries man. His aries ex gf would call me and threaten me and lie and all sorts of stuff to the point of blowing up my phone. I Blocked her number so she ended up calling me from differant numbers! It was RIDICULOUS!!!! She said she didnt want him, yet she was starting trouble. I Took my aries man back because i realised that its really not his fault. She went through ALOT of trouble to find me. He moved in with me from about 2 hours away, this girl lives two hours away. She got my number,address, and even told me what my house looked like inside. She said she has family spying on me so she can come "as she puts it, knife me" im like, whatever! i am not really scared. But i am trying to wonder why she is going through all this trouble. Its been two weeks, and this morning she starts blowing up my phone from her NEW cell number!!! ugh! She told me her car and what it looked like and to watch out shes coming. Sooooo do aries just have a hard time letting go or whats the deal? I Really cant figure her out. Im just frusterated and venting.. okay i am done off my soap box *sigh*
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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
i regularly do this to all my exes. i dont see the problem
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
She been stalking us. Literally! She said she has her family watching us and even told me my address and what color my curtains were. She is very weird. I Told her yesterday to stop talking about it and just show up because i have more important things to do! But thishas been going on since January,22 and still NO sign of her, just her weekly phone calls full of empty threats. And they say cancers cant move on? WOW, This girl cant let it go. I am wondeing if she is mad he has moved on or is she wanting him back. He refuses to talk to her, its nuts.
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Jan 28, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 6890 · Topics: 172
are you sure that your beau isn't encouraging her behavior in some way?
now in some cases, women do this because they're hell bent on ruining a guy's chances with a new woman. so they do any and everything to scare off any potentials.
in other cases, which is most likely IMHO, the guy is doing something to make the crazy crazier. barring mental illness on the crazy's part, why would she be SOOOOOOOO upset? what is occurring on those days that's causing her to flip the fug out? unless she has a flip the fuq out dingy installed in her house, something ex-bf is doing/saying/not doing is contributing to her treatment of you.
and you have kids. you should start documenting any communication she makes with you. her threats are idle...until they're not.
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Jan 22, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 557 · Topics: 10
whoa! ares chicks are nuts!
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
And her mom even said she has a criminal record of stabbing people!!! Which explains why she threatened to nife me, as she put it. My man lef this person because she didnt like how he was doing somehing and so she went after him with a knife, and she even admited it on the phone to me!
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
My man is the type that will do ANYTHING for me. She was on the phone listing all the things he did, than said "Trust me you dont want him, anything that is that sweet has to be bad" I think she realised she screwed up a good thing, and is now wanting it back. Too bad or her, because i am jst as sweet back to him. I just hate that my aries man had to go through that, and now we are going through her drama together. She has called from 3 differant numbers, and i keep blocking each new number she calls me from. Pretty soon shes gonna have to call me from the gas station, and i will block that number too! ughhhh...
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Jan 22, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 557 · Topics: 10
haha that ewe such a funny ungulate
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
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Apr 20, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1109 · Topics: 27
Whoa...that's some crazy shit! I would never go to any extent like that...I don't want people to think I'm some crazy loon. I do find it difficult to let go, but I tend to dissapear when I've been hurt, not the oppposite and start stalking. My Aries ICE takes over...after the fire, of course. But, my fire is put out pretty quickly and it's never that insanly harmful.
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Mar 04, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 621 · Topics: 41
Boys are so stupid at times, regardless of their star sign............
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Apr 28, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 219 · Topics: 15
This thread is hilarious Lol
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
Well he has a restraining order on her, so does the chicks ex husband. She actually wet through work to get my number. He has told her to stop calling and wont let me be home alone, I Dont see how his ex being psycho and going through hell to find me, makes thismy mans fault. She toldm she tried stabbing him because he didnt know how to cook and burned dinner. But im over it, she leftthreatening messages on my voicemail andi made a police report with them and filed a restraining order on her today. So if he tries to drive here fom two hours away, she is gonna go to jail. She SHOULD be thinking of her infant thats in the hospital, on her message she said when her baby gets outts the hospital shes coming here, but we both have a restraining order. so i am not worried now.
ok the only thing i have to say about this is if he told her not to call and now shes calling and threating you cause your with him then i would have to say she donty want him with any one plus she told you she tried to stab him over nothing i think shes crazy if you love and care about the guy then i say do what your heart tells you its your life your there you see it first had so what you need to do if you want to stay with him because he does what he needs for you to want to be with him
as for the rest of you any of you know this couple first hand been there with this stuff happens
ive had crazy ex's before that have smashed windows on cars ive had them stlk me at work because when you are an ex you've done something bad enough for me to move on
it could be that simple
hell if some one tried to stab me i would think theres
ok so heres the truth about my idoit mistake chic asked if i would go to lunch with her im like cool payed for my own food did a stupid thing tryin to get her attention found out from her mom shes on ssi for being crazy so i was like ok her mom told me not to date her i was like ok so i go on bein nice and she freaks out one day tries to stab(found out she has a criminal record for stabing people) me so i left and then she has been harassin me ever since so i moved away got with a gurl that DOES not stab people and loves me and wants to work things out when we fight we talk about things get to the bottom of it and move on. any of you tell me if you had a child in the hospital would you be callin people threating to stab the girlfriend of an ex if you have a child in the hospital ??? get real people my gurl came in here for advice on crazy aries girls not our relationship and my whole life is open to her i have nothing to hide she can read email yahoo convo's look threw my cell or anything else i log onto and use because i love her and want her trust and love so all of you that have never had a crazy ex when you find one remember karama and that since you all are on this site yin/yang are at the heart of the zodiac
I just have to put my 2 cents in about this. I would NEVER EVER do this. I have way too much pride to be outright stalking ppl. I might do it secretly though *whistles*
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
All I can say is watch your back!
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Apr 28, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 219 · Topics: 15
Her baby being in the hospital should be her main focus. I've obsessed over break ups but this is waay too much.