Aries Ex Blowing My Phone Up!

Posted by tubbyscubby
are you sure that your beau isn't encouraging her behavior in some way?
now in some cases, women do this because they're hell bent on ruining a guy's chances with a new woman. so they do any and everything to scare off any potentials.
in other cases, which is most likely IMHO, the guy is doing something to make the crazy crazier. barring mental illness on the crazy's part, why would she be SOOOOOOOO upset? what is occurring on those days that's causing her to flip the fug out? unless she has a flip the fuq out dingy installed in her house, something ex-bf is doing/saying/not doing is contributing to her treatment of you.
and you have kids. you should start documenting any communication she makes with you. her threats are idle...until they're not.

Thats the thing... She got my number by finding out my name at his ex roomate house. Unfortunetly IM LISTED! so she calls to talk to him, i always have her on speaker phone,i told him to talk to her. He told her he refuses to talk to her. Her own MOTHER said she was nuts. This woman also calls my mans mom and sister and threatensto kick their butt. I dont know what to think.