How does an Aries girl act when she's in love?
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Well my cousin is an Aries she and I are really close, and my sister is one. I would say after watching them both fall in love and get married. I would say it depends on what they??ve been through prior. I think Aries are extremely well at learning from past mistakes. Unlike most people, it only takes them one round before they get it right. My sister??s marriage failed and she went through a lot while in it, and tolerated a lot. She??s never been a very open person, but now she??s even more closed off and very slow to love. She??s not very mushy or lovey-dovey on the surface, you have to work her into that point my cousin is the same way. Not everyone sees the mushy side of them. Move at her pace, because she certainly won??t move at yours. This type of woman takes no orders of any kind from anyone not even their parents and that goes for the male and females. I??ve noticed that once they learn they can trust you, which takes a person with a lot of patience, they can be very open with you. PLEASE don??t ruin the trust, because once you??ve lost it you will NEVER EVER get it back.
Also, avoid drama of any kind. They do not like emotional showdowns, sit down and talk to them calmly and firmly and DIRECTLY and clearly express your thoughts and feelings. Get straight to the point. No head games or trying to read her mind, because you will fail at both and she will sense it anyway and you will lose her for sure. That??s a way of tampering with her trust. She will think you are sneaky and cannot be trusted. Anything too over the top will cause them to ignore you and label you ???drama?? with a capital ???D??. Their life is very fast, and you will need to be able keep up. You keep up by having a life outside of her. This will give her time to miss you and want to be near you. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Just when you think she??s missing you like crazy, shoot her a sweet simple text say ???Hi there, just thinking about you. Hope all is well.?? She will love it. You need to be fun, and different. Try to learn her past, pay attention to her so you know how to stand out from the rest. Once she??s in love she is loyal and I mean VERY loyal, fun and pretty much anything you need her to be, just remember to always be direct with your Aries girl, no head games, no emotional madness, or drama and she??s all yours.
Sensual, sexual, two colorful bright eyes for one man/lady, hot and heavy in bed, dreaming all day and night, feeling emotions? Let's get it on - I want you, you want me = balance each other out + communication + understanding. Getting to know an Aries is one of the hardest things to do in my honest opinion, to entirely get to know and understand where they come from, depending on the past, wear heart on the sleeves but don't actually give it away unless with the exception of having trust. When walls start to break down and dissipate, get ready to have some confetti and lovable hugs and kisses overwhelmed with full of affection. Being warned, you are welcomed to run as fast as you can or proceed with caution; slowing down is the key to patience in reaping for a while, or a lifetime partner. Careful, an Aries layer lays in thin or thick ice of a counterpart surface if not proceeding with caution. All Aries are different, whether you find a mixture of masculinity outside of the surface and a feminine inside, feminine outside and inner feminine, masculine or feminine outside and masculine/feminine inside of a personality. If you truly want to get to know an Aries, look into her Venus placement, a more in depth description is found in her 5th house. Jumping into a relationship without getting to know her is missing to learn an aspect of her personality to earn her trust and invest her feelings in you in which emotion takes place and the patience of a time to get to know her and what she's all about.
To keep an Aries, he/she have to be deeply invested of their feelings in you to have them tolerate what's been thrown, an Aries not deeply invested in their partner's emotions will come and go as quickly as he/she pleased. Some may tolerate mind games from the beginning because their hearts are not invested. Driven by emotions, steady and stable is searched for. And yes, drama is absolutely out unless addicted to seeing white smoke screens (illusions). Mature faster then age because one's innocence (baby) tends to fall easily experiencing to learn or repeating a pattern of the same course throughout lifetime until lessons are learned. Mars placement could also be looked into.
An Aries female's masculinity (I wish there was another term for this) when in love turns into a lovely, sweet, soft marshmallow, turning its energy into feminine. Once her love is set free, she feels independent, lively, and vivacious. Her freedom shall not be restricted as she tends to mop; absorb with or without saying a word. A woman who is driven by intelligence will recognize her behavior (self-esteem/self-aware) as well as within others for a positive or negative change. If the ability of not wanting a change, depending on the individual and their past, may turn the masculinity energy into passive/aggressive, stubbornness, my way or the highway, and in turn, can drive lovers to fatal attraction.
A touch of nervouness yet excitement, thrilled of the chase in both ways, let's be playful like you and I are meant to be together type of stuff. Too much too soon will drop the game. Patience is the key to an Aries' heart, to have him/her committed to their partner entirely as a whole, need to have them into you as you are with them. No rushing with an Aries, they will let you know once they want you. The only aspect of this relationship is to not give in until you know your partner's feelings are deeply invested to spark a romantic, fun, loving, stable, loyal, and satisfying relationship, letting Her Know You want to get to know her personally with your own set of eyes; not what others have to say, hear, or think in a third party's point of view. Once seeing a spark in Aries with you while fireworks are in the air, third party may ruin its view at any given time or at any given situation. Good luck.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
^^ pretty much agree with Whisper. Especially on the masculine/feminine part.
So how does a Sagittarius act when she's in love?
She can't eat and she won't stop thinking about you and will be honest with you, if she really really loves you.
If an Aries women is in love.. She will go out her way to do things that mean something to you.. Sometimes scarificing what she wants. Most importantly she will tell you directly.. Aries women don't play games, they actually hate it.. It's the direct way or no way.. I know I'm an Aries