Aries man disinterest? Salvageable?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by piscesreisen on Friday, August 16, 2013 and has 12 replies.
Is it true once an Aries loses interest there's nothing could be done about it? What does it mean when suddenly Aries man go cold on you, even as friends since it's a new friendship of sorts.
Actually I have typed a whole story about my current problem :S but I suppose that's the main question... He's an aries man with pisces moon. Thanks for the insight!
hmmm I have the same combo and im going to be honest once I go cold there is no coming back
Ive just lost all interest and feel numb and indifferent towards the person.
But that is only if the person has hurt me or played games.
or I have zero interest in the friendship/person
did something happen?
As a disclaimer, I know full-well I'm not well-versed in dating (it's been four years... and I admit i'm not the most feminine girl in the world) This might be quite a pain to read... and to add to the injury, I'm in my late 20s too. But still, could you maybe give me insight, arians?
The Aries guy was the new pub manager i frequent to and new to the country as well. Great conversations, very interesting and pretty good looking guy and it felt comfortable to chit chat, good atmosphere.
One night I jokingly asked for his number, then one Virgo lady came and asked him his number instead and sat between us. I didn't end up asking for his number but it was still a good night. The virgo lady drove us home then he asked me to make time to go to a dancing venue (with bunch of people) on a certain date before I left the car so i agreed. I found out the next day from her that she ended up sleeping with him that night.
I asked for his number via facebook, and then asked him out for a lunch/coffee the next date. We had mismatched schedule so it didnt happen but he promised me there'll be a next time and told me he wants me to come to see him more often at where he work. Normally i would think he just want to make more business but I often get free drinks if i come anyway so who knows!
So i started coming more often, he would ask me about things related to his job (I used to manage a small hotel/restaurant as well) and I'll help him fix his work related to the language used here, stuff like that. While maybe there wasn't anything romantic, I enjoyed his company, he would stay until it closes to accompany me (buying me drinks as well). Generally being direct and somewhat sweet, even talking about his past exes, family history and life situation, invited me to go to poker nights with him and his best friend. etc. If anything he had a potential to be a good friend, and I'd love that.
But apparently he's slightly involved with the Virgo lady (which i found out from the bartenders). The virgo lady is into him but she has a bf, and currently away with her bf in other country but still like him a lot while has no intention of breaking up w/ him. I jokingly inquire if he's having a relationship problem. He said it's not a relationship, just a bit complicated, but it's no problem.
We meet again the next day because the bartenders wanted me to put in songs into the pub playlist. He was really busy that day so we didn't end up talking much, but when we did
---but when we did it was a bit tense, like something is off. The bartender gave him her phone- because the Virgo girl wanted to talk to him via text so he did (his iphone got stolen). Later on the bartender told me everything (not my inquiry), like what's going on with them.. i guess it's sorta a complex thing... then he become a bit colder to me, kind detached.
Anyway the next time we meet, I had to cancel going to the disco w/ him and the others because I had to go to hospital for my mother in another country for a week or so. He seemed fine/uncaring, and despite staying until the bar is closed (his best friend was there, we talked a lot to each other too, a nice sagi guy) he was quite cold to me. Like he doesn't even acknowledge me at times, icy, indifferent. A stark difference from how he treated me before. The bartender told me he's been kinda tense lately though, but he's warm to other patrons and very friendly to others that night, just icy to me.
The virgo girl will be back tomorrow, and I will be gone to another country then as well... so who knows when I can see him again- well actually i feel a bit timid, honestly! Damn me being a fish.
So.. it brings me to here, bkbella86 Tongue what do you think? Am I thinking too much? Eitherway it's a very new thing so it's ok to walk away I guess... but any insight is appreciated. smile
well just so ya know im in my late 20s too and dont have a clue about dating just thought Id put it out there...ur not alone....and I may look very feminine but my attitude suggest otherwise.
anywho it could be he felt pressure from you when you asked about his situation with the virgo girl...he may not be sure how he feels about you if anything. he may sense that you like him which he probably does with his pisces moon and all. And since he isnt sure, to avoid hurting your feelings he is distancing himself.
or he just isnt interested and avoiding you because of it
or maybe it has absolutely nothing to do with you at all..which is very likely
Pisces moons can be moody
dont change keep being nice and see if he comes around.
I don't have much experience as a guy, but as an Aries if I am into you then I am Into. You.
Not some Virgo who is using me for a threeway. I would be soooo out of thatsmile
Generally we don't arse around if we like you. We want to seal the deal and get on the with the fun stuff. This one mood one day , different mood the next sounds like bs that you don't need.
Tell him where to shove his shitty attitude.
Find a man with a pair.
Hahaha! Thanks guys.
bkbella86 : Yeah, I'll just keep being myself. If he keeps being icy, it's alright. I come to the pub for the girls anyway Winking He didn't seem bothered by my question, he actually laughed! But you are right, could be he just doesn't want to deal with my feelings. But, since it's a new feeling, I can always nip it in the bud. Oh well, nice when it lasted smile
If it makes any difference, his venus is in Taurus. What does it mean?
(I'm pisces, scorpio moon and pisces venus... ughh so watery lol but my mars is in Sagi)
ReallyNiceAriesPerson: Ah! Could it be because he is young (30)? He just arrived in my city 4 weekish ago,
And my city is known for how easy it is to get sex/relationships (for foreigners, especially caucasians) without even trying. Since I worked in hotel/restaurant business in the past, I know for a fact most fresh-faced foreigner will soon turn into hedonism (lol) in a mere month. He's probably not an exception. Aren't Arians impulsive and love trying new things? That's what I figure Tongue
He did tell me in the past that he doesn't mind dating but not deep relationship yet because he doesn't know where he will be in 3 months. (He's currently in probationary period until he can get longer contract) for example he dated someone before he left for my country, in his mind it was clear (and he thought he made it clear to the girl) that it was a temporary relationship, but the girl ended up stalking him online. He doesn't want to repeat that again lol but if he was as open as he was to me to random girls, he'll bound to get some stalkers for sure.. my city's girls are aggressive and ruthless! lol. At least I warned him? Tongue
30 is not that young. I wouldn't trust him. taurus venus
that's interesting, venus in taurus is almost like anti-thesis of impulsivity. Coupled with moodswings of a pisces moon... seems quite complex.
I have the same placements as him
i am def a complex character lol
Aries sun
Pisces moon
Pisces Mercury
venus taurus
capricorn mars
does his chart look like this?
I hate when the newness come to an abrupt end...the feeling of having a crush or liking a guy is fun until the fun is but then another one comes along and the cycle continues
From what I see:
Sun: Aries
Moon: Pisces
Mercury/Venus/Mars : Taurus
Jupiter/Uranus/Neptune : Sagitarius
Saturn : Scorpio
Pluto : Libra
If his mercury, venus and mars in Taurus.. so earthy huh? I'm not sure what it means, however? Is he one of the earthy arians?
Mine is:
Sun: Pisces
Moon: Scorpio
Venus/Mercury/Jupiter: Pisces
Mars/Saturn/Uranus: Sagittarius
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
Lots of water in my chart, the Sagi is very true though, I travel a lot and no one can tell i'm a pisces whatsoever for some reason :O
I know Aries and Pisces is not a match, I heard.
Anyway Today I texted him something like "See you next weekend! Have fun tonight." before I left my country but he didnt reply so that's that Tongue aww.