Ok....I was just writing on the libra board about someone else's aries and libra situation and it just hit me that I am totally, madly, butt-crazy in love with my aries....
I posted the current state of things...he is not speaking to me because he found out through someone else that I am moving....either that or he has found someone new and fallen deeply in love.
So my question is what do I do? How do I repair things? Do I just tell him I love him? Do I leave it up to fate???? what??? This realization just hit me like a lightening bolt as I was typing on the libra board
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
ok, dont say the "L" word, or at least not for this. If you're moving i suggest you talk to him about this, why didnt you tell him personally? he might feel like you've been hiding a lot of things now since he had this new info was told to him by someone else. Might wanna just get to talking about why you didnt mention it and what direction you life is going, because i for one would feel like 'well obviously im not that important if shes moving away and wasnt going to tell me'.
Everything up to fate, but last min details are always up to you. Just go up to him and talk, aries are very direct and you should know this by now. Good luck!
I was going to tell him face to face. It just ended up that I talked to the person I told on the phone first, but in reality I said that I wanted to talk to him first. The reason I may be moving and I did say may to him and everyone is because I may be getting into my dream school....I would think that he would have been happy for me and proud, not pissed.
I honestly dont think that I will be able to see him anytime soon. So with that being said should I just be direct with him over the phone? or what would you suggest? Because after he found out he said there was no need for us to meet up.
Signed Up:
Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
you guys can be so cruel.....libra you probably feel this way because you havent heard from him....so you feel like this challenge is love...it really isnt...stop worrying about him for a while and stay focus...you are moving and you need to deal with that...you guys will cross path if its meant to be. you dont need his approval for moving..so if hes mad about that hes just being childish....moving is a big deal and hard work...soon or later you wont be thinking about him.
He banged u right!LOL
I wish he had...
libragyrl. leave the man alone. seriously. you are not doing yourself any favours.
Why is asking a question on a forum always interpreted as harassing the person you are asking about?????? Makes no sense to me. I have not spoken with him since I invited him to lunch with me and his dad......me typing a question on here and hitting post message doesn't simultaneously send the question to him so what is the big deal. I guess it's an aries thing and I see why I haven't heard from him. I hope that I will be able to completely turn off my feelings and human compassion because I'll probably need that ability in my profession...too bad im not an aries!
libra you probably feel this way because you havent heard from him....so you feel like this challenge is love...it really isnt.
What do you mean dward? Do you mind elaborating?
I know Dward.... I think I'm just scared because if I do move it will be my first time ever living in a different state. Also because if everything goes through this will be the biggest opportunity of my life. Never in a million years could I have imagined this even being a possibility....So I do care for him and have strong feelings, but I think in the situation I am in waiting to find out if I am accepted it has just compounded those emotions.
If I am accepted and approved to go staying here for him isn't an option at all...Never crossed my mind. I know that he will either get over it or die with it.
My feelings just hit me like a lightening bolt. And in the realization of my feelings I was hoping to understand things from his perspective that is all. I always try and do that..I am a libra we are observers....the information that we gain from our observations assists us in the approaches we take with that person. Since I am unable to observe him I wanted to ask other Aries because we are polar opposites...
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I should think that any man, regardless of sun sign would get a little ticked-off if his girl was this close to his father .... private phone calls, private lunch-ins. Just because they are family doesn't mean the whole territory/pride man-thing is doesn't count.
In fact, it would probably be any gender ..... if he was so close to your mother that he told her personal stuff and did lunch with her, I'd imagine there would be some annoyance, and probably even jealousy.
You can't treat a Ram that way ... they REQUIRE loyalty, above and beyond anything else in order to keep respect for you.
Your proper place was to talk to him ONLY in regards to him and you.
His dad and I have a separate relationship.....I do not talk to his dad about issues that deal with us at all. Actually I met his dad first through totally unrelated circumstances.. His entire family and I have a relationship and it was through that relationship that our relationship developed more. That relationship has never been an issue when it came to our separate relationship.
The lunch with his dad is not private because I invited him and I'm sure his dad did too.
In fact, it would probably be any gender ..... if he was so close to your mother that he told her personal stuff and did lunch with her,
I wish he was that close to my mom lol that would be a dream come true!
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
first, never give up your lifes dream for anyone, trust me if they are real... they'll come back, because hey they'd want their dreams to come true and hope you'd understand as well. like i said, hes probably just pissed that he wasnt the first person you told, naturally the partner would assume u'd wanna share that right away with them. He's being childish if he doesnt wanna meet, up but again its probably because he thinks u dont care. Honestly right now u should be concentrating on whats at hand, once u figure out if everythings going to go as planned then figure him. btw anything u can on dxp is taken out of context.. derf 50% of what people say is misinterperated... imagine the percentage online! aside from that harassment is totally fine, when two people enter any relationship, bf / gf, friends and whatever if they are close to you, its not harassment its a unwritten law that ur allowed to call as many times as possible if they care about you! trust me i get calls at all sorts of hours, even if im half asleep i pick up and figure out whats wrong with my friends / bf / sis / mom etc... but again its preferable if you two are very close, otherwise they might find it very odd.
just let him chill, figure everything out on ur hand, but at least message him once a week showing that u still care and when hes ready to talk ur still around. if he wont listen or respond, then you cant fix it.
Thank you for that Phoenixblaze! Your message has been very helpful and I appreciate that.
Thanks geminifox! I am hoping for the best only because our connection was so strong. I haven't felt that comfortable around someone in ages. I think one of the big problems is we are so much alike in certain areas. For instance we both have alpha personalities and don't mind/like taking the lead, we both say exactly what is on our mind, have the same sense of humor, and are extremely stubborn. All of those things has created a lot of unforgettable amazing moments, but also a lot of friction. Because we are both stubborn, have a lot of pride, and do not want to admit our feelings in an effort to not seem weak.
Thus my deep uncertainty about whether he and I will ever be a we or an us again...
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 995 · Topics: 34
Sometimes an Aries temper gets in the way of us thinking clearly. Hopefully once it subsides, and if he truly cares about you, he'll want to talk. I have to also put my .02 in for following your dreams even if it means losing this relationship.
I am SO feeling his side right now. Unless I am wrong, your reason for not saying anything to him was because u weren't sure, BUT u still opened up your piehole for pops! I am not a full Aries (Aries Rising) but I'd have to be # 1 in a person's life, and right now your guy is definitely not feeling that. Actions speak louder than words....and your actions were towards his pops! This whole situation could've been easily prevented if u would've just held your tongue.
Whatever...could you ask why I told him before you fly off the map?
well I sent him a text because I found out I got accepted to the program....so I said to him i wanted to let u know that they accepted my project and I will be moving there for fall. its up to you but i hope that we can hang out because i dont want to leave with us not speaking.....
his response...silence. So oh well I tried and when we see each other because we are going to have to see each other he better not say 1 word to me because I got nothin' for him.
and i am going to tell him that since he is such a small person the next time we see each other and we will see each other do exactly as he is doing now and don't say a word to me dont even look my way.........