@cancerlady-- u took all of my words..
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Most people realize even within the perception of awe and appreciation, that no human is perfect. Perhaps in your own mind, get into the habit of telling and reminding yourself every single day of your own unique virtures and positives. Concentrate soley on them. Love yourself, believe in yourself ..and remember you can be virtuous and imperfect at the same time. A natural human condition for everyone.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
Pre-destiny cannot be true unless there is destiny and purpose for life. And for sure the collective purpose of all life couldn't be living in ignorance which leads to self destruction. Which means life is whatever happens between birth and death and destiny, fate, pre-destiny and all comes under wishful thinking. Humans insane ways to add meaning to a meaningless life so he could make himself feel important. It could be a larger interpretation of newtons laws. Universe being a huge mass of energy which changes the flow of energy within itself to adjust the displacement of the various existing forms of energy.
If we try to think there is freewill, then there is no divine plan like religious people believe. Which means a religious person who think he has freewill has psychological problems. And the people who think there is freewill but no divine plan would fall under the same category of ignorance if they think there is destiny and fate.
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Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
I am starting to see just how similar these T men are.
"One night he called for our nightly talk before he goes to bed, I was blow drying my hair, after we talked for about 2 min I said in a serious tone, ok I've got to go I'll talk to you tomorrow. I had planned on calling him back when I finished my hair, he assumed I was brushing him off because he says in a sarcastic tone "If you have company all you had to do was say so!!." It caught me totally off guard."
allluv72 - Mr. T did the same thing to me just 3 weeks ago. We had spent from Friday to Tuesday together. Of course we both went our way to go to work in the morning and stuff but after work we were together for 4 nites straight. So Wed nite we didn't speak. I was tired and I am not used to us spending so much time together especially since we are just now getting back on track after our hiatus.
So he calls me one Thursday after I get off work and maybe I didn't have the most pleasant voice. He heard me fumbling in my car with my blue tooth and then he heard me say to my passenger who was exiting that I would be right up in a minute. All of a sudden he says "you know if you are caught up, I would hope that you would tell me. I mean you are a grown woman." I was like....HHHHUUUHHH, WTH did that come from.
He too tried to play it off and say that he was trying to say if I am busy let him know and he will call me back. I thought to myself, why would he then refer to me being a grown woman and he'd hope that I would tell him? Anywhooo,
We used to be on this schedule where it was every weekend. At first I would be really suspicious thinking that he had girlfriend somewhere who he was spending all his time with during the week. I talked to one of my friends who said that she did not believe that. She said that if anything, usually if you don't work on weekends you usually spend that time with your SO. Well that has since changed, now he comes over and spends the night throughout the week and on the weekend.
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Apr 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 367 · Topics: 24
I don't call her at all. Well I haven't showed that I'm "really" interested in her. atm I'm observing and figuring out a tactic. so far I have done all the above on what you had mentioned CombatingMyGeminiSister. Tho I had no idea but now I do and will work at it to balance this out. Damn I love it when my moon sign takes over! tho sun in cancer is so close to screwing it up with the emotion bs... Thanks for the advice. b^^ I'll keep yea up to date!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"He listens to my sh**, can tell if I'm not feeling well, seems truely concerned if I'm not, offers to help in any way (jokingly offering to kill people ha), notices everything.."
deadendqueen ... the above is perfectly normal in the Piscean nature, for we treat everybody like this. If we encounter another person who looks as if they are suffering, injured both physically or emotionally, in need of an ear, sad, or any kind of aid/help .... we will give them our full attention when in their presence.
You said he listens to your crap ... this has sent a signal to him that you have an area in which he can help you cope .. and Pisces people help others cope by giving them our undivided attention and concern.
NO .. this doesn't mean he is into you .. it means he's a Pisces person.
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Jul 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 332 · Topics: 14
Yeah, I do see so many similarites. I know mine has serious insecurity issues, he always says in the morning, when he calls and I'm still sleeping that my other boyfriend (he's named this imaginary boyfriend Henry) must have kept me up too late, and how I should tell him to go home so I can get some rest..lol. I play along but its getting kind of old, because I give him so much effort and all of my free time on the weekends. I told him early on it doesn't matter if it's 3pm or 3am when he comes there still wont be anyone at my house. I thought that would assure him there's no one else, but I guess time will be the only thing that helps with his insecurity. When my home phone rings (which it rarely does) I feel like he's watching closely to see my expression or read my body language to see if he can see if it may be a man.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"P-Angel, being rude is not helping anyone. You think you are opening Southern T's eyes but you are only offending and hurting her with your harsh words."
On the contrary, scorpioheart ... our teacher in life comes from strong emotional reactions. Such as yourself, it's the strong emotional situation in which you feel neglected intimately that will be the catalyst in guiding you. Your Virgo man can be as sweet as he likes, have soft, loving words ... however, that disposition is not which is guiding you ... it's emotions that have been evoked, like say with your male friend you've had for 7 years and keep telling him you want him.
That is what is guiding you, scorpioheart .... support/soothing in times when we need a slap in the face, will only allow us to continue in our ignorance.
When you grow from your own emotional torment of guilt from allowing yourself to be stuck within a relationship where you know you don't belong ... then you'll have the capacity to understand this angle in which I aim to evoke a strong emotional reaction from Southern.
"you are only offending and hurting her with your harsh words"
No shit .. didn't I say that this was the intent already?