Hit the word limiter; a long one, I know, but any help would be much appreciated and I hope I've made my position clear. Can anyone shed some light on this? She says it's one of the hardest things she's had to do; is there any sort of Aries trait regarding commitment that would cause any of this, or explain it?
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
She can't be friends because she's got emotions tied to all of this and is trying to cope with them.
She doesn't want a relationship right now because that's how she feels.
Until she can manage to be around you and not worry about non friendship feelings, she won't be around.
Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
"just because it's possible for me to withhold feelings like that doesn't mean other people/signs are able to."
This statement is loaded to the max and sends my mind into orbit - damn.
Something's going on behind the scene..
She just told me she's seeing someone else. As patient as I am, I'm a quadruple Scorp and I'm fucking BURNING up inside. I got 'restructured' out; all I can see at the moment is selfishness because this whole decision was based on her, about how she felt and what she wanted. She didn't put in any effort and she's already doing what I wanted to do with her - with someone else. Still, I know that if I lash out at her (and the desire is indescribably strong to do so) it makes me no better, considering I know I have the choice to wait on the situation without saying anything.
I think the majority of Scorp's problem is that we can say something we know will shake someone's ego to the ground, and the desire to deliver that sort of instant karma is absolutely unbelievable. Still, nothing gives us the right to pass judgement like that because it's all based on ego; we want someone else to hurt as much as we do, even though all they've done is follow their free will, an equal right which we'd be so indignant of if someone tried to revoke it from us.
Sometimes people try all they can to be the best of themselves and are still the ones who have to bear the weight of the hardest lessons.
Love and Blessings sent to you.
If she's anything like me, and she does genuinely think she treated you poorly then maybe she's just too ashamed to even try because she's afraid you'll forever remember what she did to you. Maybe she thinks the relationship is just tainted forever and that there really is nothing she can do to fix it. This is just a thought, assuming she is like me. I hope things work out for both of you. I can never manage with Scorpios so it would be nice to see a Scorpio/Aries couple make it.
Signed Up:
Mar 12, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 144 · Topics: 17
Move on. Her behavior is IDENTICAL to how I am in all relationships - she says she wants to 'stay friends' because she doesn't trust that you're as strong as she is to move the h3ll on - she's worried about how you're going to be able to cope. Aries talk a BIG game, which is why her actions aren't matching up to her words. Her actions are REAL, her words are only to help you HEAL. Let her go - she's already let you go months before actually doing it.
Signed Up:
Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
I just had a child hood crush pull this on me, and unlike you I was not as nice about it. I feel no remorse to my reaction, and my only regret is that I didn??t follow my first mind which was to let it go when I saw the signs.
Anyway, he was just like her; I guess trying his best to not hurt me, but he did it anyway because he still played the situation to his own advantage, and it got him cussed out and he loses not only me as a partner but as a friend. I don??t need a selfish friend, it??s enough selfish people in the world so I??m good. Plus I was in love with him, that does not go away over-night, and I refuse to slap friendship on it like my feelings were never there.
Anyway, in your case the moment I read that you treated her well, and out of nowhere she wanted to break up I knew it could only mean two things, she got bored and needs a new conquest, or she already found a new conquest and needs a way out. Gotta hand it to her though, at least she didn??t lie and try to place the blame on you. Hate when that happens. However she did lie about wanting time to herself, she just didn??t want to be in a relationship with you anymore and didn??t want to come right out and say that. My Aries was the same. As much as I hate to admit it, I guess it??s their way of showing they care, because when they don??t, they don??t 2nd guess their actions and for damn sure what comes out of their mouth. 100% blunt to the core Lol. Not to worry, you??ll find someone else and your not alone. It??s not easy to land a fire sign and it??s even harder to keep them interested. They bore so easily that you??d have to have multiple personalities to keep up, and then they??ll complain that your not grounded enough, still they??ll love the thrill of trying to see what you??ll hit them with next. Next time you fall for a fire sign, word of advice, just don??t ever let them know they have you completely figured out. They can know you love them, but they should never know your every thought and every move. Whether they agree or not, they like to know there??s much more to find out about you, but they don??t like to wonder where they stand with you. Find out how to do both, and let me know your secrete.