I have a question I have had an ongoing crush on an old male Aries friend of mine. We stopped speaking sometime ago out of the blue But remained facebook friends I have always liked him but never persued it because he lived far from me I read his status update that he has moved back to where o am. Question : should I write him and ask how he's been and stuff? Would it be awkward or too forward for a female to reach out to a male. This generation seems to take everything the wrong way nowadays. I don't want to come off weird or anything lol I know this question sounds dumb but any advice you can give me is well appreciated
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 259 · Topics: 14
Hiya milkshakes...
Aries female here
Yes contact him, but try to call if you can..avoid Facebook.
I would keep it light and ask what he's been up to.
And I agree with you this generation does take everything the wrong way...not sure how old you are, but dating used to be different...we just went with it..none of this "don't contact" or "don't stalk", (that's the one that gets me, the stalking thing!) If you stop into to visit someone you have in interest in, its now perceived as "stalking" or if you kiss, they say oh my God he justs wants sex!", or you're a booty call..riduculous. Or if he calls you late you're a booty call...my old boyfriend always called me late to talk I never considered it a "booty call" I think it means if he wants to come over late after the bar closes, and thats different..it's gotten too casual in some ways. And social media ruined it for all of us. Bring back face to face..there is a man I work with who has been married 40 some years, you should hear him talk about his wife..he adores her..and guess what "SHE PURSUED HIM!" Asked him out to the movies, called him all the time at first etc..
No wonder no one has a decent dating life anymore.
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 259 · Topics: 14
Today she would have been "stalking" him!!
Hi thanks for the insight. I am 21 and Yea these days if a girl pursues a guy she looks desperate. That was a cute story I wish it was that easy these days. BTW as time went by he got a new phone which means his number changed |=
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 259 · Topics: 14
By the way Milkshakes your post is cute, innocent, if you use that approach with an Aries you can't go wrong.
My aries man I was into was won over by my text that went like this, "Some night when we are together, can we go get some ice cream?"
He texted back immediately "We sure can, absolutely"
Not a big deal, but later he told me "I loved your ice cream text." "It was cute and a good idea."
Flirty, but not oversexed.
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 259 · Topics: 14
Desperate is calling all the time etc., there is nothing wrong with showing some interest innocently. After reading so much crummy advice on here and other places I'm am so afraid to even look at a guy for fear of looking desperate.
I am sure the guys wife did not look desperate pursuing him...she wasn't hanging all over him like a cheap suit! But she did make the moves first.
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
i think you will be fine contacting him.
I am loving these answers because they are so true I feel like my generation is too wrapped into how things look cant even talk to guys without them thinkin you want them or the "D" _- smh but ladies I think I will reach out to him only problem is have no choice but to use fb because his number changed and as of this afternoon so did mine. I got a new phone lol
yea social meadia is a big part of why people don't take relationships seriously and since screen shot was invented a simple conversation could be posted on any sight to embarrass another person . its just a mess >_