Hiya Aries.

Today she would have been "stalking" him!!

Related Messages

Posted by Undine

When do I give an indirect answer? When the question is part of the small talk and the answer does not even matter (example above). When I abhor the banality of a straight answer, leaving too little room for imagination, freedom of choice, introspection and confusion. When I want to see if you could follow me when "talking in riddles". When I like you and want to hear some more questions.


Posted by Undine
When I like you and want to hear some more questions.

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Sometimes, the pisces just likes to see you be curious and step into their world
This is what it feels like to be ignored?
There was a thread and I'm sure it was in Cap. Does anyone here know where it is? I've been searching for it to re-read some of it and also finish reading it but can't for the life of me find it. If you know it can you bump it for me pls smile
Boo. At least he had the balls to say so.
@firewater: in your situation, were you made aware of what was going on or did he keep it as a secret from you?
@feb16: I was thinking about that wait a bit thing. We have such a wonderful thing. If I were to walk away now, isn't that being impulsive? I have a feeling that I can trust him possibly why I was being passive about it initially. Aqua women, I love them. My bestfriend is one. Btw, he was born feb 3rd, she was january 22nd and I'm may 23rd. smile
@scorp: that's pretty much similar to what my mom said. There is a child involved and cutting ties totally is impossible. If I want him, it's a package deal including the kid and the fact that he'd have to communicate with his ex-wife every now and then. I wasn't jealous at all until I thought to myself, why wasn't I when in fact, if it was the younger version of myself, I would have? Maybe something is wrong with me for saying that I deeply understand this thing. But at the back of my head, I do understand it. I'm not being blind/masochistic here. But there is a 6 year old kid who doesn't understand the situation and he is involved. So as much as I'd like to say "Babe, I hate it when you talk to your ex" or "stop seeing her with your son" it's like asking him to treat them as dead...
Posted by tiziani
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by AllyCat34
Ugh! I gave in and messaged... stupid, I know :/ Of course I received no response. At this point, should I just delete all contact points (i.e., phone, IM, FB)? I figured if he didn't want to speak to me anymore, he'd remove me from FB... (I realize how ridiculous I am being...)

Don't delete. Just don't bother communicating first.
Libras won't remove you from Facebook. It's not indicative of anything. They're just too lazy to bother.

At this point Rocky might as well be a Libra. Force is strong in this one.
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My ex actually had pretty much shared that sentiment. Not about me per se, but we were talking about Facebook generally and his whole thing is that he's just too lazy to bother. But I've also noticed that Libras aren't full blown into social networking. They may have it, but they also don't interact as much as most people do.
@ MidniteStar. My favorite shops are the local thrift stores (charity shops for the UK readers), especially on 50 percent off day. I've found great business and casual clothes, including lots of silk (which many companies just aren't making anymore). I focus on natural fibers that don't need to be dry cleaned (so washable silk, tencel, cotton trousers and blouses that are formal-enough for office wear) and save a bundle.
damn lol
This Libra LOVES Facebook. He's constantly online.
Thank you all for your insight. I think once I've had time to reflect, I will realize this is all for the best. As awesome as he was, I'm not sure he's ready (and may never be ready) for a stable, healthy relationship -- he has a lot of demons and challenges.
@tiki33: thatnk you for all that you have said. I was doing that last night. Weighing the pros and cons of staying. The new account he created, he added his sister in it too. So now it's me and his sister there. He told me he would want his sister to talk to me about it to put my mind at ease. I was a bit worried, in fact, talking to him last night felt weird. So I decided to sleep without giving him a hug. Some things I came up with last night:
1. He makes me laugh
2. He takes away my stress
3. He doesn't suffocate me with too much clinginess
4. We talk for long hours and never get bored
5. We have a lot of things in common
6. This is our first misunderstanding. Ever.
7. We haven't had sex and he's not forcing me too
8. He told me about his son which I think is the greatest thing. I despise fathers denying they have a kid just to get on with a girl
9. He is very sweet
10. He is very smart and I like it
1. Still legally married
2. Will have to communicate with ex concerning child support and to see his son
3. Could be lying to me on some things
4. Has recently accepted the connection request of his ex-wife bearing his last name
5. Created an account with just me and his sister in it.
6. Haven't told his ex-wife exactly who I was because he said he feels she doesn't need to know exactly who and also to protect me in case his ex goes crazy searching for me (actually, is this negative or positive or both?)