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Apr 05, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 3859 · Topics: 121
I let the guy come to me when I'm interested in him..when I see there's a genuine interest from him , I'll let him contact me mostly , no smothering cuz that turns me right off.. let me be curious & chase a little , A LITTLE, cuz I ain't chasing u hard lol
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
Judging from the Aries women that I've known they can definitely have men easily chasing them, but they'll also chase the man who catches their eye. They go for the devil may care, internally strong, able to stand on his own two feet, type of guys. It's best to have a quick wit that can keep up with theirs too. DO NOT BORE THEM. If you can playfully outwit an Aries you'll definitely have her attention.
That playful banter you share is her way of feeling you out. Women don't typically ask you who you are interested in unless there is a reason. Either she's asking for herself or someone else. Seeing that she's the one creating the rapport with you, I'd assume she was interested. The nice thing about Aries women is that they are pretty direct, even when they're being indirect.
The bottom line though is, Aries like their men to be direct. They'll only work for your affection for so long. Strike while the iron is hot if you are interested and ask her out. Keeping things fun and playful should be easy for a Gemini man.
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
I keep it to myself. I realized I am really insecure because of how many hurts and betrayals I've had. I just don't put myself ot there. I shut down almost. I get anxiety pretty much communicating with any man but especially ones who I am interested in and vice versa.
I avoid them. When they do find me it takes a lot to get comfortable. I maybe too damaged for love at this point. Makes me sad.
I broke up with my bf like a few months ago and as badly as I would love to experience love and companionship, I'm afraid of more pain. My ex was a gem. He did something's I can't forget and never really committed. I don't hate him tho.
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
I want a guy to show initiative and interest in me, make me feel comfortable. I will reciprocate. I meet men who are really cold and guarded, I wonder if I project that same image. I'm really sensitive and loving my I don't think I convey that. The struggle.
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Dec 24, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 11
If I'm interested, I like for the guy to chase me in the beginning that way I'll see if he is interested as well. Depending on how he chases me will help me determine if he just wants to have sex or he wants to get to know me (and have sex... let's be honest lol) then once I figure that out and whatever desires we have are mutual, I will begin to chase. Basically once I start liking him, I'll "chase" him. Honestly I'm not fond of this terminology, however, you get the gist.
For me personally, I give a mixture of being straight forward and not revealing my whole self all at once. I'm always straight forward when I need to be. I reveal bits of me over time when getting to know someone because if I give you all of me at once, that's boring. You shouldn't know me so easily and quickly, and plus it's more fun to learn things about someone over time. I like this in a partner as well. I don't want to know everything about you in 2 weeks. We can take our time emotionally, mentally, and physically. I'm a fairly patient Aries.
From what you've posted, this sounds like a situation I'm in atm, me being the Aries woman obviously. I believe she's interested but is feeling you out. She wants to feel secure and see if she can be her complete self with you. If she's asking about other girls, my guess would be to see how serious you are about her. She wants to know what you're doing and how you see her/the situation so she can act accordingly. Aries don't play wifey or act exclusive just because someone would want them to. If you want to talk to other people, that's fine, but don't expect her to wait around for you to choose her. She'll probably talk to other guys as well if that's the case, or she'll just withdraw from you a bit and keep it cordial until you'd get more serious (if that's what both party's want anyway)
For me personally,I relish a challenge. Sometimes I'll chase,perhaps even play with my food before eating it. I love the hunt. I enjoy the newness of meeting a new person and learning about them through (annoying as it may be at times..) an onslaught of questions. Believe me(as an Aries female),we do have stellar instincts and intuition. We can detect b.s a mile away. Generally as a rule of thumb for me-I'm straightforward. Not a fan of guessing games,trying to read between the lines,or worse yet-not knowing where I stand with someone.
Other times I enjoy being chased. But lord-NO stage 5 clinging or more so-no smothering. All that being said,if you find yourself wondering where you stand with an aries,for me,I'd say just ask. I have a deep respect and appreciation for being upfront.
Personally, if I like you, I may take the time to actually talk to you and find out what makes you tick, so see if you and I share any similar passions and can connect. I have a very low tolerance for BS and Games and as "IfYouCantDodge.." above said, we do have stellar instincts and intuition, so we always know when men are coming at us with "BS" and tend to call them out on it. And we don't forget much.
Be straightforward with us, and treat us right and you will be guaranteed to be spoiled and treated like a King. Play games and act the fool, and you'll quickly get shut down or shut out.
Personally, I find that while I give chances, once my emotions are involved and you play me, I can go from loving to straight ice cold in a flash and wipe all feelings for you out of my system. That is not to say that I won't be respectful and cordial, but once I am no longer emotionally tied to you, it is hard to stir up my feelings and passion again, no matter what you do.
thanks for all the replies,
I guess i'm sort of caught between a rock and a hard place. I don't want to move to forward because we haven't known eachother that much but their are signs.... for instance she keeps asking me if i'm going to an event we were invited to, but I may have other commitments. So makes me think....
fortune favours the brave I guess. How would you aries females feel if a guy asked you but you weren't interested in them? and would you feel awkward about it after?