How do Aries women react?

Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by bkbella86
I keep it to myself. I realized I am really insecure because of how many hurts and betrayals I've had. I just don't put myself ot there. I shut down almost. I get anxiety pretty much communicating with any man but especially ones who I am interested in and vice versa.

I avoid them. When they do find me it takes a lot to get comfortable. I maybe too damaged for love at this point. Makes me sad.

I broke up with my bf like a few months ago and as badly as I would love to experience love and companionship, I'm afraid of more pain. My ex was a gem. He did something's I can't forget and never really committed. I don't hate him tho.
It's just been a few months, yo. Take your time and however long you need to get over all the clusterfuck of emotions you deal with after.
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Thanks Rocky