
This topic was created in the Aries forum by BlueAries23 on Monday, February 24, 2014 and has 19 replies.
Are any other Aries extremely obsessive, or is this caused by some other aspect in my chart?
For example, if someone is not my friend anymore, I become obsessed with watching their every move on Facebook, googling them, etc. It's not healthy and I want to change it.
Yes.. I'm doing the exact same thing with a girl that doesn't like me right now.. Sometimes I go to extremes like checking her friends profiles.. I think a lot of people do this though. Maybe it's a placement thing..
Venus opp Pluto
Moon square Pluto
Venus in Taurus
Yes, I can definitely be that way. I am much too proud to let the other person know I actually care if they're ignoring me, but secretly drives me insane
Can be either for me...
I never let anyone know directly but I'm sure my excessive friend requests gives that person an idea.
Yep. It's a bad trait. I stalk initially, then I get a grip and ice them out for my own good lol
Blame a fixed placement. Mine's Venus in Taurus and I hate it.
@BlueAries23 the good thing about us rams is that if we want something we get it. I think you'll do fine in cutting this addiction. But if you find that you can't I'd suggest learning to mentally check yourself. That is definitely something useful for Aries to learn because once we master that skill we get so damn good at everything else smile
Even the example you mentioned. I would go ahead and delete a person from my friends because I don't want to be associated with them in any kind of way anymore, but actually then spend time and effort to stalk the sh out of them.
Also I hate how I always manically stalk my bf. We need to focus on ourselves more - will take our minds off and make us more happy.
Hmmm, well my mom is an Aries and if someone slights her she'll act like they don't exist at all. However, my sister (who is a Sagittarius) will ignore her and she bends over backwards to please her. hah. Maybe it's her Taurus rising? I think they like the chase. I've also read somewhere that Fire signs aren't people pleasers unless they're very fond of someone.
Posted by BlueAries23
Are any other Aries extremely obsessive, or is this caused by some other aspect in my chart?
For example, if someone is not my friend anymore, I become obsessed with watching their every move on Facebook, googling them, etc. It's not healthy and I want to change it.

If you want to change it try this:
Turn computer off (or whatever you are watching facebook on.)
Step away from computer.
Go outside and do Aries stuff, ie jogging, walking the dog, rollerblading, reading, skipping thru fields - almost anything apart from watching someone else's life unfold on facebook.

I have similar placements to you and I am laying the blame on your Gem Asc.
Thank you all for the feedback! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one - as crappy as it is that we're all going through it.
@ReallyNiceAriesPerson can you explain more about laying the blame on my Gem Asc? I'm curious about that.
Ughhh, I really dislike that part of me. I will OBSESS...but act like it doesn't bother me in the least. But, it always passes within a few weeks.
Wait...no... I'm still a little obsessive about a friend/crush of mine. I love what we have, but I can't stop comparing our friendship to his other friendships. Ugh.
I obsess by thinking about the person way too much but I never ever stalk . That only adds fuel to the fire.
I find that I can control it and push it out of my head until I see something about the person on Facebook. Then my blood pressure spikes and I go insane. I'm cray-cray! But I'm determined to conquer this...
Posted by Tavrine
Posted by BlueAries23
I find that I can control it and push it out of my head until I see something about the person on Facebook. Then my blood pressure spikes and I go insane. I'm cray-cray! But I'm determined to conquer this...

Did you blocked the person you feel grudge hate?
click to expand

No, and I know that's the obvious answer but it's someone I'm related to through marriage. I don't want this person to know how I feel. I just want to make it appear that we're on civil terms, but it hurts that we were once friends. If the person truly was just an ex-friend and didn't need to be in my life at all anymore, I would definitely block her!
Posted by xtina
@BlueAries23 the good thing about us rams is that if we want something we get it. I think you'll do fine in cutting this addiction. But if you find that you can't I'd suggest learning to mentally check yourself. That is definitely something useful for Aries to learn because once we master that skill we get so damn good at everything else smile

TEll me about it i think because the sun is exalted in aries
Posted by feby16aqua
The obsession is ok. The restless thoughts. It allows for every possible angle to be covered. The only downfall is the focusing on the negative things that could possibly happen. Those things don't deserve **too** much space in our heads.
I try to help my aries with this.

^^^EXACTLY!! And I hate the fact that I DO focus so much on the negative "what-ifs" but I do! I think it's a true fear of the unknown thing, and seeing as though we are impulsive and will "tackle" it anyway, we'd rather skip that damn step altogether, whether it's a scenario or not, and possibly miss out on a good thing....Me and My sun have a love/hate relationship Tongue
Posted by BlueAries23
I'm not the only one - as crappy as it is that we're all going through it

Yes I think most Aries have this issue/flaw, don't worry yourself. And it is good to know its a mistake often made by others. I only get obsessive when a man I care about/love hurts me or breaks my heart. I will "banish" him out of my life so to speak but one does still care and that's what makes it hard. The advice ReallyNice gave is good. Also meditation or something that puts the mind at peace will help. It's been helping me. Some signs just have little empathy and things just roll off them as they are so detached. But rams give a lot. Of themselves, time, attention, love ect and it hurts to know one it's being taken advantage of. So letting go it's not at all easy x