Odd behavior

My Aries sister in law is here visiting. We only see her once a year, so I’m not getting wound up over anything she says or does...and besides we do get along fine honestly... just trying to understand this behavior. Anyway...on four separate occasion...

This topic was created in the Aries forum by brianafay on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 and has 52 replies.
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Posted by dillweed
Posted by brianafay

Maybe all that Aries is basically just like a bad aspected Libra

i have a theory about too much of one sign in a natal chart: it begins to act like it’s opposite. i see it most with virgo/pisces axis but ya, to me, it takes on the overbearing qualities of the opposite sign.

really interesting.
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this is true and you're not the first to mention this

and they don't even notice

like that pisces guy complaining about some girl with like 5 virgo placements

then mentions how he usually dates other pisces and in my head i'm like: "oh shut up that's just basically another pisces."

i mean look at fiona apple with that virgo sun/virgo moon and you tell me that's not a pisces-ish vibe virgo

anyway, there's a pisces sun/pisces moon i shall not name who likes to argue about semantics, as i always expect
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatch
Posted by brianafay

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JFC it's like the antichrist 🤣😂🤣
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Here’s another good one.

She tells me tonight her dad and stepmom are going to their time share in Orlando next week for the Holiday so she was thinking of staying and going with them to go to Universal and Disney since there likely won’t be crowds...but then again, she doesn’t know if she should leave her husband alone at home another week, even though she mentioned it to him and he seemed fine with it.

I’m like well and it’s Thanksgiving next week, isn’t he going to be alone?

She’s like “well yeah, but I don’t think he cares honestly”

She seemed totally convinced this was a great idea

In my head I was like are you fucking seriously this self absorbed and delusional?!?!

But instead I was just like yeah idk about that, seems like a trap lol (he’s a Cap)

She’s like “you think?”

Totally clueless

Now she texted me a little while ago and was like “you were right. He’s pissed I even mentioned staying. I’m so dumb”
