Please help. Can Taurus man get Aries woman back?
Hi everyone. PLEASE HELP! I hope it's not too long, because I really need some advice. I was dating an aries girl, I'm 46 and she is 42, for about 10 months. We've not been "together" for almost 6 weeks. The realationship started off great, although she told me at first it probably wasn't a good time to meet her because she had recently got out of an 8 month relationship where the guy was cheating on her the whole time, and she was really into him. I didn't give up though and she seemed to be past the recent relationship and things were going great with us. I was very supportive with her and told her I would never, ever do anything like that and would not hurt her in anyway. We met eachothers families and spent a lot of time together, and with her kids. She has two. One 17 and one 13.
Anyway, at the last 2 weeks of the relationship she seemed to be pulling away, like not spending as much time together, until the dreadful day I got her phone call in the morning. She told me she needed some time to figure things out. What she wanted and how she felt. I was not standoffish, but told her that is not what I wanted, but also told her I understand, and if that is what she needs I would give it to her, because I am willing to do anything for her.
A few days go by and she texts me and says she figures I don't want to hear from her, but want me to know she has been thinking of me andshe wants to thank me for respecting that she needs to figure things out, and that I hope I know it was hard for her, and she does care for and respect me. I texted her back that not hearing from her is the last thing I wanted and that I love her, and want to be with her forever, but although it is extremely hard for me, I am still willing to give her what she needs.
I let a week and a half go by and couldn't take it anymore, and texted her that I am trying so hard to give her what she wants, but not seeing, being with, talking to her, is the hardest thing I had to do, and that I hope I am doing the right thing. She texted me back, bringing up the past relationship she was in and how it really hurt her, and jumping right into another realationship so fast. She told me no matter what I think please know that she misses me and thinks about me. I let a week go by and asked to call me and she did. She basically told me the same things, and that there is not a day that goes by that she doesn't miss me or think about me.
Ok finishing up. LOL. We saw eachother out the other night. S
Ok finishing up. LOL. We saw eachother out the other night. She was with her girl friend and brother. I knew she was there, but wanted to see what she would do. She eventually came up to me and we started talking. She finally asked me if she could hug me. I said yes and as I did I told her I loved her and she never has to ask if she can hug me. She squeezed tighter. And then she kissed me, then went back to her friend and brother, and said she hopes I'm not leaving and that she will see me later.. Later we danced and kissed again. I walked her out to her car with her friend, and tried to get her friend to drive, but she wouldn't. told me she'd text me when she got home. She did. I told her thank you for a great night and sweet dreams beautiful. I always did.
Last one. LOL. The next day she texts me and says thank you for my concern last night, but she was ok. I told her that there was NEVER a time I wasn't going to be concerned about her, and that it was nice to see her smiling and having a good time. She told me it was nice to see me having a good time too. I told her that it may have seemed like I was happy, but wasn't, and not a day goes by I don't wish she would change her mind about us, and the only time I was truly happy was when she hugged me and we kissed, and then danced together. She replied, "I don't know what to say. I do think about and miss you. Goodnight." I told her she didn't HAVE to say anything and sweet dreams beautiful That is the last contact since 6 days ago. Please. Someone who is an Aries help me. She is the most beautiful thing to me, and love her. I don't want to lose her but don't know what to do now.
Hi. I'm a Taurus and she is an aries. I just don't know if I should be fighting for her. Ya know sending flowers and things or just leaving her alone.
Signed Up:
Sep 21, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 27
Sounds like she likes you but.... Wow. I am not experienced with Aries women. I do feel for you. As a fellow earth sign get how and what you were doing. The firm steadfastness she requested and the tenderness she clinged to. However a part of me does not understand how she can be so warm to you and so far aprt from you.
Maybe you should break the stalemate by asking her to go to a movie with you because you don't want to go alone. (its a ruse ofcourse) And ask her where she is with you two.
I could understand the whole hung up on the ex thing if it was only a couple months into our relationship, but this is after 10 months.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
I'm an Aries. What's her birth info?
What's your Mars sign?
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Sep 29, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 1652 · Topics: 19
You are a Taurus, damnit, act like one!!! That is, be warm, kind, caring, and determined.
It may take your Aries a bit to admit it, but it is my opinion that she is way into you. She just wants to be sure about you, and herself. She most certainly wouldn't have approached you, kissed and hugged you if she weren't.
It could possibly take sometime to convince her that you are what she really wants. For a bunch of females who are supposedly off like a shot, they can sure make a guy wait around for a long time. If anything, I would say you made a mistake by not approaching her, and doing so directly. As previously noted, flowers certainly won't hurt. Calling and chatting is a good thing. Whatever, but for heavens sake, don't wait for an invitation!!!!
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Sep 21, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 27
It sounds like he contacted her. (My own personal prejudice) Is this other guy an Aquarius? They seem to be able to play these games with women.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
Posted by dofacc
You are a Taurus, damnit, act like one!!! That is, be warm, kind, caring, and determined.
It may take your Aries a bit to admit it, but it is my opinion that she is way into you. She just wants to be sure about you, and herself. She most certainly wouldn't have approached you, kissed and hugged you if she weren't.
It could possibly take sometime to convince her that you are what she really wants. For a bunch of females who are supposedly off like a shot, they can sure make a guy wait around for a long time. If anything, I would say you made a mistake by not approaching her, and doing so directly. As previously noted, flowers certainly won't hurt. Calling and chatting is a good thing. Whatever, but for heavens sake, don't wait for an invitation!!!!
Yeah, dofacc is right. She seems like me. You really have to be determined... I must say.Signed Up:
Sep 21, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 27
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by miamivirgo
It sounds like he contacted her. (My own personal prejudice) Is this other guy an Aquarius? They seem to be able to play these games with women.
random lol. Why do you say that?
click to expand
Everything is going great then *BAM* she pulls up cold and asks him to give her space. As she figures things out if she wants the ole relationship she had while not losing the new one she's got.
Mate insurance as it were.
Aquarius people will do this to ex's Its that duality inthem.Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
As a Venus Aqua, I understand what he's implying I think. That's one reason I want to do her chart.
Hey VenusAquarius. She was born april 16, 1971. Not totally sure about her year though. She's 4 years younger than me. I looked on a chart and it said my mars was in Libra. I was born May 7, 1967. We were both born in New Jersey. Don't know the times though.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
Miamvirgo, no worries though, a Virgo with Mars in Taurus has me on lock...
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
Posted by Bweekzzz
Hey VenusAquarius. She was born april 16, 1971. Not totally sure about her year though. She's 4 years younger than me. I looked on a chart and it said my mars was in Libra. I was born May 7, 1967. We were both born in New Jersey. Don't know the times though.
Nice, I'll do my thing and report.Signed Up:
Sep 21, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 27
Posted by VenusAquarius
Miamvirgo, no worries though, a Virgo with Mars in Taurus has me on lock...
I'm not worried.Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
I suspected some Air... Libra... huh.
Hey MiamiVirgo. As far as I know she hasn't had any contact with the ex, so I don't understand why it would be a case of wanting the old relationship while not losing ours. Apparantly he tried to get back with her afterwards (before I met her), and she said no, and hasn't heard from him since.
Signed Up:
Sep 21, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 27
Well I would try and see if the ex has contacted her.
That's what it said my mars was. hopefully i did it right. that's why i gave you our birthdates just in case.
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Sep 21, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 27
180 degree turn around huh? And citing ex as reason for wanting distance. Still (kinda) talking to you but no clear understanding of where she is.
Sounds like someone is in the picture and you are odd man out until she figures her stuff out.
I still say you should try and hang out with her in a non dating way. Smooth down the romance and work on the friendship. If she's insecure about you that would help but again something changed and how she is dealing with it you can get from her star signs but the choice is ultimately hers.
Just figuring out why and when will help.
OK MiamiVirgo, how's this sound? Text her and ask her if she wants to go to a movie or bowling. Tell her just because we are no longer oficially together doesn't mean we can't still do things together.
VenusAquarius. Thanks for doing the chart for me. Excited to hear what you find.
Hey Feby. Don't understand. Are you saying you think he hasn't contacted her anymore since she said no?
I do, but I would want to do it in person. I'm thinking I'm going to text her and ask her to go to the the movies or bowling. Just because we aren't officially together doesn't mean we can't still do things together.
I'm almost afraid of the response text from her though. What is she says no. I know, I know. Give up. LOL
I guess what I need to figure out is do I go all out with flowers and things or do like others said and just ask her to the movies. So hard to figure out the right thing to do. I would buy her a million flowers it would bring her back, but is it too much. Is just the movies and hanging out too little. My brain is going to blow up and my heart has the biggest hole in it now.
How about I send her the flowers and tell her I will be waiting at a local restaurant for something to eat and drink, and then the movies? I'll tell her a time and tell her I will be there if she wants to come.
Hey Feby. Just texted her. Just waiting for response.
Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
The two of you could make for a fine relationship. You guys have a lot of conjunctions in your synastry and trines but they are not very significant and just show closeness in generation, not hitting the inner planets much.
Looking at her chart alone, I figured that she thinks you're too good to be true. And later looking at the synastry, with all the conjunctions, I do believe that she believes that you are too good to be true. Strangely, you have a personality that is a little more intense and a little more domineering, excitable than hers. You seem to have a lot of squares in your chart due to Venus in Gemini, Pluto in Virgo, Moon Aries, Mars Libra, Jupiter Cancer. You seem intense. She definitely feels like the one to you as you guys have the Sun Conjunct Moon which is popularly considered a marriage aspect. It would be more comfortable if she would be better as the Moon person.
Her Moon Placement is questionable, of course with no birth time. The Moon was in late degrees of Sagittarius up unto about 9am. Regardless, it would be such a late degree of Sag, 25 degrees. If she has Moon in Capricorn, you've got your work cut out for you. The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn. Not that in touch with emotions and will hide, hide, hide how they feel as well as not into taking emotional risks. The Moon is difficult to recover and to penetrate through...a serious emotional wall. Dark times are very dark and private. It has some very negative aspects too. Even if her Moon is in late degree Sag, you still have your work cut out for you because the synastry aspects between the two of you involving the Moon will be more in number and almost all are negative.
Moon opposition Venus (Venus is unappreciated, putting on appearances)
Moon square Uranus (attachment avoidance)
Moon square Pluto (possession, jealousy)
Moon square Chiron (Chiron person, you,trigger past painful memories)
Venus Conjunct Chiron (you trigger, but can lead the way to healing)
Astrology is like probability and statics and this is where I analyzed Chiron (the healing aspect)by degree. Moon Square Chiron is at 3 degrees where Venus Conjunct Chiron, the more pleasant aspect, is at 7 degrees. So, the negative aspects seems to take precedence over the positive one. Some say Venus Conjunct Chiron is the true love aspect because it is the ability to heal, forgive each other.
Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
each other through empathy. It seems that you need to focus more on relating, comforting, and truly caring, than chasing, courting. You cannot dismiss her feelings at all.
I'm wondering if you have had sex yet. This seems to be an area that may need some work. You have Mars Square Mars and possiblyVenus Square Venus as well as a definite Venus Opposition Pluto with you being the Pluto in this aspect. She has Venus Opposition Pluto in her natal chart. The fact that your Venuses and Mars are not in fixed signs is adds some hope but, makes the outcome less predictable.
I looked for deception... it didn't see it outright, usually represented via Neptune and perhaps even Pluto. So, when I??m looking for sexual attraction, I find it in a Venus Opposition Pluto aspect and that is usually a bit of game playing out of insecurity in intensity of emotions felt by these folks. A nicer way to put it would be seductive manipulation. What compounds the problem may be Pluto Square Venus with the Aries being Pluto in this aspect. But, it seems you need this aspect as it is the most representative of a sexual attraction that I can find. Too bad it is not a trine or a sextile.
I hope this helps. I could be more accurate with the birth times as I would have been able to see what houses are populated, examining the 1st, 7th, and 8th houses are crucial. I would have also been able to predict an outcome by doing a Composite chart. You must have a birth time for the Composite.
It's gonna be tough, good luck.
Signed Up:
Jun 05, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 29
Everything is going great then *BAM* she pulls up cold and asks him to give her space. As she figures things out if she wants the ole relationship she had while not losing the new one she's got.
Mate insurance as it were.
Aquarius people will do this to ex's Its that duality inthem.
I've done this to some people I have dated while we were dating and to ex's. I don't do it intentionally, nor is it something pre-meditated, a switch literally just turns off. It catches me off guard just as much as the other person. It kind of sucks sometimes, for myself as well.
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
Just something that happens when you dating other people and that this something happens and you no longer want to date them.
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
Is there any chance of you having a talk with her?
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
Everything is going great then *BAM* she pulls up cold and asks him to give her space. As she figures things out if she wants the ole relationship she had while not losing the new one she's got.
Mate insurance as it were.
Aquarius people will do this to ex's Its that duality inthem.
I've done this to some people I have dated while we were dating and to ex's. I don't do it intentionally, nor is it something pre-meditated, a switch literally just turns off. It catches me off guard just as much as the other person. It kind of sucks sometimes, for myself as well.
Just something that happens when you dating other people and that this something happens and you no longer want to date them.
Signed Up:
Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
This switch thing Rae is talking about. Happens all the time.
Although in this instance of Bweekzzz's this has not happened.
I also ask if there is any chance of having a talk to her?
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
How do I can these messages to come out properly?
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
Too mixed up
With the topic at hand, I feel the switch thing doesnt apply here and there is the question of asking her to talk with you?
Signed Up:
Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
Is that cleart?
Hey everyone. Sorry, haven't been here today. Slept, and am now with a friend drinking. Anyway. I text her last night. Said, "Hey. Want to go to the movies tomorrow or Saturday. Want to be my company?" No response last night, but she called me today. She said she fell asleep on the couch, which I believed, because she was always doing that. She works all day, and has two teenagers, so she was always falling asleep. She said she didn't want me to think she was hiding behind a text message since she didn't respond last night. I told her that I knew her better than that and she should know I wouldn't think that. She told me she couldn't go to the movies with me this week because she had a meeting after work, and that her girlfriend wasn't going to have her kids this weekend and wanted to go out. I told her ok, because I was never against her going out with her friend. I know it's her girl friend because she is and has always been the only person I've ever seen her with. Before we were together and the other night when I saw her out.
We talked for about an hour and a half. She told me that she is so f'd up in the head and doesn't know what she wants. She told me that I am an amazing guy, but doesn't want to hurt me, by keeping things going any longer if she is so confused and doesn't know what she want's now, and figuring out later she doesn't want "us" which will hurt me even more. I asked her why then not, not cut things totally off, and just take things slower. She told me, because it won't change the fact that she is confused, and she needs time to figure things out. In the end, I told her that she is an amazing woman (which she always tells me she is not, but I always tell to stop and start believing it because she is. I gave her examples of how she is also.) and that I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. I told her although it is going to be extremely hard for me, I am going to give her what she is saying she needs right now, because I do love her and that means giving her what she needs. She told me it's not right to ask me to wait for her. I told her that, that is my choice and that is what I am going to do until she tells me there is no hope for "us" at all. At first she sounded mad, because she felt bad about me waiting, but then said that she hasn't totally given up on "us". I told her at the end of the talk, that I love her and that I would be here for her no matter what. To talk about anything
I am however going to send her flowers tomorrow. She sounded upset and even started to cry at one point. I told her I didn't want her to be upset and have a bad rest of the day at work because of me.
One thing I do regret doing is asking her if this all had to do with the ex contacting her or not. I just didn't want to accuse her of something if it is not true. I did talk to a female friend of mine who asked me the same thing others have. "Are you sure it's not the ex?" Maybe I'm just trying to convince myself, but I really don't think it is. She does have A LOT going on in her life. I am thinking about calling her or if she calls me tomorrow of asking her. Telling her if she really cares about me she will tell me the truth.
Anyway I've been drinking and have probably left some stuff out, but that's most of it I think. Thanks all for the thoughts. I will come back tomorrow, and hopefully you have more insight.
Signed Up:
Mar 12, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 144 · Topics: 17
Don't send her flowers. She already knows you care about her--it's her turn to return the favor. If you can breathe without her, live without, do everything without her, she won't want to be without you. Aries women need men stronger than them. This is why I adore Taurus men, MOST of them--because they are able to give us the distance that we need--I've always gone back to a Taurus, but I initiate contact first and make sure it's a while to see how long they can stand their ground. However, most times when I come back --- they go off the wall crazy -- expressing more interest than before -- etc. and this is when I run away again.
It doesn't make sense to me what she's so confused about? She states you're an amazing guy so why wouldn't she want happiness and love. If she knows your amazing and a great guy then she should want you around more so she can learn more about you and keep an eye on you to make sure she doesn't repeat the same pattern like with the last guy.
She had a bad relationship, okay, it happens. It was months ago and now she's got a great guy so why stall this one because of that one. She's confused because she loves the guy that cheated on her the whole relationship? Seriously? Why would she even consider going back to that! Sounds like she doesn't feel she deserved to be happy or loved. Sad really she's creating her own misery and causing you pain and heartache because of it.
Signed Up:
May 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 12
Stop telling her you love her.
You've come on too strong I think.
I'm an Aries, single mom, one teenage daughter - so I know what I'm talking about.
You're coming on too strong. She's got a lot to think about and sort out and she's telling you "I have to do this alone and figure it out" no matter the reason she just can't up and say "yep, you're right, you are the perfect guy, let's do this"...she's just not. That's not how Aries operate.
Where's the adventure, the chase, the fun and games. I don't mean playing games, but Aries is all about excite and fun. We're all about the challenge, again, NOT about playing games, but we don't like it when a guy just throws himself at our feet - as perfect as you sound.
Yes, she's creating her own misery; but it's what we do sometimes - we won't stay there long - give us time, us Aries will snap out of it pretty quickly - but on our own time.
Hang around and wait all you want, but I suggest truly giving her some major space - I'm talking weeks of no contact; no flowers, no texts just to say "hi". Give her a chance to reach out to you and when she does, don't profess everything you feel right then and there. If she doesn't contact you, well as the saying goes, "if it's meant to be she'll come back, if it it's not meant to be LET IT BE."
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
I'm not an Aries but I have an Aries best friend who's like my sister. She always gets into this type of situation with Taurus and Leo men.
Reading your OP, it sounded like you met my friend
). She's the type that goes with the flow and lets a relationship develop organically. If she likes you, she spends a lot of time of you, enjoying your company. She is really touchy and affectionate but she doesn't take it further.
She hates all relationship talk and "where is this going?" type of discussion. Well, it's not that she hates it but it's hard for her not to feel pressured when this thing arises. I told her from an outsider point of view, it looks like she is leading men on but that's not what she's doing. If there's anything going on in her life she won't say it and will hope you understand where she is at and how to move from that point on.
IMO, your best bet is to remain determined and present in her life but skip anything hinting to how strong her feelings are. By all means, be yourself but tone it down a notch and let it flourish from there. Signed Up:
Dec 09, 2013Comments: 8 · Posts: 678 · Topics: 22
Hey Bweekzzz, did you get her back? :/