What is it Like to Be You?
I like this post so much because i write a fantasy book too. I'm an aries sun, aries moon 17 yo guy. And I can respond you to your questions very well. *srry for bad english*
1. I think about myself as the protagonist of my whole life, and I also see my life like a book writen by myself. So I'm the protagonsit and the writer at the same time. So in theory this means that I can make myself the best character in the whole book and thats what I will try to do. This is the root of the aries, "I want to be the best" mentality. So when we recive a good education and have a good set of moral values we will allways try to be the sellfles knight in shining armor that fight with the evil to protect the weak. The pure hearted hero, thats the ultimate goal I have in mind for myself. As a fictional character search for Goku or Naruto in anime. They were personages that influenced me the most. If we have a bad mentality we will seek to have what we value the most in others, so aries will pursue money or power if this thing have the most importance to them and gives them the feeling that will make them "the best". I will never lose my sense of identity. I dont care how many ppl will tell me that I'm wrong, I will do what i want with passion and I will never conform to standards that I dont accept in a group.
2. Overthinking is a trait for insecure individuals, no matter wich sign they are. We start to be insecure when is something that give us the sensation that we have a problem that stop us for reaching our potential. Most of my teen years the idea that bothered me the most whas that "I'm not good enough because of myself and if I didnt got something that I wanted was because I wasnt good enough to take it.". We have depresions and we are moody when something bothers our mind constantly and in that time we oscilate with a tendency for bipolarity. Is just my case, I cant speak for someone else. I can say that we live our emotions with passion for short amounts of time and when we prefer to be anger over sadness simply because is a confortable state for showing our explosive feeling than sadness. We become sad when we keep our anger inside for long enough.
3. Sensitive? I'm very sensitive, but just to the one thing that have my focus. Aries mind is simple... We have one single chanell that have all our focus and passion. If I'm payng attention to what a particular person say I will be very sensitive, in the other hand if that person or situation didnt have my attention I give 0 f*cks. Literally,
4. When order is needed to achieve our goal (and is often needed) we pay a lot of attention to it, but if we dont see it as something needed (often as kids and yong adults) we are sloppy and have a tendency to live in dissorder.
5. Nobody cant understand my big dreams and the passion that fuels them. I think almost all aries feel somehow like that.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Do you have a concrete idea of who you are? Or do you lose your sense of self in groups of people/when you think about it too much?
I know exactly who I am, and I would never change or compromise my own personality, beliefs or morals for a group of "friends" much to my own chagrin.
Do you tend to have anxiety/overthink or do you think too little?
Both, I tend to feel an overwhelming amount of anxiety when the "spotlight" is on me, I hate it.
I overthink and second guess myself when I'm taking a test or a final.
I spent all of last week thinking I failed my first economics exam, when in actuality, I got a B.
I definitely do not give myself the benefit of the doubt.
Are you sensitive?
In what way? I always try to live by the "treat people how you want to be treated rule", at least in real life. Even if my initial reaction is "wtf is wrong with this person?"
If you're wondering whether my feelings are easily hurt, that also depends.
Certain things bother me more than others.
Are you regimented?
Only with things that matter.
Do you prefer disorganization or organization?
I would like to be a bit more organized, but it never works out.
Almost every morning I struggle to find my wallet.
Do you feel people misinterpret your intentions or do you feel mostly understood?
I think people see and hear me as a bit more grumpy than I really am. I like to be sarcastic, and I think the people around me tend to take it a bit more personally than intended.
But, I'm also surrounded by cancer/cancer influenced people.
Do you seem to attract/be attracted to certain types of people? And if so, who?
Unavailable types. Mostly gay men, and people who live far away from me.
Do you have parts about yourself you'd like to change?
Yes, I'd like to change everything negative that I've written about myself in the questions above.
But, like I mentioned in another thread, people normally don't change until they have hit rock bottom.
Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open?
I'm definitely guarded - even online. I will type up a long reply, or think of a thread I'd like to start, and usually I'll delete it - I think that also ties in with my anxiety.
Are you lazy?
If you asked my parents, they would tell you yes.
However, I have put certain things on hold due to fear. Like getting a job, or my drivers license. I'm not exactly afraid of having a job in general, it's the interview before the job that I'm most worried about.
Everything pretty much relates back to my anxiety.
On the other hand, I also hate doing mundane things, like folding laundry, or taking the water bottles out of my room.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Do you often get frustrated with others? Do others get frustrated with you?
I try not to stress the big things. I do like my space, and I wish more people would respect it.
I have a family member who likes to spite me by touching my food (when they know I'm a huge germ freak), and then they get upset when I won't eat what they touched. That frustrates me, and her.
What is the most satisfying feeling in your opinion?
Apart from passing a test, following through on something is satisfying to me. I have paper due tomorrow that is 2,000 words, so I'm sure I'll feel relieved when (if) I finish it.
I like being caught up on all my work.
Freedom feels nice.
6. I'm attracted to strong personalities, mostly fixed signs in my case (I like aquarius girls, but my Venus have a bigg influence in this situation). We search for individuals to compete with (and some times individuals to conquer) because competition is the best way for us to get stornger. I want to prove myself so I need a worthy opponent, and I search for an opponent in my friends and even in my lover. Someone that will have the strenght to fight us when we are wrong and to fight beside us when we are right have the best influence on us, so I'm attracted to that kind of people.
7. The part about myself that I like to change is my tendency to hold on on what I want even if it doesnt depends on me. If its another person decision you cant force it to be your way. So I encountered some times in my life when i losed because i was unable to let go. This is my biggest minus. This and the fact that I put to much trust in people. All other flaws i see in myself are changable trough hard work and motivation and I already change myself every day to become a better guy. But we are willing to change just because if its our choice and if someone tries to make us act in a way that we dont accept bad things happen.
8. I allways see only the full part of the glass, never the empty one. We are one of the most optimistic signs, and that optimism transfers in our interhuman relationships, often resulting in us puting to much trust in someone. Anyway, often my optimism regarding someone is so contagious as they end up becoming a better person. But were times when people used me because of my good nature.
9. In us lazyness comes as a self-sufficency sentiment. Is temporary and it persist until we find another big objective to pursue.
10. Yes, because we have big dreams, and big dreams require struggle and effort that most off the time we will do alone because the others cant understand why our goal is so big. We get frustrated, but just as a part of growing stronger.
!!. Extreme anger make me feel very strong (and scary), the feeling you have when you get a new brilliant idea makes me very excited and the feeling that we live for is the wild, passionate, movie-like love. Love is the only state in wich we can reach perfection and we feel in peace. Thats why aries are passionate and incurable romantics. We live to love with all our heart and soul.
Hope that this description will help you drawing your character. I have ben honored to take part in the proces with this little story 
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
I'm an Aries sun, mercury and mars, Virgo moon and Sagittarius rising.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1914 · Posts: 16992 · Topics: 108
Do you have a concrete idea of who you are? Or do you lose your sense of self in groups of people/when you think about it too much?
Answer: I know enough about myself to know most people should know nothing about myself.
Do you tend to have anxiety/overthink or do you think too little?
Answer: Yes, I can be a nervous worrier.
Are you sensitive?
Answer: Yes. I'm also very defensive and feel like I have to guard myself and opinions from every little thing.
Are you regimented?
Answer: Somewhat. I love things to be organized.
Do you feel people misinterpret your intentions or do you feel mostly understood?
Answer: I honestly don't know. I can normally get my point across even if it means using myself as an example.
Do you seem to attract/be attracted to certain types of people? And if so, who?
Answer: Not that Im aware of.
Do you have parts about yourself you'd like to change?
Answer: Yes. The fact of going from 0 to 100 within seconds, and purposely hurting people because they offended me.
Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open?
Answer: It really depends on the people and place.
Are you lazy?
Answer: Yes
Do you often get frustrated with others? Do others get frustrated with you?
Answer: Yes and yes
What is the most satisfying feeling in your opinion?
Answer: Good news.
Leo sun Scorpio moon.
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Aug 23, 2015Comments: 69 · Posts: 2006 · Topics: 56
*Do you have a concrete idea of who you are? Or do you lose your sense of self in groups of people/when you think about it too much?*
Yes, for the most part but with my rising sign being my opposites, in groups (especially of people I barely know), I tend to filter myself.
*Do you tend to have anxiety/overthink or do you think too little?*
Yes, I have anxiety. Especially social anxiety.
*Are you sensitive?*
50/50. I tend to be honest with myself so that helps.
*Are you regimented?*
I try to be. It's a goal I'm working on. But you can find me being regimented every one in a while.
*Do you prefer disorganization or organization?.*
Definitely organization. There's nothing more frustrating than needing something right then and there and you can't find it. I do not have the patience.
*Do you feel people misinterpret your intentions or do you feel mostly understood?*
50/50. It depends on who the person or people are. With people I'm comfortable with, I much more communicative. With people who I'm not comfortable with, I try to keep communication as short as possible that I even find myself just going with the flow even if it's not exactly what I want.
*Do you seem to attract/be attracted to certain types of people? And if so, who?*
Actually, different types. Types I would have never thought would even be attracted to me. It's really funny actually. It tends to be the least expected people who are attracted to me. But, I definitely find myself being attracted to two types of people.
*Do you have parts about yourself you'd like to change?*
Oh yes. For example, how hard-headed I can be. I've been working on that.
*Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open?*
Again, depends on the person or people. I'm the total opposite of what I really am around people I'm not comfortable around. But when I'm comfortable, I'm mostly an open book.
*Are you lazy?*
I don't think so but people say I am.
*Do you often get frustrated with others? Do others get frustrated with you?*
Yes, both and very often. Usually it's they don't like how critical and judgmental I am and I don't like how disingenuous and ridiculous they are.
*What is the most satisfying feeling in your opinion?*
Helping people or meeting someone who appreciates me or finds me interesting.
I have a Sagittarius moon if that helps.
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Aug 23, 2015Comments: 69 · Posts: 2006 · Topics: 56
My question is- what is it like to be an Aries? Being aries is either the absolute best or the worst. I have ADHD and my doctor and I have gone back and forth about me being bipolar. I'm not even sure if I am or not. I do not think so, based on the fact that I have heard other aries describe the same experience (high high's, low low's) and I think it is just a trait of the Aries condition. I am a highly introspective Aries and I think I am more evolved than other aries due to having a lot of experience for my age (and I have a Virgo moon).
As an Aries, I am fueled by new situations. I love to find something new and make it great. I can see so much potential and all the steps to making something succeed are clearly laid out to me. Nothing ever appears easy. If it seems like it will be easy, I change my approach because I know you don't get anywhere unless it is hard. I tend to over commit so I can get myself into a position with some power and make an impact. I take responsibility for everything that goes wrong, even if it is not my fault. That can be very draining with the wrong kind of people. It is so hard for me to give up on a project I see potential in. This is why when things go bad, they tend to go VERY BAD before I finally get so overwhelmed and stressed out, I just give up. Often leaving things poorly. It's hard for me to leave when things are at all good. Sometimes everything works out well. I am learning overtime to walk away from projects that will be too difficult due to the people or situation. Not everything is my fault and sometimes there is nothing you can do. I still (deep down) blame myself for everything. This is why I tend to get very depressed and disappointed with myself after failing.
Do you have a concrete idea of who you are? I am brutally honest with myself. I cannot pretend to like or dislike anything. To be myself I have to do what I WANT to do in the moment. Which I know isn't always the best choice for me. I have to experience everything for myself. Someone trying to tell me not to try something I have never experienced will usually just push me to try it more. I will try anything once, a few things twice and very rarely anything three times. I used to be driven by my competitive nature. Over the years, I have shifted into being driven by something else. I realized I will never be the best at anything (there will always be someone better) but I can be the best ME at everything. I sometimes watch others who started at the same time as me to gauge my progress, but I don't care about beating them. I want to lift up those around me not tear them down because we all get better as a group. However, I do put on a competitve persona because no one trusts someone who acts selfless anyways (including myself lol).
Or do you lose your sense of self in groups of people/when you think about it too much? I lose myself when I stop doing what I want for some reason. If I am shut down by a bully when I try to say something.
If I feel like people don't beleive me when I am geniunely saying something. Mostly, if I am afraid in the moment to do or say something, then the moment passes, and it's too late. That happens a a few times and I can't be myself. If I am not doing what I want, I don't know what to say anymore. I can give one or two fake responses, no problem. After that, I have no idea what to say. I have no interest in pretending to be what I am not. However, it's hard for me to admit that I lied in the first palce. I can't lie very well. Regardless, I think it's a waste of time to be with anyone who makes me feel like I can't be myself. Sometimes I could have if I just wouldn't have fucked it all up though. That's what streesses me out.
Do you tend to have anxiety/overthink or do you think too little? The only time I get anxiety is if I failed to be myself around someone and they rejected me. If someone doesn't like me for me, that is fine. We are not compatible. However, if I wasn't being myself I feel like I might have missed out on something. I think very hard to try and find ways to go back and fix it, show them who I really am, but first impressions are difficult to do over. I often fail to realize that other people sometimes "reject me" due to their own issues. This is where my "selfish" nature comes into play. I tend to think everything that goees wrong is my fault. When, maybe my new friend's parent just died and they haven't told me. That's why they haven't called me back. But I stress out over it thinking it is all my fault, al lthe things I did wrong, when their actions had nothing to do with me at all. I thinki that is very "selfish" (thinking about myself instead of them) but my actions are very selfless. I refuse to let anyone I care about want or need something. If I can give someone who deserve it happiness someway, I will. I do not expect anything in return, not even for them to like me. But it hurts a little when people don't see this side of me (they tend to be blind to it).
Are you sensitive?
No. I am brutally honest with myself. 95% of the time if someone comes to me with a criticism my immediate thought is: I am aware of that and I am already taking these steps to fix it OR I am aware of it and I think that is is actually a positive trait. I HATE trying to explain myself, esepcially when I am very aware of my so called fault already. I would rather people just observe me and figure out that our imperfections are what set us apart as people. Our confilcts make ups interesting. I do not seek perfection. I seek honesty. What really annoys me is when someone gives me advice without me asking for it. I don't do that to other people unless I REALLY know them well. Sometimes I talk about my problems to try and relate to someone or vent. I am rarely looking for advice. However, some of my closest friends have pointed out things to me that really shifted my perspective. It's not that I am closed minded, I am just annoyed because I am honees
I am honeest with myself, aware of most of my issues, and I don't like to explain myself. Stick around and see why I am the way I am, if I am actually that way all the time. My actions speak louder than my words. I give people the benefit of the doubt, I really hate it when others don't do the same for me.
Are you regimented? If I have found a project I can commit myself too and see being succesful, I can be very regimented. If I am depressed from a failure or working on projects I don't see a ton of promise in, I might fall off the band wagon and become a total meess.
Do you prefer disorganization or organization? I definitely prefer to be organized. Sometimes I am too distracted by a project to take care of the minor details and stay organized. But I definitely feel better in a clean environment.
Do you feel people misinterpret your intentions or do you feel mostly understood? I am constantly misunderstood. It doesn't bother me because I know if I keep being me, eventually they will see who I a really am. My closest friends all have. The problem is when someone stops paying attention to me, stops trying to figure me out, when I know they have the wrong idea. That is when I get very anxious and feel like I missed an oppurtunity with someone who could have been a close friend. That anxiety usually just drives me to act LESS like myself. I work hard to avoid it by being detatched from people I don't know well or distracting myself with other people / projects when I care too much about a stranger. Sometimees nothing can change how I feel about a person. I know why I like them. I am quick to decide if I disliike or like a new person (but my opinions on anyone and everything can change rapidly with new information).
Do you seem to attract/be attracted to certain types of people? And if so, who? I attract abusers and maniupalaturs. This is because I like to be open, honest and accepted for who I am. I open myself up to these people very quickly. They spot my weaknesses and use them against me. I also don't like to give up at things until I have a good reason too, which makes it hard for me to walk away from someone after spotting red flags. However, the more it happens the easier it is for me to cut them out early on. I have seen the results (I only try things once, twice... rarely three times
Do you have parts about yourself you'd like to change? I really wish I could be dishonest. It seems liike most people have two versions of themselves, the one they present to the world so they can easily make any situation work or work with people they don't like. Then the person who they really are that they only show to closest friends and family. I feel like only the latter part of me exists. I don't know how to be when I have to hold back or hide my true feelings for the good of the situatiion, even if I know it is best.
Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open? I have to put up a guard at first so I can see if I can t Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open? I have to put up a guard at first so I can see if I can trust a person. Then as I get to know them, if I can't start to open up and be myself, I usually just walk away. You cannot be open with a manipulator, so I just cut them out if I think they might be one. IF I can't be myself around someone, I can't be around them. Period.
Are you lazy? No, but people take my depression or my giving up slowly on a hopeless project as laziness, ALL THE TIME. They haven't seen me invigorated by a project yet. Once people have seen me in a hard working mood, they never question my work ethic again.
Do you often get frustrated with others? Do others get frustrated with you? Everyone hates me. That is annoying. I love everyone and I just want to make it work. I am frustrated with their frustration.
What is the most satisfying feeling in your opinion? A person or group of people where I feel totally myself. Where I can relax and do or say whatever I REALLY feel like in the moment. When I try something new and it changes what I WANT on the inside. Everything about me shifts. My perspective on life shits. It feels very real, interesting and relaxing.
If I could sum up Aries in one word it is: IMPATIENT.
Honest, impatient and open minded.
22 year old aries girl, moon in virgo,
Do you have a concrete idea of who you are? Or do you lose your sense of self in groups of people/when you think about it too much?
Very concrete idea of who I am and don't mind letting anyone know either. However, I've learned through experience to be more conservative in nature around group settings and be more watchful and take everything in.
Do you tend to have anxiety/overthink or do you think too little?
Natural instincts are impulsive, I leave it to intuition and then go with it but I always come out of any situation better.
Are you sensitive? VERY!!! More than what is let on. I find it very similar to Scorpio sensitivity. My sensitivity is very private only few will ever see it. If someone has hurt me they'll never know but the depths cut very deep but from that I will rebuild myself even stronger.
Are you regimented? Very organized, self discipline, respect boundaries.
Do you prefer disorganization or organization? Organization all the way.
Do you feel people misinterpret your intentions or do you feel mostly understood? Intentions never misinterpreted because too honest but misunderstood.
Do you seem to attract/be attracted to certain types of people? And if so, who? Always attracted to other Aries but I like strong personalities.
Do you have parts about yourself you'd like to change? No, I am the way I am for better or worse it makes me, me.
Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open? Both, I'm very guarded and open. If someone wants to know something they just have to ask if not I won't tell.
Are you lazy? Never
Do you often get frustrated with others? Do others get frustrated with you?
I'm often frustrated with others, their lack of responsibility, wishy washy ways, lack of concern or respect for others, no depth, followers. I could care less if I frustrate someone.
What is the most satisfying feeling in your opinion? Love, I'm truly at my best when I'm in love.