Who is more powerful in a relationship

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Queenaries2 on Saturday, March 31, 2018 and has 26 replies.
Aries women or Aries men

Aries women are more forceful, it depends on your definition of power.
Dated 2 Aries men. I was the more dominate one or the one with the “power” in both situations.

But I was also the one who cared the least in both situations as well.
Posted by Aries_Luminary
Dated 2 Aries men. I was the more dominate one or the one with the “power” in both situations.

But I was also the one who cared the least in both situations as well.
That’s why you were more powerful
Posted by AriesJo

Aries women are more forceful, it depends on your definition of power.

Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
Aries women are not In a relationship 😄

We are not wanted lol

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
In what kind of situation. Domestic, workwise what
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
I don't think that's true
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Why don’t you?

In my experience when the woman it’s the strongest and don’t give up to their wishes then they respect you and they don’t get bored.
Posted by tnmnt
Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
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There’s always a bit of a power struggle with Aries men. If you relax and don’t try to control them then they don’t respect you, because they want their woman to be strong.

Plus it’s when they feel like they have not control that they feel most in love.

They like the challenge of a difficult woman that doesn’t let herself being dominated.
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
I don't think that's true
Why don’t you?

In my experience when the woman it’s the strongest and don’t give up to their wishes then they respect you and they don’t get bored.
Yes they do like confident strong women but not to control them that's just my opinion, also that's because they like the chase but once they open up to you you gotta let them take the lead, if you try to be controlling they'll get even more stubborn.
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In my opinion they like a woman that brings them to their knees.

Only then they respect you and think you are good enough for them.

With other men you can just love them and relax. With Aries men there’s always a bit of a game.

This whole post is wrong perspective.

Healthy Aries/Aries relationship is equal, and the wiser Ram woman steps down a litte to complement the man.

That doesn’t mean loss of control or submission, that’s balance. Aries and Aries give each other respect and independence while still upholding commitment.

Y’all are obsessed with power play on this site.
Posted by tnmnt
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by tnmnt
Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
There’s always a bit of a power struggle with Aries men. If you relax and don’t try to control them then they don’t respect you, because they want their woman to be strong.

Plus it’s when they feel like they have not control that they feel most in love.

They like the challenge of a difficult woman that doesn’t let herself being dominated.
Interesting...! But in what way does a woman control them? Emotionally?
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Yes. Emotionally.

Physically and mentally there are strong and dominant.

Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
I don't think that's true
Why don’t you?

In my experience when the woman it’s the strongest and don’t give up to their wishes then they respect you and they don’t get bored.
Yes they do like confident strong women but not to control them that's just my opinion, also that's because they like the chase but once they open up to you you gotta let them take the lead, if you try to be controlling they'll get even more stubborn.
In my opinion they like a woman that brings them to their knees.

Only then they respect you and think you are good enough for them.

With other men you can just love them and relax. With Aries men there’s always a bit of a game.

Well in that case I no longer want an Aries man if they only want to play games and be rough with them, I don't really wanna bring any man to their knees just to make him love me or want me even more. I only want to bring a man to hold me into their arms and because that's what he simply wants.

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Don’t take me wrong. Aries men will love you completely.

But in my experience you always have to work for that love if not they get bored.
woman > men
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by SuninLibra
Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
I don't think that's true
Why don’t you?

In my experience when the woman it’s the strongest and don’t give up to their wishes then they respect you and they don’t get bored.
Yes they do like confident strong women but not to control them that's just my opinion, also that's because they like the chase but once they open up to you you gotta let them take the lead, if you try to be controlling they'll get even more stubborn.
In my opinion they like a woman that brings them to their knees.

Only then they respect you and think you are good enough for them.

With other men you can just love them and relax. With Aries men there’s always a bit of a game.

Well in that case I no longer want an Aries man if they only want to play games and be rough with them, I don't really wanna bring any man to their knees just to make him love me or want me even more. I only want to bring a man to hold me into their arms and because that's what he simply wants.

Don’t take me wrong. Aries men will love you completely.

But in my experience you always have to work for that love if not they get bored.
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Most men

Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
Absolutely opposite. Hate when someone try to control. It's useless power struggle and we consider as you bring in source of conflict with it.

BTW I was with an aries woman 12 years, it was no controlling or power games. Was very compassionate relationship
i find if someone has too much cardinal/fixed chart, it's very very controlling.

that's just my experience.

i can't live with a person like that,

i need to be free. and some cardinals can be super controlling, but i haven't really found Aries sun too controlling especially if they have alot of mutable in their chart.

i've seen two aries sun live together, marriage and family and the woman was wearing the pants.
Posted by Sheever
Posted by pisceswoman123

In reality Aries men like to be controlled
Absolutely opposite. Hate when someone try to control. It's useless power struggle and we consider as you bring in source of conflict with it.

BTW I was with an aries woman 12 years, it was no controlling or power games. Was very compassionate relationship
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Ofc you hate it but it makes you want more. You guys get bored when someone loves you completely. You always need a bit of a challenge.

But I mean only emotionally.

There have been a lot of Aries in my life. My father, eldest brother, and closest cousin are all Aries. I had a casual/sexual relationship with one that lasted a couple of months. A manager at my job who I work closely with is a ram, and countless crushes towards them on my part.

It is easy for me to say the women because I have seen Aries men reduced to a shrivel of their former selves and become dependent on their women, while I have yet to meet an Aries woman who is not fiercely independent, or EXTREMELY uncomfortable when they are not. Aries men have this tendency to adopt a defeatist attitude when their woman's the breadwinner, and become complacent. I have found the women to be the exact opposite of this.

We all have different experiences though, but sounds like the forming consensus is in the women's favor. smile
I'm an Aries woman I dated an Aries man from my experience he was more dominate & powerful bc I allowed him to be otherwise we would have killed each other.
Posted by Lowske

I'm an Aries woman I dated an Aries man from my experience he was more dominate & powerful bc I allowed him to be otherwise we would have killed each other.
Posted by macmiller

Posted by RamOfPeace

This whole post is wrong perspective.

Healthy Aries/Aries relationship is equal, and the wiser Ram woman steps down a litte to complement the man.

That doesn’t mean loss of control or submission, that’s balance. Aries and Aries give each other respect and independence while still upholding commitment.

Y’all are obsessed with power play on this site.
This and that ‘queen’ aries person is low self esteem Aries who wants validation from other to make herself feel better. The way she asks these types questions constantly proves that.

Aries women ime are usually strong, independent types who more often than not more stubborn than the men. These 2 signs won’t have a relationship at all if both are healthy but are unwilling to compromise
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She did one of these questions for every sign I believe.

Aries Woman, they are not only forceful, they know all the manipulation tactics of woman. They ve got more

tools in the toolkit.
Posted by macmiller

Posted by RamOfPeace

This whole post is wrong perspective.

Healthy Aries/Aries relationship is equal, and the wiser Ram woman steps down a litte to complement the man.

That doesn’t mean loss of control or submission, that’s balance. Aries and Aries give each other respect and independence while still upholding commitment.

Y’all are obsessed with power play on this site.
This and that ‘queen’ aries person is low self esteem Aries who wants validation from other to make herself feel better. The way she asks these types questions constantly proves that.

Aries women ime are usually strong, independent types who more often than not more stubborn than the men. These 2 signs won’t have a relationship at all if both are healthy but are unwilling to compromise
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