Who is more powerful in a relationship

There have been a lot of Aries in my life. My father, eldest brother, and closest cousin are all Aries. I had a casual/sexual relationship with one that lasted a couple of months. A manager at my job who I work closely with is a ram, and countless crushes towards them on my part.

It is easy for me to say the women because I have seen Aries men reduced to a shrivel of their former selves and become dependent on their women, while I have yet to meet an Aries woman who is not fiercely independent, or EXTREMELY uncomfortable when they are not. Aries men have this tendency to adopt a defeatist attitude when their woman's the breadwinner, and become complacent. I have found the women to be the exact opposite of this.

We all have different experiences though, but sounds like the forming consensus is in the women's favor. smile