? Being single never felt so good ?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Mike79 on Thursday, May 25, 2017 and has 25 replies.
Some times being out of romantic relationships feels really good ... would you agree ?
What parts about it do you like?
There is a LOT to love 'bout travelling solo agreed
My last long-term, very serious relationship was hard to lose. I hated being single for a few months. After that, I loved it. Being single is more natural to me than being paired with someone. I get skiddish about relationships until I've had time to accept the changes a relationship will cause in my life.

I had a couple other girlfriends afterwards that I wasn't happy with at all.

Whenever I think back to the one girl, who scared the shit out of me recently by trying to get back in touch, I appreciate being single even more. What a piece of work. I should've listened to everybody who told me she was bad news. Being single sure beats being shackled to someone like that.
Yes. But I can't stay single too long. Too much Libra here.
Been married for a decade...dunno...l think it was awesome yeah. Society probably decided l'd had too much fun tho
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by wagtail
There is a LOT to love 'bout travelling solo agreed
Not sure I'd enjoy traveling solo (for fun... do it all the time for work of course).

It is awfully nice to have all of your money, time, and obligations be your own though. Do what you want, how you want, on whatever budget you want... no need to consult anybody else when you happen to find a vintage 50s, 60s, or 1970s guitar at a bargain price... etc. smile Low stress.

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I love it.... Love being single love freedom.. No one has ever convinced me being married would be as good.....i can do whatever i want whenever i want...
Posted by andswho
I don't want to be nagged off the couch
Yea me neither.. I hate it when men do that.
Yea it can feel great being single
Life just feels good when you're single maybe not to everyone but to me it sure does ?
Posted by tiziani
Nah I hate being single. But just gotta get on with it.
It's not that bad once you start enjoying life doing the things you enjoy the most
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Mike79
Posted by tiziani
Nah I hate being single. But just gotta get on with it.
It's not that bad once you start enjoying life doing the things you enjoy the most
I suppose lately all I've been doing is working. But I was single for years and did what I enjoyed, still hated being single. Just how I feel.
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It's not for everyone, understandable
For me, being single is better than being in a bad relationship, but not better than being in a good relationship.

Posted by Eddie_Vanjovi
Taurus Venus House III; you know your answer.
You hate being single
Posted by CopperDove
For me, being single is better than being in a bad relationship, but not better than being in a good relationship.

That makes sense!
I've been single for about a year now. Not because it is difficult for me to find a bf, but because I'm not going to get with just anyone right away.

For me, being in a relationship; you're investing your heart, mind, body and soul, and most importantly your life to someone else as they are hopefully doing the same for you. It takes a lot to be in a relationship. No relationship is easy, but it can be less stressful if you're with the right person that you share more in common with/ compatible with.

Do I miss being in a relationship? Sometimes. And other times, I'm ok with being single because I'm not dealing with the headaches and bs that one would deal with when you're with the wrong person at the time. I would like to be in one again someday and hopefully by then; it is with someone I can grow with, succeed with, and enjoy life with. Till then, I'll keep enjoying my life, my success, my friends, etc.
Posted by Mike79
Some times being out of romantic relationships feels really good ... would you agree ?
If there is no hurt feelings yes.
Posted by Mike79
Some times being out of romantic relationships feels really good ... would you agree ?


i got the best of both worlds. I feel single because i'm an aqua sun....

haha. gotta play up the astrology.

but the rest of me is taken and seriously so...romantically and i get cuddles!!! Big Grin and kisses. yay!

(i haven't had my glass of wine yet) but i feel good. and i'm gonna be cooking dinner for family tonight and having a nice glass of white wine! ^___^

so yes! feeling good!

Posted by tiziani
Posted by Mike79
Posted by tiziani
Nah I hate being single. But just gotta get on with it.
It's not that bad once you start enjoying life doing the things you enjoy the most
I suppose lately all I've been doing is working. But I was single for years and did what I enjoyed, still hated being single. Just how I feel.
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So don't be! Is it a problem? Just seems like it shouldn't be...Winking
Posted by Ellygant
Posted by CopperDove
For me, being single is better than being in a bad relationship, but not better than being in a good relationship.

My thoughts exactly.

I was severely lonely and depressed the last year of my long term relationship. I was so lonely. I remember that vividly. And the times I have been terribly lonely single were still not nearly as bad. It's much more painful to be paired up and lonely than single and alone.

Overall I'm enjoying being single more than ever. I still would prefer a partner and close friend to being single the rest of my life.
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I can relate.

Also, there was one relationship that I was in that was so stressful at a certain point that the anxiety I was experiencing daily from it was worse than anything I'd ever experienced in my life. One day I was walking somewhere and I suddenly had a flash in my mind of myself years later if I stayed in the relationship - of what that could do to me, and how I'd be looking back and wishing I'd gotten out sooner. It stopped me in my tracks literally. I knew without question that I had to get out of the relationship ASAP.

Both have their advantages
Posted by Ellygant
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Ellygant
Posted by CopperDove
For me, being single is better than being in a bad relationship, but not better than being in a good relationship.

My thoughts exactly.

I was severely lonely and depressed the last year of my long term relationship. I was so lonely. I remember that vividly. And the times I have been terribly lonely single were still not nearly as bad. It's much more painful to be paired up and lonely than single and alone.

Overall I'm enjoying being single more than ever. I still would prefer a partner and close friend to being single the rest of my life.
I can relate.

Also, there was one relationship that I was in that was so stressful at a certain point that the anxiety I was experiencing daily from it was worse than anything I'd ever experienced in my life. One day I was walking somewhere and I suddenly had a flash in my mind of myself years later if I stayed in the relationship - of what that could do to me, and how I'd be looking back and wishing I'd gotten out sooner. It stopped me in my tracks literally. I knew without question that I had to get out of the relationship ASAP.

I had a moment exactly like that right after my ex proposed. I'd been questioning for months if I should leave or not before he proposed. It took having a poignant moment where I saw a negative trajectory to really make sense though. When I love someone it's easy for my affection to overrule good sense.

Which makes you nervous to be in a relationship again and become very happy and content being single. So full circle on the dating cycle lol.
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It's good that you realized it in time and you could make the right choice for yourself. The poignant moments are so important to heed -- truly a gift to have them. :-).

In contrast, a friend of mine realized a few very negative things about someone he had proposed to, but the wedding was already planned by that time. He went through with the marriage so he wouldn't lose face with his relatives (who had been invited to the ceremony). Looking back, he wished that he hadn't been so concerned about that and he had called everything off - the woman he married turned out to be even worse than what he had picked up on.

Been single forever.

I think working on myself is the best I can do.

I don't know what it's like to have someone to want you. I never receive that from someone.

It's always about convenience for some people.

I may want to have this in my life however I don't think I can offer enough to someone else.

I never feel like I can measure up.

Therefore, I'm single and doing other things to keep my mind busy.
I see there's a lot of happy single people here I'm glad because after reading several threads of difficult relationships I thought the majority of people here struggled in theirs.