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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
5. Hey, Venus! (Love in the Afternoon)
Cross aspects between the Sun and/or Moon in person A's chart and person B's birth Venus.
This is especially intense with conjunctions and oppositions, but trines and sextiles are awfully comfortable and nice. Again, look for a double whammy.
6. Immortal Lovers (Ooh baby, ooh baby)
Now here's one you probably haven't heard of before...
The Immortal Lovers clue concerns the minor asteroids named Eros and Psyche. If this is a relationship between a male and female -- then first look for the male's birth Eros conjuncting the female's birth Psyche. This even appears to work with sign conjunctions which aren't in orb. In my experience, finding this cross aspect between lovers is fairly rare... at the same time, finding a double whammy between family members seems to be fairly common (which is sort of a spooky thought, but consistent with many of the differing theories on reincarnation).
Bringing it down a notch, this also seems to work fairly well with (in orb) aspect oppositions and squares. Then, to a much, much, much lesser degree, it can work with trines and sextiles. (Although, as a strong general rule I don't consider trines and sextiles when comparing Eros and Psyche.)
Then... check to see if anything's up between the female's birth Eros and male's birth Psyche. Finding a double whammy cross aspect between lovers (involving conjunctions, oppositions and squares) is rare...
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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
Anyone got any of these.
With my boyfriend I have 5 of them I think.
1. His moon/Uranus/Saturn conjunct my Ascendant in saggi.
I don't know his birthtime so I don't know if any of my planets conjunct his angles.
2. Don't have unless my Aries/Libra nodes are affected by any of his axis's which I don't know
3. His sun/Venus in capricorn oppose my Vertex in Cancer.
4. His neptune in capricorn opposed my Sun/Mercury/Mars.
My neptune in capricorn conjunct his sun/mercury/venus and sextile his mars (double whammy)
5. His saggi moon opposed my Gemini venus.
His Cappy Venus opposed my Cancer sun (double whammy)
6. His Eros in Saggi (12 degrees) is square my Psyche in virgo (11 degrees)
My Leo Eros (2) sextiles his Gem psyche (8) but that's not so important.
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Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
wow! my libra and i have lots of them.
1. his ASC is conjunct my satturn/sun/venus/mercury. my MC is conjunct his mars.
2. his moon conjuncts my south node. his south node is conjunct my sun/moon/mercury/venus.
3. hmm, his vertex sextiles my vertex and opposes my MC.
4. his neptune trines my south node and conjuncts my neptune. my neptune is conjunct his venus/neptune and trines his moon.
5. there are aspects, both ways, but nothing major.
6. his eros conjuncts my psyche. my eros is square his psyche.
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Mar 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 678 · Topics: 16
Cancerkitten your little thing is kind've confusing..maybe i'm just to simple minded for all that complexity!
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
2. We May Never Pass This Way Again (Karmic Lovers)
B's Moon conj. my Rising in Sag.
S's Venus conj. my Rising in Sag.
6. Immortal Lovers
S's Eros conj. my Psyche in Sag.
My Scorp-ex!