6 soulmate signs (Do you have any?)

Anyone got any of these.
With my boyfriend I have 5 of them I think.
1. His moon/Uranus/Saturn conjunct my Ascendant in saggi.
I don't know his birthtime so I don't know if any of my planets conjunct his angles.
2. Don't have unless my Aries/Libra nodes are affected by any of his axis's which I don't know
3. His sun/Venus in capricorn oppose my Vertex in Cancer.
4. His neptune in capricorn opposed my Sun/Mercury/Mars.
My neptune in capricorn conjunct his sun/mercury/venus and sextile his mars (double whammy)
5. His saggi moon opposed my Gemini venus.
His Cappy Venus opposed my Cancer sun (double whammy)
6. His Eros in Saggi (12 degrees) is square my Psyche in virgo (11 degrees)
My Leo Eros (2) sextiles his Gem psyche (8) but that's not so important.