Posted by KaptainKhaos
You are such a fucking idiot. I'm happy she blew you off. Maybe when your dick grows you'll have better luck. Move on and stop your obsessive bitching. Maybe that's why women always dog you out cuz you complain so fucking much. Start acting like a decent human being. Til then..
Posted by HemispheresPosted by KaptainKhaos
You are such a fucking idiot. I'm happy she blew you off. Maybe when your dick grows you'll have better luck. Move on and stop your obsessive bitching. Maybe that's why women always dog you out cuz you complain so fucking much. Start acting like a decent human being. Til then..
click to expand
Posted by Hemispheres
I'm seriously wondering now.
I just dumped the woman I was dating yesterday after getting cancelled on last minute with weak excuses 3 times within 2 months. Things would've gone better had she not of gotten all defense and texting me in an angry manner in all caps acting as if I was being an asshole for being upset. I've heard pisces are flakes but jesus fucking christ.
It took me back to a memory of high school and and the first girl I ever dated. She didn't flake on me, however our last date ended up with me dumping her and never speaking nor hearing from her again. In all fairness she a spoiled rich daddies girl so the behavior didn't come as a complete shock. Anyways, we went to a water park and headed to a section of the park where there were numerous rides. I wanted to ride the water slide and she wanted to lounge on a raft so I told her I'd meet her there once I got my adrenaline fix. Long story short, she disappeared. I went looking for and found her hours later where we had set our stuff at.
I was like where the hell did you run off to? She immediately got defensive and started arguing, then said she saw me talking to another girl. Yes I talked to a lifeguard and had my feed wrapped up because some asshole stole my sandals and I burned my feet looking for this crazy bitch.
Anyways, she called me the next day trying to reconcile much like the woman I dumped yesterday did. Both times I kept calm and was like not happening, good luck and enjoy your life.
I've always considered gems to be crazy and play the victim based on my ex and numerous Gem family members that drive me fucking mad, but it seems the Pisces I've dated share similar traits.
That or for all my charm and handsome looks I can only attract insecure, batshit crazy women.
Posted by P-Angel
Second .... with a mutt face like you have, you should probably take what you can get.
Posted by Rabbit
DXP users giveth the shit in vast amounts.
But DXP users cannot taketh the shit when the tables turneth.
And so we proclaimeth "LMFAO at the butthurt! It is pleasing to the Lord!"
Posted by Hemispheres
Just stating my observations. Like you said yesterday only Evolved Pisces don't pull this bullshit. Their ruling planets of jupiter and neptune not only make them prone to lying, but they're literally convinced by own world of fantasy and illusions that they are actually telling the truth.
I'm going to assume you're an evolved Pisces. Not prone towards victim mentality and shifting blame elsewhere.
Posted by LetltBPosted by Hemispheres
I'm seriously wondering now.
I just dumped the woman I was dating yesterday after getting cancelled on last minute with weak excuses 3 times within 2 months. Things would've gone better had she not of gotten all defense and texting me in an angry manner in all caps acting as if I was being an asshole for being upset. I've heard pisces are flakes but jesus fucking christ.
It took me back to a memory of high school and and the first girl I ever dated. She didn't flake on me, however our last date ended up with me dumping her and never speaking nor hearing from her again. In all fairness she a spoiled rich daddies girl so the behavior didn't come as a complete shock. Anyways, we went to a water park and headed to a section of the park where there were numerous rides. I wanted to ride the water slide and she wanted to lounge on a raft so I told her I'd meet her there once I got my adrenaline fix. Long story short, she disappeared. I went looking for and found her hours later where we had set our stuff at.
I was like where the hell did you run off to? She immediately got defensive and started arguing, then said she saw me talking to another girl. Yes I talked to a lifeguard and had my feed wrapped up because some asshole stole my sandals and I burned my feet looking for this crazy bitch.
Anyways, she called me the next day trying to reconcile much like the woman I dumped yesterday did. Both times I kept calm and was like not happening, good luck and enjoy your life.
I've always considered gems to be crazy and play the victim based on my ex and numerous Gem family members that drive me fucking mad, but it seems the Pisces I've dated share similar traits.
That or for all my charm and handsome looks I can only attract insecure, batshit crazy women.
How many of your exes have you beaten to a pulp?click to expand
Posted by MsTeeq1974Posted by Hemispheres
Just stating my observations. Like you said yesterday only Evolved Pisces don't pull this bullshit. Their ruling planets of jupiter and neptune not only make them prone to lying, but they're literally convinced by own world of fantasy they are actually telling the truth.
I'm going to assume you're an evolved Pisces. Not prone towards victim mentality and shifting blame elsewhere.
Plans to expand
Posted by Kodak375Posted by MsTeeq1974
We're irresistible. to expand
Posted by P-Angel
The title asks if anyone else has noticed this about Pisces ... but, I'm not sure what this is that you noticed.
I spend a lot of my time observing people and would give you an answer to this ... but, firstly, I don't know what I'm suppose to be noticing.
Clarify and I'll let you know if I've noticed it.
Second .... with a mutt face like you have, you should probably take what you can get.
Posted by elllePosted by Hemispheres
I'm seriously wondering now.
it's about time.
people tried to tell you in your other thread.....even pisces folk....but you didn't want to hear anything.
you had plenty of red to expand
Posted by tiziani
The thing is if you know you like Water women it's very hard to shake that off ime.
Posted by Rabbit
DXP users giveth the shit in vast amounts.
But DXP users cannot taketh the shit when the tables turneth.
And so we proclaimeth "LMFAO at the butthurt! It is pleasing to the Lord!"
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
#q=Pisces+are+liars" data-url="" target="_blank">
Welp, Gems, Pisces and Scorps are now all together on my do not fuck with list.
I think I'd best be looking into dating earth signs at this point.
But I thought you had it with the Pisces after she made too many excuses ??click to expand
Posted by tiziani
The thing is if you know you like Water women it's very hard to shake that off ime.
Posted by Hemispheres
For the record if this Pisces was really that into me, she would've at least tried to reschedule the date instead of giving me a weak two word apology. Obviously she either had other plans or due to the fact I could tell she dealt with depression in private, she couldn't muster up the motivation to hold up her end of the bargain.
Posted by ellle
I still think she's doing her roommate. *shrugs*
Posted by ellle
I still think she's doing her roommate. *shrugs*
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by HemispheresPosted by MsTeeq1974Posted by Hemispheres
Let alone one whom cancelled at all especially when there was this much prior notice.
1st date) Emergency Oil change, it's taking too long cant make it on time. I told her just make it whenever she can.
2nd date) Hemorrhoids, Yes, she told me she had veins popping forth from her anus. Once again can't make it.
After that I dropped her. A month later she contacts me apologizing, wants to make it up to me. br />
And no, When I've given someone this many chances, I don't feel the least bit sorry when I dump their unreliable ass.
From one Taurean to another , if I were in yr position after incident 1st and and 2nd date incident , I would have deleted her details and not given her any further chances ! She had already set the precedence of things to come and you accepted with your eyes open and now you are blaming her when really you are just as much to blame!! Lesson here for next time if a person fucks up twice !! Delete!! She is a mutable! That's probably part of her nature!! If you see characteristics in a person that does not suit your own right at the initial beg stages then do not entertain them it will not work in the long run!!!
Three strikes and yer out. I prefer odd to expand
Posted by MsTeeq1974Posted by Hemispheres
For the record if this Pisces was really that into me, she would've at least tried to reschedule the date instead of giving me a weak two word apology. Obviously she either had other plans or due to the fact I could tell she dealt with depression in private, she couldn't muster up the motivation to hold up her end of the bargain.
It was only two months. I'm really sorry and I'm not being glib here...that you expected more devotion in this time frame. I can guarantee you that she's probably trying to figure out why your expectations are so high within a 2 month time frame. People want to be together forever, but forever is a mighty long Price would say. So, in that visionary sense, you have to realize that putting a whole lot at stake within a two month time is...kind of unrealistic. Like, you have to let go in the ebbs and flows. Let time do it's thing and bring the benefits to to expand
Posted by Nevermore
Ok I see your rage going on and especially need to fit it out..
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!click to expand
Posted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!
I'm betting on it at this to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!
I'm betting on it at this point.
delusions of grandeur if you think someone ever invented a mutable who would come back with her tail between her legs. especially a pisces. the unevolved one would easily spin your head on a guilt trip and since you're very proficient in being'd fall for it. awww la damsel in distress. must save.
still laughing at the notion of unevolved mutable (out of all modalities) feeling shame.
click to expand
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by HemispheresPosted by DamnataPosted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!
I'm betting on it at this point.
delusions of grandeur if you think someone ever invented a mutable who would come back with her tail between her legs. especially a pisces. the unevolved one would easily spin your head on a guilt trip and since you're very proficient in being'd fall for it. awww la damsel in distress. must save.
still laughing at the notion of unevolved mutable (out of all modalities) feeling shame.
She's done it once before, she's likely to do it again.
But you would be dumb to go there again!! The first two episodes she pulled should have been enough to turn you off even going out on a date with her!!!click to expand
Posted by HemispheresPosted by DamnataPosted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!
I'm betting on it at this point.
delusions of grandeur if you think someone ever invented a mutable who would come back with her tail between her legs. especially a pisces. the unevolved one would easily spin your head on a guilt trip and since you're very proficient in being'd fall for it. awww la damsel in distress. must save.
still laughing at the notion of unevolved mutable (out of all modalities) feeling shame.
She's done it once before, she's likely to do it to expand
Posted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by HemispheresPosted by DamnataPosted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!
I'm betting on it at this point.
delusions of grandeur if you think someone ever invented a mutable who would come back with her tail between her legs. especially a pisces. the unevolved one would easily spin your head on a guilt trip and since you're very proficient in being'd fall for it. awww la damsel in distress. must save.
still laughing at the notion of unevolved mutable (out of all modalities) feeling shame.
She's done it once before, she's likely to do it again.
But you would be dumb to go there again!! The first two episodes she pulled should have been enough to turn you off even going out on a date with her!!!
Honestly if she tried contacting me to reconcile, I'll ask her to meet me somewhere closer to me since she lives so far away and not even show up. No cancellation text, to expand
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Eat, Taurus. Just eat. You'll feel better I promise.
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Eat, Taurus. Just eat. You'll feel better I promise.
Hello! Not all Taurus eats!!click to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!
I'm betting on it at this point.
delusions of grandeur if you think someone ever invented a mutable who would come back with her tail between her legs. especially a pisces. the unevolved one would easily spin your head on a guilt trip and since you're very proficient in being'd fall for it. awww la damsel in distress. must save.
still laughing at the notion of unevolved mutable (out of all modalities) feeling shame.
click to expand
Posted by ellle
if you do that....can you do us a favour?
one text.
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by HemispheresPosted by DamnataPosted by HemispheresPosted by busyeyes88Posted by Hemispheres
First time she's acted in the manner. Given her propensity of cancel last minute with weak excuses, stories of her childhood after being put up for adoption by her parents, and admitting her child didn't live with her and dancing around the subject of why she didn't take care of her daughter despite the fact she loved her so much it's pretty obvious I was dealing with an irresponsible and emotionally unstable person.
AKA Unevolved Pisces.
She is a mutable so she may come swimming back with her tail between her legs!!
I'm betting on it at this point.
delusions of grandeur !!!
Honestly if she tried contacting me to reconcile, I'll ask her to meet me somewhere closer to me since she lives so far away and not even show up. No cancellation text, nothing.
Hello! You would never know as the chances are she will not even turn up dude?! Can't you see that lol lol lol lol
It's worth a shot, innit?click to expand