Posted by LetltBPosted by Hemispheres
I'm seriously wondering now.
I just dumped the woman I was dating yesterday after getting cancelled on last minute with weak excuses 3 times within 2 months. Things would've gone better had she not of gotten all defense and texting me in an angry manner in all caps acting as if I was being an asshole for being upset. I've heard pisces are flakes but jesus fucking christ.
It took me back to a memory of high school and and the first girl I ever dated. She didn't flake on me, however our last date ended up with me dumping her and never speaking nor hearing from her again. In all fairness she a spoiled rich daddies girl so the behavior didn't come as a complete shock. Anyways, we went to a water park and headed to a section of the park where there were numerous rides. I wanted to ride the water slide and she wanted to lounge on a raft so I told her I'd meet her there once I got my adrenaline fix. Long story short, she disappeared. I went looking for and found her hours later where we had set our stuff at.
I was like where the hell did you run off to? She immediately got defensive and started arguing, then said she saw me talking to another girl. Yes I talked to a lifeguard and had my feed wrapped up because some asshole stole my sandals and I burned my feet looking for this crazy bitch.
Anyways, she called me the next day trying to reconcile much like the woman I dumped yesterday did. Both times I kept calm and was like not happening, good luck and enjoy your life.
I've always considered gems to be crazy and play the victim based on my ex and numerous Gem family members that drive me fucking mad, but it seems the Pisces I've dated share similar traits.
That or for all my charm and handsome looks I can only attract insecure, batshit crazy women.
How many of your exes have you beaten to a pulp?click to expand