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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
How much do you depend on it? Or don't you?
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Dec 13, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1525 · Topics: 14
I think astrology is a science that can help someone create a better life with the one he/she is with. I don't think it should be considered when trying to actually find a partner. One shouldn't go zodiac shopping.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I see it like this...
If I can read my own chart & 75% of the time notice myself nodding "yep" or "that's so true" about my OWN supposed personalitiy (when it's just me & there is no one around for me to be in denial to or for), I feel that fully having an understanding (unbiased & thorough) of that person's sign can be very beneficial.
Like for example, I've researched Leos & how they supposedly are as a species. I noticed that my Leo has a hard time taking criticism a little bit more than others. So during an argument or discussion when he's starting to show that Leo side of him, I simply laugh it off or don't take it as seriously the way I would had I not been educated on how Leos are. It helps to know how certain species are so that when we come face to face with that species, we won't be AS shocked when they actually start confirming what all those astrologers said would happen.
Of course, my chart says that I'm NOT compatible with Leos, but that didn't stop me from entering into a relationship with him. The minute he started showing signs of being a TRUE Leo, I kind of prepared myself a little bit better on what to expect in the long run.
I see it like this...The way they say seeing how a man treats his mother or his friends says alot about him as a person and/or gives you a heads up on what kind of man he will be towards his partner, is the same kind of mindset that I have with astrology. Sure, not every man who hates his mother or didn't have a good relationship with her is NOT a dog, but then again there are plenty of men who are. And sure, just like every single thing read about Leos is not true for every single Leo, the fact is that alot of it is true. And I just see the knowledge of how each sign "ticks" as a HEADS UP. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
If I meet a man, my first quest isn't to know his sign, b/c usually I can guess it anyways after getting to know him down the road. And the only way I'd be able to guess his sign is if I spotted out those "obvious signs" that might either bother me or that I might love in the first place.
For example, if I notice that the guy I am dating (without knowing his sign yet) tends to be very sensitive, emotional & stubborn all the time I can kind of pinpoint what his sign is & be right within 1 or 2 guesses. BUT, I let that person SHOW me their personality FIRST & then ask for the sign later.
And I think it all depends on how much you believe in astrology & actually know about it. Of course, life experiences, age, race, geographical location can easily sway a personality, means that astrology will never bee 100% accurate. But it's kind of interesting when I meet a person who behaves, thinks & has the intellect like a certain sign even if that person doesn't necessarily believe in astrology. And when that person actually tells me they are the sign I already thought they were, that just spikes up my confidence in how I think astrology can be a head's UP (but not the confirmation) for how a relationship or friendship will turn out or run. Before I was even into astrology & before I even thought to ask a man for his sign, I can look back & think about all my past relationships & can say "Yep, he was a true Scorpio, Libra or whatever. And b/c most of the time I can look back & say "yep, he really was the description astrology labeled him as" it makes me pay more attention & believe in it's coincidence (not face) even more
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I usually ask them straight on the first conversation....maybe that's why it doesn't work out!
But from now on, I want the element of i won't..I will start guessing..afterall, a few years ago I didn't know all this stuff and the relationships worked out fine!
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
How much do you depend on it? Or don't you?
I don't depend on it, but I'm aware of it - another factor to consider in what I know about a person...
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Jul 16, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 506 · Topics: 20
I don't depend on it, but I always have to know. Nowadays I think I look to it a bit too much. Usually I ask when someone's birthday is, they either tell me their sign or say "I'm not into astrology" and then they precede to ask me what I know about them and they are intrigued by how dead-on I am. I like everybody for the most part, but I like figuring people out. Astrology helps but I never lose sight of "for entertainment purposes only" haha.
I try to guess my partners star sign just for inerest an fun mostly it turnes up right and then i know
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
That's one of the first things I think about when I meet someone. I try to make it a part of a conversation when I ask them about their sign. To me it's a very important part of being able to deal and relate to people. But nobody has thought of me as being a freak, usually they find it intresting and we have long conversations about it, regardless if they're into astrology or not.