does this combo go together?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by piscesbeauty on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 and has 5 replies.

I am Sun Pisces, moon cancer, rising virgo, mars aries, venus aries
There are two guys that like me which guy goes best with me?
Guy 1:
He is Sun Scorpio, Moon Pisces, Rising Capricorn, mars aquarius , venus scorpio
Guy 2:
He is Sun Taurus, Moon sagittaurisu, rising virgo, mars aries, venus taurus

Guy 1 really likes me I just met him, but guy 2 loves me hes been with me for a while we are dating but i dont know how things are gonna turn out with guy 2 because of things going on but by astrologically speaking which one goes with me more by the signs?
The reason why I'm asking is because this I will say my story.
I moved for guy 2, last june we were having some complications and have been together 8 years. 2 years ago I was living in chicago away from him because he got a new job an had been hiding his friends an didnt let me meet them so I left. I lived at home for a year he always told me it would take him years to get over me but it didnt look like it, because when I came back last year because he begged me into coming back saying he would change one of the girls who hung out with him last year said he got a girlfriend right after we broke up an then she screwed him over an cheated on him, thats karma.
I asked him about it an he said that the girl who told me lied about it an then I told her an she said why would i lie, i met this girl he used to hang out in the parking lot after work with her. Like this girl knew her name an everything.
so after he got dumped by this girl he had another co worker that worked with him that he liked soo much lets call her Kay. Kay had a boyfriend so like 2 years ago he tried to get her too but she never liked him like that. his own sister told me he would take kay out two years ago like she would say how she didnt want to hurt her boyfriend an he would get mixed signals from her. I was so stuck on him for those years like i wanted to date him so bad i never dated anyone i swear on my grandpas grave. little did i know he was dating around an trying to get these girls.
Well last year i moved here, an he promised not to talk to any of these girls he works with because they were giving me trouble an even seeing anyone but me. Last september he made a facebook account because kay had one an i was feeling a little off like something was wrong, an i made a facebook account an seen she had one so i added her on my fake account an i found out he was giving her comments calling her pretty saying how he missed hanging out with her.
and i confronted him about it an while he was picking me up from work an he would cry an scream an start having a huge panic attack that i found out an say he was sorry an i said i was leaving i was packing my stuff going back home to chicago he said please no sorry i wont do it again i was stupid i was just trying to make her feel better because she was going through a rough time with her boyfriend. I didnt mean what i said, thats what he told me. after a while i forgave him. so he deleted his facebook.
Then last january i got mad because he started hiding his phone, an i started crying an telling him i would leave if he was hiding girls numbers an he showed me it but didnt let me hold it an said see im not hiding anything an it had no one on there. then around this month in june he started locking his computer going on AIM secretly an not showing me his aim name ever.
and then around like last week he got a call in the middle of the night an it was odd, an then he would put his phone away an then we were watching a movie by the time we fell asleep he didnt answer the phone by the way, when we fell asleep i got up to see who it was because i was suspicious this guy always checks my phone when im asleep its time to see what is going on. i got up an seen it wasnt by the shelf an then i had this odd feeling that it would be in the drawer where the socks were an guess what? It was , it was my gut feeling an he hid it under socks i took his phone quietly went into the bathroom to find out who was on his phone. some guy called him that night an gave him a text sayin heeey bitttcchh an at the same time that girl KAY said HAAAYY BITTTCHHH. But her name was labeled 'toys r us' thats where he worked for 2 years. And he would say he only had his work number on his phone but as soon as i checked that 'toys r us' number it was her number that wasnt toys r us, an i called it under my phone under private an she picked up she goes hey its kay leave a message hehe. Oh My god. Oh my god I was sooo angry.
I put his phone back and i confronted him the next morning and he said did you have fun snooping thru my stuff? he said it wasnt right to snoop thru peoples stuff an that they had no trust an whatever an he was lecturing me i started crying. he didnt care if i cried he kept yelling at me so i called my freind to come pick me up i called out of work that day an as soon as i left the door he wanted to 'talk about it' to me like taking my hands saying he was sorry i said no forget it dont touch me im going out an he didnt like the fact that i was going out.
an he said to me why is everything a secret with you? an i said its not everythings a secret with you.
hence the hiding an everything an he said because i dont trust you an i had to hide her number because you would freak out an you would think im in love with her. yea i would think that because if a guy hides his phone in the sock drawer he is guilty of something
an he told me to forget about the past an forget about her, thats kind of hard when you keep bringing her up an putting her in your telephone an not caring what i would think about it. an someone who hides is eventually going to get caught one day..
an i met guy 1 over myspace he used to go to my high school hes a really nice guy an he keeps telling me i deserve more an way better an guy 2 is going to keep hurting me over an over again like hes going to act nice to me for a little bit then go back to being mean to me again. after my arguement with guy 2 i was out all night an then when i came home he asked me if i had fun revenging him, i wasnt allowed to go out all the time because im in his house with his parents an its bad to stay out after 1am. an he told me he was going out friday night an i cant stop him. later on he told me he asked his friend to hang out friday night but his friend never responded thats how many friends he has, 0.
an today he wants to go out with his friend again because he said i went out twice an he should go out now, an i told him yesterday i was going to go out he was schedualed to work an i was off an he already worked one job he was going to go to the next job toys r us where that kay girl works an i told him i was going to go out an he said why are you trying to revenge me. i said im not im just going out what i cant go out? an he said ya but thats not fair u went out twice.
This is bullshit i cant even go out now. hes so private now an he hides crap an he lies to me alot an hes hurt me so many times an now whenever he says he loves me or whatever i just dont say it back anymore because ive been hurt so much an i feel like going back to chicago but he wont let me he keeps acting nice when im about to leave an saying he loves me an hes so lucky to have me. but its just not all there anymore because of all this. im afraid hes going to keep hiding yea after i got mad at him an i was snooping he is still hiding his phone again now its no where to be found its not even in his room anymore its like gone. i think in his car now.
my mom told me to keep going out who cares what he says.
But guy 1, hes nice an he told me he would never get jealous if i had guy friends or whatever because he trusts me an its not good to hide an hes honest an he lives where i live in chicago around there. but hes a nice guy an my friend he makes me feel like there is hope out there. but guy 2 just tends to hurt me
an you know what there is sexual chemistry with guy 2, like its all we ever had when we were dating was sexual chemistry alot of it. but the communication sucked there was none, he always looks like hes off into space an his moon in sagittaurius shows hes a private person an he says how he doesnt trust me now i dont know where that came from.
but all of a sudden as he met those girls he doesnt trust me. It wasnt fair he dated around 2 years ago because i never did that an he did an he found out for himself that it wasnt for him, an i havent found out anything for my self an i dont even know whats out there for me. an he does. augh i just dont know anymore im stuck.