So I love my mother purely to death, and shes a Taurus, but It just seems like we can't get anywhere together in a good relationship. Everytime we talk together, it ends up in the most brutal of fights. My mother is a VERY stubborn, in fact I don't think I have met anyone as more stubborn then my mom. I love change, I love getting things moving, and new exciting things, everytime I try to suggest new things like this to my mother, she usually doesn't seem interested, or if I try to get her to do something, she refuses. What do I do to get along with my mother well? because trust me, the last thing i want to do is get in a fight with her, our fights are not pretty at all... :/
someone please help!
haha oh yeah i obey my mama, its just that we can't talk in conversations for a while until disagreements arise. should i like talk about what she likes? or what...
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Mar 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 32
let me tell with time the relationship will 36 and a taurus my mother is an aries in her 60" be honest with u me and my mother have really gotten close in the last 10 the beginning we but heads a lot because we are different..i think i was the most stubborn myself..the true form of introvert..and i know that really burned her up when i was little,,i know she thought i was secretive..but the thing is that was just me..we are really private people..even with family.i can only suggest that u suggest to spend time with her like going out to eat,shopping etc...i think that me opening up and expressing my feelings is scary because i was always afraid of letting people know what i was easier to keep it to myself instead of dishing out makes me feel vulnerable,,i dont like to feel that way,,i have to control my emotions..i can only open up if i feel safe with u..and thats pretty much with i suggest u maybe have to open up first and just talk to her on a regular basis even if it is for 5 mins.she may feel that u dont want to be bothered with to her and tell her the same thing u put on this site and you will get a reaction..she may feel u resent her for could be anything..just go to her and start talkin..she could be depressed about something,,yes we do have dark moods too.good luck..and you will overcome it with time