How does your Moon affect your Venus??? And vice versa.

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by hysminai on Friday, January 6, 2017 and has 14 replies.
So, since I usually read on the expression of Venus through the Sun sign online, I thought this is a valuable topic, since Venus does represent romance and romantic feelings, and I'm interested how do you think it impacts your emotions when in love etc.

For an example - I am a Scorpio Moon, and a Pisces Venus. In my experience, it has brought me this crippling fear of being seen as emotional, or succumbing to emotions of love too quickly, or as quickly as my Venus would like. Usually this results in the type of thinking: "do I love you or the thought of you?", since it's my habit to doubt people. Now, there's also this craving and want to love so completely and to drown in the partner, I suppose to be so close you're almost one soul, one person? It's creepy, I know. But then again since Pisceans are vague I usually slip away the moment I feel someone would pin me down forever and jealously keep me. What I also feel is true that this Venusian energy pulls in people who would want to protect me, while the Scorpionic side of despises even the notion - because I know I can fend for myself.

If any of this makes sense.
This is something i am also keen to know. I hope people with good knowledge also reply
Posted by hysminai
So, since I usually read on the expression of Venus through the Sun sign online, I thought this is a valuable topic, since Venus does represent romance and romantic feelings, and I'm interested how do you think it impacts your emotions when in love etc.

For an example - I am a Scorpio Moon, and a Pisces Venus. In my experience, it has brought me this crippling fear of being seen as emotional, or succumbing to emotions of love too quickly, or as quickly as my Venus would like. Usually this results in the type of thinking: "do I love you or the thought of you?", since it's my habit to doubt people. Now, there's also this craving and want to love so completely and to drown in the partner, I suppose to be so close you're almost one soul, one person? It's creepy, I know. But then again since Pisceans are vague I usually slip away the moment I feel someone would pin me down forever and jealously keep me. What I also feel is true that this Venusian energy pulls in people who would want to protect me, while the Scorpionic side of despises even the notion - because I know I can fend for myself.

If any of this makes sense.
Well moon is important and well venus is just as important because if you know you are the type to want long term, you will stay single till you know.

If you have moon and Venus where you jump constantly and have lots of short term relationships it sorta sucks. So you need someone to counter balance the feeling that it could be the one. But you have to work at it.
For example my Venus is dominant according to pullen. My moon is high on the aspect part. So I'm fixed earth and air. So I know what I want especially that I know just some don't get me at all. And some will. Call it intuition. And call it a challenge. I'm pretty tough but Um sometimes I just want to relax and not worry to much about anything until it comes at me face to face.
And just so you know venus retrograde is coming the end of the month brace yourself. Open your eyes, ears, gap holes, you will know.
Libra Venus/Aries moon

I'm not sure. I would love some insight. This is a great topic OP
Cancer Venus, Aries Moon, both in water houses.

Cardinal so both get expressed...probably way more than my poor Virgo sun.

I'm playful and deeply caring. The playful lighthearted vibe hides the obsession very very well.

I like the mix but I wish it would fall short out of square. There is this sense of urgency for both to get their way...when my Venus moon is like "ugh, so mopey", when my Moon does my Venus is like "have you no consideration at all?!?! do you even care?!?!"

My whole chart feels like herding emotional hyper cats so I'm beyond lucky with my Sun.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428

Anyhow Aqua moon, Venus in Taurus will always be hard to let go but once I do its because Uranus split apart and became solid, and doesn't like loose things just hanging. It's got to be rock solid.
Cap Venus, Gem moon (dominant). I'm much more air than earth, I tend to overthink things when it comes to relationships/love and I'm great in talking myself out of emotions if I feel the necessity. On the other hand I'm very serious once I commit myself.
Aries Moon, Pisces Venus. I want to be one with another person, but emotionally I have a really hard time achieving this for any significant length of time. I don't feel my moon and Venus are complimentary at all. One just thwarts the other.
Cap Moon, Aries Venus - I have no idea

does anyone have any insight on that combo lol
I'm Venus (and mutable/Pisces) dominant. My Venus as well as moon are in 12th house.

My Venus sees the suffering of other people as a suffering of my own. I feel bad for people who have health issues or other problems and I'm trying my best to help them. At the same time, I have very livid imagination and I tend to overthink things....a lot. I get very much attached to other people and I just happen to fall for or only have more interest in those people who are either taken or who are out of my league. I don't know what to say or what to do, really. Inside I'm very anxious about all of this and I'm really afraid of screwing up or being used. Aaaaand then it all goes to complete shit because my moon makes me oversensitive, impatient, stubborn and unable to care. I feel intense emotions on hourly basis and I keep it all to myself, because I know no one cares about me. This pisses me off a lot, because I'm fucking up horribly at times due to how stupid I am inside.

I'm a loner with a fuck ton of Pisces in all of those fancy asteroids and Venus, might as well stay that way. 3 badly suspected 12th house placements are tearing me up internally and I don't think it would bring anything good to a relationship. I don't know what I want, what I need and what I deserve.
Posted by hysminai
So, since I usually read on the expression of Venus through the Sun sign online, I thought this is a valuable topic, since Venus does represent romance and romantic feelings, and I'm interested how do you think it impacts your emotions when in love etc.

For an example - I am a Scorpio Moon, and a Pisces Venus. In my experience, it has brought me this crippling fear of being seen as emotional, or succumbing to emotions of love too quickly, or as quickly as my Venus would like. Usually this results in the type of thinking: "do I love you or the thought of you?", since it's my habit to doubt people. Now, there's also this craving and want to love so completely and to drown in the partner, I suppose to be so close you're almost one soul, one person? It's creepy, I know. But then again since Pisceans are vague I usually slip away the moment I feel someone would pin me down forever and jealously keep me. What I also feel is true that this Venusian energy pulls in people who would want to protect me, while the Scorpionic side of despises even the notion - because I know I can fend for myself.

If any of this makes sense.
I am Piscean. My Moon and Venus are in Pisces. I love love!!!Laughing

Cyber hugs!



Posted by TheGreatSearcher
I'm Venus (and mutable/Pisces) dominant. My Venus as well as moon are in 12th house.

My Venus sees the suffering of other people as a suffering of my own. I feel bad for people who have health issues or other problems and I'm trying my best to help them. At the same time, I have very livid imagination and I tend to overthink things....a lot. I get very much attached to other people and I just happen to fall for or only have more interest in those people who are either taken or who are out of my league. I don't know what to say or what to do, really. Inside I'm very anxious about all of this and I'm really afraid of screwing up or being used. Aaaaand then it all goes to complete shit because my moon makes me oversensitive, impatient, stubborn and unable to care. I feel intense emotions on hourly basis and I keep it all to myself, because I know no one cares about me. This pisses me off a lot, because I'm fucking up horribly at times due to how stupid I am inside.

I'm a loner with a fuck ton of Pisces in all of those fancy asteroids and Venus, might as well stay that way. 3 badly suspected 12th house placements are tearing me up internally and I don't think it would bring anything good to a relationship. I don't know what I want, what I need and what I deserve.
I feel you on this, probably because Venus is the only exalted planet in my chart - plus the whole thing with being attracted to the wayward types, more precisely people who are bad, and are suffering because of that. Thank god it takes me ages to actually like/trust people. Basically, Venus in Pisces is supposed a good thing, news flash; it ain't.