How does your Moon affect your Venus??? And vice versa.

So, since I usually read on the expression of Venus through the Sun sign online, I thought this is a valuable topic, since Venus does represent romance and romantic feelings, and I'm interested how do you think it impacts your emotions when in love etc.

For an example - I am a Scorpio Moon, and a Pisces Venus. In my experience, it has brought me this crippling fear of being seen as emotional, or succumbing to emotions of love too quickly, or as quickly as my Venus would like. Usually this results in the type of thinking: "do I love you or the thought of you?", since it's my habit to doubt people. Now, there's also this craving and want to love so completely and to drown in the partner, I suppose to be so close you're almost one soul, one person? It's creepy, I know. But then again since Pisceans are vague I usually slip away the moment I feel someone would pin me down forever and jealously keep me. What I also feel is true that this Venusian energy pulls in people who would want to protect me, while the Scorpionic side of despises even the notion - because I know I can fend for myself.

If any of this makes sense.