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Feb 08, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 178 · Topics: 12
You DO deserve someone better, and he's out there looking for you.
Its easy for me to say "forget about him and move on"
Ive been in a similar situation, its hard, you want to let go of the feelings but you just cant.
Youre gonna go thru that painful period, it cant be avoided but believe me, it gets easier with time.
I thought my world had ended when i was cheated on, that was 3yrs ago, but guess what??
Im still here and i even laugh about it now, just as you will in the future.
yes i am sure when it's too late he will realize he really lost me .. i did everything u name it i did it .... the first time he cheated he did write me an email explaning me why he did it and in one of his line he said i was the only girl that made a difference in his life... even his own mother told me he had stop drinking heavily because of me and was starting to be more responsible. i ask him to give me a reason why he cheated when i confronted him and he couldn't give me one BECAUSE THERE WERE NONE! even when he treated me like shit i never cheated on him on revenge .... it kills me that he cheated and didnt care to throw away 5 yrs down the drain! and he have the guts to say " im sorry i cant go back in time and changed things" and only say he was "sorry", BUT AGAIN THANKS TO THE ONE WHO RESPONDED SORRY FOR MY TYPOS I WAS WRITTNG VERY FAST WHEN I POSTED THE FIRST ONE .. BUT YEA ALL OF U ARE RIGTH I DESERVE BETTER.
Don't worry nina take a decision what your mind say Don't listen to anybody else because its yours life think and take a right decision
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"i ask him to give me a reason why he cheated when i confronted him and he couldn't give me one BECAUSE THERE WERE NONE! even when he treated me like shit i never cheated on him on revenge .... it kills me that he cheated and didnt care to throw away 5 yrs down the drain"
That is a pity that you've lost this man .. for shame he wants to throw it down the drain, for it sounds like it was a keeper from the very beginning, but, he just couldn't see it?
Could you?
What a pity that he couldn't see evertime he treated you like shit, that you continued to put forth effort in keeping this relatinship, regardless of the treatment .... he should have realized what he had who was willing to take this for the sake of love, and not have a desire to forfiet this beautiful union.
Did you see this relationship for what it's worth?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"but to make the short i also have to mention that he have a 10 yr old daugther and the first time that i found out he betrayed me was with his baby mama... he gave the excuses that it was because of his daugther"
Because it would make his 10 year old daughter happy if her parents fucked?
" .. i didnt buy it .. "
Of course, you bought it .. you took him back for another round, didn't ya?
"we broke up for a couple of mths then he came back to me all sorry beggin for another changed , since i still loved him i did."
What does love have to do with it?
Love got you here.
If you view the tolerance of bad treatment according to levels of love felt, as it pertains to being acceptable because of this love .......
.... then round 3 is inevitable.
As well as future cheaters/abusers who are keepers in the name of love.
i know is my fault that i stood up all his shit for "love" .. i really thought that deep inside him he was goin to change ... i believed in him .. but he failed ... at he beggining yes i saw the relationship goin somewhere but recently i didnt and i think now that i remained there because somehow i got used to him or it? or maybe i was afraid to be alone ... i don't know i wish i could answer my own questions also ... and i thank for ur comments harsh but you are INDEED rigth and i appreciate it.
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
i feel terrible but more to the fact am all hurt and he is all kool because he cant express his feelings.... its being 3 days and he havent call or write me at least to apologize ...i still feel for him and dont know what to do ... i also dont feel capable on taking him back because i know i deserve someone better and i was always figthing for this relationship ... i wonder if he really loved me ... so many questions ..... what should i do or think.................i really thought that deep inside him he was goin to change ... i believed in him .. but he failed
are you his mother? really what do you owe someone that treats you like this whom you have no blood ties to?
This isn't love, whatever you have or offer is not going to change who is not willing to change... taking him back after cheating the 1st time was pretty much the no-no, his reason for cheating the first time was really very bad and he was able to wave that over your head, so yea, he was gonna do it again...
There is really no faulting or revenge, etc,... it's the ability to see reality for what it is
If you view the tolerance of bad treatment according to levels of love felt, as it pertains to being acceptable because of this love .......
.... then round 3 is inevitable.
As well as future cheaters/abusers who are keepers in the name of love.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
I think you stayed with him because in a way, you pitied him...
Hmmm, I will say that sometimes when you find certain things out about someone, it creates something totally different in a relationship. I tried to breakup with the guy I'm with twice but I couldn't because of certain things I know about him.
If I'm unaware that he is not doing what he is suppose to do in order to take care of himself, that would bother me ...
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
I did that with my first bf without even realising it...He was quite a wreck when I met him (presented a good front until we'd been together a few weeks, then the truth started coming out), and naive little me at that stage thought that if someone would just give this guy a chance, if someone would just stand by him...
Really oddball? Our stories are similar ... hmmm
Yeah...Ironically, he was a cap guy lol!!! This was a few years ago now though.
Hun, you should never let that (his issues) stop you...You gotta do what's right for you, and he needs to sort his own shit out (like a grown-up!! He's not a baby!). I dunno what these "certain things" are, but be very careful in this situation you're in now because usually it turns out to be people like you and me that suffer. All I know is, i'm not doing it anymore...I won't lose myself again. Been there, done that, and it wasn't fun!! Was a hard lesson to learn as well, coz i'm a very caring person...
I know it's not easy CS, but if you don't look after you, then who will? Trust me, these needy types will never put you first. They will just take from you for however long you allow it. My health actually suffered quite badly from the experience I speak of, so please look after yourself. Don't make the same mistake I did. I am all better now, but it took me YEARS to recover completely.
Drop him for good. If he gives you any lip or attitude, you gotta be tough and show no fear to talk back, and he may just lay low. He sounds pretty bad, and you don't deserve any of that.