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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
i feel terrible but more to the fact am all hurt and he is all kool because he cant express his feelings.... its being 3 days and he havent call or write me at least to apologize ...i still feel for him and dont know what to do ... i also dont feel capable on taking him back because i know i deserve someone better and i was always figthing for this relationship ... i wonder if he really loved me ... so many questions ..... what should i do or think.................i really thought that deep inside him he was goin to change ... i believed in him .. but he failed
are you his mother? really what do you owe someone that treats you like this whom you have no blood ties to?
This isn't love, whatever you have or offer is not going to change who is not willing to change... taking him back after cheating the 1st time was pretty much the no-no, his reason for cheating the first time was really very bad and he was able to wave that over your head, so yea, he was gonna do it again...
There is really no faulting or revenge, etc,... it's the ability to see reality for what it is
If you view the tolerance of bad treatment according to levels of love felt, as it pertains to being acceptable because of this love .......
.... then round 3 is inevitable.
As well as future cheaters/abusers who are keepers in the name of love.