Lets communicate about Mercury

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by RiverLee on Saturday, June 25, 2016 and has 16 replies.
Mercury is the sign of thinking and communication, that's a pretty important aspect of ones personality but I don't see it mentioned much on the boards.

Specifically I'd like to hear from any one with a water Mercury, especially Pisces. This is supposedly a really difficult place for Pisces to be. I know someone with this placement and I'm the most confused by them.

Personally, I have a Aries in mercury. In communicating, if it's a subject I'm passionate about, I can be aggressive, loud, use my hands a lot, come off as dramatic & intimidating. I can see how this can be off putting so I try to be aware of that. I often take the side of the under dog or play devils advocate. I love debating and public speaking. I also like to talk about subjects that make other people uncomfortable.

Tell me about your mercury...... Tell me how you communicate with others and how you like others to communicate with you.
What do you want to talk about exactly I have Mercury in Taurus neighbor, and next to me is Gemini.

With my Mercury conjunction Sun can be some struggles but will voice my opinion just like em all. I just keep alot to myself.
Mercury in the 11th for me though. I have to peep yall out from the side lines.
Posted by RamCantLogin
Mercury on Taurus..can't recall the house...

The description of it fits me quite well.
I like like minded sincere people.
My mercury is in the 4th house. The Pisces Mercury I know is in the 9th.

I brought up the subject because I think communicating is so important but the planet doesn't get much attention.

And because my merc is in Aries and I'm so blunt, I have a hard time communicating with water mercurys who it seems are more withdrawn in communicating. Basically it's like pulling teeth almost. Giving short answers or being very vague.... I just want to understand better.
Another thing I found interesting..... The mercury in Pisces person who I'm most confused/curious about mentioned being interested in being a psychologist. This surprised me & made me laugh, which I did later regret (Aries merc has foot in mouth disease). I was surprised because this person doesn't come across as being very empathetic. However, I'm reading that water mercury is very empathetic and can have some psychic ability. NOW it makes more sense..... but it makes me even more curious. It seems as if there is a whole different person hiding inside. How do I bring that person out?
Posted by RamCantLogin
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by RamCantLogin
Mercury on Taurus..can't recall the house...

The description of it fits me quite well.
I like like minded sincere people.
Yep, and if you add all the Aries traits i have...it kinda all goes with the flow ^^
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Yeah I do go with the flow alot more easily.
Posted by RiverLee
My mercury is in the 4th house. The Pisces Mercury I know is in the 9th.

I brought up the subject because I think communicating is so important but the planet doesn't get much attention.

And because my merc is in Aries and I'm so blunt, I have a hard time communicating with water mercurys who it seems are more withdrawn in communicating. Basically it's like pulling teeth almost. Giving short answers or being very vague.... I just want to understand better.
I give fairly good answers. So as long as one doesn't think they are more superior than one another. I also need to feel comfortable talking to you about anything really. But I don't give goo emotional speeches. I do give you my undivided attention and listen and valuable feedback for as long as my adhd. Is in tact. Lol
I'm a scorp mercury in 2nd house and I do not communicate well with others only myself. For this reason I engage in alot of writing and thinking to sort things out.I feel like no one would ever understand the things I feel or that they wouldn't want to talk about it because it may make them sad. The thoughts that consume me tend to be things that many push to to the very back of their minds and try to forget about.
Posted by seraph
"Lets communicate about Mercury ."

Big Grin
Howdy @seraph

How are you doing?
Posted by scorply
I'm a scorp mercury in 2nd house and I do not communicate well with others only myself. For this reason I engage in alot of writing and thinking to sort things out.I feel like no one would ever understand the things I feel or that they wouldn't want to talk about it because it may make them sad. The thoughts that consume me tend to be things that many push to to the very back of their minds and try to forget about.
Thanks for sharing smile Have you ever found anyone you felt like you could open up to?

My Neptune is in the 12th house in opposition to Venus, which means I attract people with a lot of hurt/wounds. I've read a lot about this because frankly it's been detrimental to my love life and I've read time and again that people with this aspect are suppose to help heal. Well, because of my mercury in Aries & initially coming off as probably kind of abrasive, I think it works to my detriment to help people who already feel vulnerable. So that's another reason why I'm curious about communication style s. Internally I feel very empathetic to people but then I open my mouth..... Not that I'm mean with my words, but I'm more logical than emotional. I'm more of a "I feel your pain and I don't want you to feel that way so how can I help you fix it?" I think this is probably going about it in the wrong way, though I DO care and my intentions are good.

So long story short, what could a person do to make you feel comfortable enough to let them in, if anything?
Posted by champranger
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Mercury in the 11th for me though. I have to peep yall out from the side lines.
I have the same placement in the same house. smile
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No wonder I like you haha. Muahz.
I have pisces mercury in 9th house..

User Submitted Image
Mercury in 6th, in gemini. Love this placement, I feel like I'm a great communicator and if I'm not then let's not burst this bubble. Big Grin
I have Mer. Sun Conjunction in Taurus. It means I know what I want and how to get it. And I probably talk about it (or at least, think about it ) a lot.

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