a big topic that comes up a lot in astrology books is emotional and non emotional signs.
i can see the difference in how i process compared to friends of different signs, but i am not sure if it is a case of feeling more than the other.
A good example; my close Cancer friend (Scorpio rising) always speaks in terms of love and hate. "I love this" "I hate that" and nothing in between. And that is that. She usually doesn't give any type of lengthy explanation for why she feels the way she feels.
For me though, if i have a feeling, i have to attach it to something. So a lot of the time, i might be upset, but i cannot express it unless i have a reason why i feel that way. It is hard to explain, but i have to have a reason or i am not sure what do do with my emotion. i am not sure if it is a Virgo thing, or just me.
What makes this more of a puzzle for me, is sometimes it seems untrue. like Aquarius. My Aquarius always strike me as very emotionally sensitive, and I am usually having to comfort them or calm them when they are upset.
My question is;
How is this for other signs? How would you describe your emotion? Do you think some signs lack emotion?
i know that the moon and the rest of the chart factors in. But my original question still remains, on the moon and emotion;
Are some signs more emotional than others, or is it really just a different manner of expression?
The moon is actually exalted in Taurus, so that might help out a lot too. I would have never thought of the senses helping in emotion.
Well, i wouldn't call Gemini! Just another form of expression.
Aries can be very straightforward in their emotion/ it is nice to know exactly where someone stands, even if it can be a bit blunt.
i feel like perhaps my question was poorly worded.
i do NOT believe any signs lack emotion, especially because i am described as a non emotional sign. What
i am asking are some signs more emotional, and how does everyone feel they express and or feel their emotions.
Like for me, i cannot feel something with an explanation being attached. Even if i feel it, it doesn't make sense to me unless i have a reason to feel that way.
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Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4938 · Posts: 19295 · Topics: 148
"emotion" is a word way too vague to be worth discussing about
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May 21, 2013Comments: 819 · Posts: 28237 · Topics: 174
Pisces are just cray. You either get total apathy or a fuckin flood.
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
Every sign has emotion they just have a different outlet of how they express it. People say Aquarius are aloof or cold, and Idk where that comes from because I've been around them and they are passionate, empathetic people. Probably some of the most passionate I know, and kind hearted they will give you the shirt off their back and will do whatever to put a smile on your face.
I don't know where it comes from about Gemini's being non-emotional.. almost all the ones that I met want to be liked, and can be put off or bothered by not being liked, or reacted to the desired way they want. They definitely have emotion, it might just come and go but it's definitely there.
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Jan 12, 2012Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
I get told I'm cold and unfeeling by many people, namely men. All I have to say about that is that I do have emotions but I'm not mushy about it and I won't let them show. I used to think being emotional was weak; I no longer think that. In my family I'm the oldest; the strong one. Sometimes that gets tiring. When everything gets to be too much I might have a good cry in solitude. I'm a strong believer that time heals all wounds. That's why I detach, cut the person off, and move on.