Spiritual gifts

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by LoveeStoned on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and has 13 replies.
and/or "psychic abilities"
i have a lot of friends that practice spiritual gifts & are one with the Earth and everything in between. Some of them say they are psychics, some of them say they are just spiritual; i believe that i have a spiritual gift, but i wouldnt say im psychic. my birth chart tells me that i am naturally spiritual & faithful so i give off this positive energy. people say its a form of a psychic sense, but i just dont believe that. plus i was told that psychic abilities arent of God, and i just dont wana take that risk lol. but i mean ... when you really think about it, psychics are just individuals that accumulated a gift over time, based on past experiences or perhaps genetically.
I think i accumulated my gift because of all the crazy shit i've been through in the past. i SHOULD be angry, and spiteful, and full of hate, but i believe so much in Love & that it can heal all things. so that is what i try to project
Posted by xdimplez
how does one practice it?

depends on the gift really. but for me its all about connecting.
i practice on people i have a strong bond with. ill meditate with them & usually i can just feel if something is weighing heavy on there heart. idk how i can tell what it is but i can just look into their eyes & see whats hurting them. whether its a lost loved one, family issues, insecurities ... it sounds crazy, i know, but ... it is what it is lol
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
Lovestoned. I love your user name and you seem to be completely awesome. We use only a small portion of our brains. Think of all the possibilities that could be unlocked and how many out there that are able to tap in. Stay positive and google it. Everything you are curious about. If you find some interesting stuff about your personal abilities, you're not a lone. Reach out just like you're doing now. Time and research will allow you to feel more comfortable with it all.

aaw, thank you ^.^
my name represents my state of mind when im in love.
super f*cking STONED ! >.
i never have intentions on hurting people. life is too beautiful to waste it on negativity. however, my concern is if its against God to practice my gift :\
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Surely God would already know you're doing it?

i dont quite follow ?
im aware he knows. but idk if its good or bad o.O
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Lol, worry about it when the times comes?

naaah dude. Wisdom saves souls.
plus ... you know theres that whole saying "if it feels wrong, most likely its wrong"
think ill just stick with that theory ! lol
Posted by VirgoFlirt
Pisces sun / moon with north node in Sag...It can't get no better, I'm LoveeStoned Winking

okay now, dont start undressing me with your mind.
you havent even taken me out yet -.- lol
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I think Tate put something in my booster shot, that's my excuse lol.

So that's why you are leaving advice and then random bits of info all over the place? Tongue
@LoveeStoned, if it feels right and helps you and other people, then why not? Don't let other people tell you what is 'morally wrong' and what not. And if you want to follow the advice of any god, at least read about it yourself instead of relying on other people to do the interpreting for you.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by LoveeStoned
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Lol, worry about it when the times comes?

naaah dude. Wisdom saves souls.
plus ... you know theres that whole saying "if it feels wrong, most likely its wrong"
think ill just stick with that theory ! lol

Fair point. Although, can I have the powerball/lottery numbers? I won't tell God you passed them my way, promise.smile
click to expand

never said i could tell the future. plus if i knew the answer to that id use it for ME !
mwuahahahaha >smile
Posted by VirgoFlirt
I meant rising / moon and NN in Sag but whats awsome is besides that is I have Chiron in Aries... so your undressed already.

honestlyyyyyy ... i have no clue of how great a significance that it. i just got into astrology & stuff.
BUT ! i kind of figured that already happened. .. im creeped out & entertained at the same damn time ! lol
@TigerCap thankss ! Big Grin your words will be the last piece of advice ill take on the subject lol
This topic is irrelevant do to the fact there's no such thing as having "spiritual gifts" smh delusional gifts maybe
Posted by AybLynk
This topic is irrelevant do to the fact there's no such thing as having "spiritual gifts" smh delusional gifts maybe

But we are talking about astrology and the influence of far-away planets... ?
I'm not religious at all and maybe any "spiritual gifts" are just a heightened sensitivity of subconscious behaviour. Or maybe it's nothing.
Who knows, who cares.
If people here want to talk about things like that then let them. No need to barge into a topic and say they are delusional.