Spiritual gifts

Posted by everevolvingepithet
Lol, worry about it when the times comes?

naaah dude. Wisdom saves souls.
plus ... you know theres that whole saying "if it feels wrong, most likely its wrong"
think ill just stick with that theory ! lol

Related Messages

Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^So do you feel with age you become more self-aware and know 'where you are coming from'?
If so then touch? and valid point.... And thank you for the insightful knowledge.

No, not exactly. I think with age and maturity we are more able to define and communicate what it is we need. We know. Communication tends to be the major issue for Scorps.
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I just wanted to say I love you Virgos!
You are amazing people who will never judge others (or at least that's how it is with the Virgos I know) and who will always try to give support to their friends or help when they need it.
My dad is a Virgo and still my hero Big Grin
Several of my closest friends are Virgos as well, and their friendship is absolutely amazing! There's one to whom I speak every fuc*ing day even though we live miles away. There's another one that I don't see a lot but I've known her for 10 years and every time I see her it's like we've never been apart.
Long story short: I LOVE VIRGOS
Posted by Purrrr
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Ummm does sm = purr?

Dude, I've been put through the fucking wringer on this site and have nothing to lose. You think I'm gonna create a new account just to say THAT? Hahahaha, no. Whatever I have to say, I'll say using my regular account. I'm not the type to create hate threads dedicated to someone, either, lol.
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I gotcha I was just trying to figure out who this was is all.
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Posted by Sneaky
Posted by tiziani
If i'm understanding correctly, I think the word you were looking for instead of "dominant" was "generous". I may be wrong. But it is a valid question to ask can a man be generous as well as selfish? And a common contradiction today.

No, I didn't mean generous.
Okay, real life story:
I know a girl that was really into a guy and they started dating. Weeks later, I come across her and she looks bothered. She basically said that she thinks she loves him but wishes he would feel the same way about her.
Fast forward to a random moment that oral sex was being discussed. She basically said that this guy always pushes her head down, dominantly, whenever he wants her to go down on him.
I think that is an unmistakeably dominant move on his behalf, and if it works for them then it works for them.
But if I had to assume something about this guy, is that he is selfish, and possibly entirely consumed by his own benefit. And that he is the last person to be able to emotionally support her, which is what she needs.
That's why I associate dominance with selfishness, and selflessness with emotionalism and romanticism.
I really hope I made sense here.
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This makes sense, but there is an assumption here that his behaviour in the bedroom is also reflected outside of the bedroom. It may be, but it doesn't have to be. Also, if a woman longs for this behaviour and request it in the bedroom and a man gives it to her, is he not expressing a concern for her needs by giving her exactly what she wants? I wouldn't see that as being selfish at all.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^So do you feel with age you become more self-aware and know 'where you are coming from'?
If so then touch? and valid point.... And thank you for the insightful knowledge.

No, not exactly. I think with age and maturity we are more able to define and communicate what it is we need. We know. Communication tends to be the major issue for Scorps.

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^^^Goddamn right it is!!
Well I mean I'm not you all but that's the way it seems to me.
Hey all I know is if you treat me awesome everyday I see you... I suppose I don't need anything explained about how you feel.
BUT if you expect me to do something you want ...I'm not a psychic so.. yeah wtf?
So what I'm to take from your little tidbit Phoenix is I should be going for the older Scorpio ladies? Winking
Posted by Poisson
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think we are over complicating this subject just a tad bit don't you think. If sex ever got this complicated good lord...

Seriously. I think I'd stick to masturbating. I'm too horny to think about the politics...
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Okay, I'm just tired of seeing posts like these in every section! For every sign! "Aquarius and disappearing act", "Leos and disappearing acts", "Libras and disappearing acts".... etc etc.
So how about we just admit that THIS has nothing to do with astrology, that it's mainly women complaing about men doing that (although I'm sure tons of women do it too!) and that it's probably because of something else? Like maybe a fear of commitment, which has nothing to do with your sign, or just being a jerk/a bitch, etc.
Do you know people who have pulled that stunt of you? And if you do, could you give their sun sign here? Let's see if it has something to do with astrology or not (I really AM curious, now).