I've read that love relationships between Cancers and Scorpios produce the most passionate, sensual, pleasurable, sexual experience EVER.
"and since water signs are the element of emotion, cancer and scorpio would be passionate, sensual, pleasurable, sexual."
Yet so would other combinations.....Most people have the capacity for the adjectives you used to described scorpio and cancer doing the 'ol in out....it is just whom unlocks whoms ability to let it flow.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Same for Scorpio & Pisces..*both passionately provide what the other needs or seeks..*i've also heard this combo to be one of the very best.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"it is just whom unlocks whoms ability to let it flow."
Agreed .. thus far only passion and sensuality has been pondered for the definition of compatible as it relates to being pleasurable.
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Dec 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 48
i guess it depends mainly on the elemental compatibilty like im a fire sign leo so my best sexual compatibilty partner would be that of an air sign or fire sign.i like passion and earthy signs and water well lets just say we dont mix lol
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Sep 30, 2007Comments: 92 · Posts: 5629 · Topics: 56
any two signs can bring out the sexual beast in each other.
I like this line. Especially the usage of the words Sexual Beast. HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Awesome.
not sure which signs combine the best. from my experience, cancer/sag fems and male leo's work well. One thing I know for sure though is that Male leos and Female Scorpios are a recipe for disaster
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Jul 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 815 · Topics: 61
any naturally trining 5-9 vibrations and I can only speak for Air but this should be the case for the other elements, Gemini - Sagittarius should be cozy comfy despite the elemental differece, probably Pisces - Virgo this could be quite cozy snug, Leo - Aquarius - one kind of Fixed against another kind of Fixed this oppositional combination could be very dramatic; Aquarius - Gemini, Air fanning Fire can be combustive and volatile although besides the volatility (which can be negative) very exotic and sexy.
Any Ideas regarding Male Leo and Female Pisces...pure man and pure woman
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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
"one kind of Fixed against another kind of Fixed this oppositional combination could be very dramatic"
I think the word you're looking for here is "explosive".
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
"slippery when wet" and "caution: wide load"
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Most natural sex: Taurus & Virgo. Really easy. Really smooth. Heat that builds & builds for HOURS, and then takes several more hours to cool down...
Crazy wild sex: Libra & Virgo. All over the damn bed. Broke a solid oak bedframe right at climax. Really wet sex on top of the washing machine (big surprise there!).
Explosive passionate sex: Scorpio & Virgo. Gag order on this one per Ms. Scorp... but, dayum!
I am currently with a leo, and I've never had anything like it. By far the best, but that is just my personal opinion. :-))))
Most compatible sex signs are my sign and whatever other sign is with me.
All the ladies agree. No, I didn't pay them. Much.
That's not the only things that's big.
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Sep 30, 2007Comments: 92 · Posts: 5629 · Topics: 56
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Apr 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1118 · Topics: 28
what about cappies? how come no one has anything nice to say about cappies? LOL!
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
UGH!! I've had the worst sexual experiences with Scorps! Seriously, not all that great or passionate or fiery or hot or anything much.
One of them was amazing. But 3 others were super DUDS.
I like Aquas. I like Sag's.
I'm Libra...kind of freaky in a way that scorpio just isn't I think.
Pisces and Sag.
Water + Fire = Steam
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
Dang Capricorns get no love! lol
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
It's cos they don't give any ^^^
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Sexually compatible...LEO & SCORPIO....Hotttttttt!!!
Aries & Scorpio also very hott
Hey Libsco2210,
I am gem/can cusp married to lib/sco cusp.
Passion got us into marriage, now we have to work out the way to get along in other ways, lol. But it is never boring, I can say that...
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
What are the two most sexually compatible signs
Taurus & Virgo - ALL DAY, and ALL OF THE NIGHT...
Equal in passion, and in stamina.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
m_e: any combination if its the correct signs will have over the moon passion.
Yes, and if the "chemistry" is right, there'll be fireworks!