What are your thoughts on Scorpio Moon?

This topic was created in the Scorpio Moon forum by raad182 on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and has 32 replies.
Lets talk about the most popular (hated) placement on DXP

I was missing a thread about us...
I don't care
Posted by rekt
Posted by raad182
Lets talk about the most popular (hated) placement on DXP

I was missing a thread about us...
go to the moon sign forum and you'll see half the posts on that board are about scorpio moons.

it doesn't really need another thread.
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Its quite dead there

The most hated? Oh damn. Nice
THE WORST. But I also feel awful for them and attract them like flies to honey.
Posted by imbatgirl14
Love Scorpio moon intensity and sexy mystery, but hate their tendency to push people away. Then sulk and cry and wonder why people are no longer in their life.
Yeah they do this

And convince themselves they are the black sheep even when they are really the only ones who see it that way - and purposely make it that way

Posted by Feral_doe
Love 'em.

I don't get the hate either. Get to know one and you realize they're not that intense and scary.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Feral_doe
Posted by AdmiralCrabbyPatterson
I thought people trashed on libra moons?

Either way they're both hoors
There's a cycle. Gem moons get their share, then move on to the next. Right now it seems to be leeb moons.

Wonder which will be next? ?
Pretty sure it's always been leo
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change your avi dastard
Posted by Feral_doe
Posted by uchiha
Posted by Feral_doe
Love 'em.

I don't get the hate either. Get to know one and you realize they're not that intense and scary.
You're welcome, you emo moon you.
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I feel like you understand us. You definitely know how to get a Scorp moon, I'm sure.

Posted by GetMisted
Posted by RedShoes
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Feral_doe
Posted by AdmiralCrabbyPatterson
I thought people trashed on libra moons?

Either way they're both hoors
There's a cycle. Gem moons get their share, then move on to the next. Right now it seems to be leeb moons.

Wonder which will be next? ?
Pretty sure it's always been leo
change your avi dastard
why you talking to yourself?
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Deeply intense people. They can be rough physically, but not all are this way.
Posted by Feral_doe
Posted by uchiha
Posted by Feral_doe
Posted by uchiha
Posted by Feral_doe
Love 'em.

I don't get the hate either. Get to know one and you realize they're not that intense and scary.
You're welcome, you emo moon you.
I feel like you understand us. You definitely know how to get a Scorp moon, I'm sure.

Sure. It's a mix of sweet and mean. For some reason it gets you guys lol
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Not too much mean tho but I get what you're saying. It's true.

Not sure what the infatuation with scorpio moons, considering its a bad placement.
Look peope hate scorpio moons but why? I am different because i don't hurt people i don't steal your bf and im very sensetive and caring and i do everything to protect you because i know what people are good for you and who is not. A lot of people don't believe me and then later comes the truth and then they like me and then i am the one that says i told you. But look i have moon in scorpio 1st house and libra rising with venus in cancer and sometimes people don't understand me and some people think that they are understanding me. If i have problems at school and i really did nothing and i have a problem with someone in my class and the teacher asks what happend why are you like this don't be so mad and scary its making them sad that you are reacting to people like this but people dont know what happend and then i talk to my teacher and she thinks that ik brutal and have a big mouth im just being honest but if i am alone with my teacher and explain it very good then she finally understands me because a lot of people thinks that they know me but they don't and if i tell them to tell the real me they are going in shook when i was alone wiht my teacher she was like wow and she likes me now so but a lot of people don't understand me and then comes drama. But if someone is sad i have always your back and i care people and im very serious about emotions but i find deep black scary things really scary like its not me lol i love flowers and thinking positive but i can be scary to people with my reactions. Lol this is long i have virgo mercury LOL and mars and Jupiter hihihiuhi my dominant signs are 1. Virgo 2. Cancer smile))
Ps. HAHAHAH i have a reason to be mad ok people are seeing the reasons but no one fcking cares about other emotiones i hate that
Posted by ChrisIsKodak
Posted by brianafay
Posted by imbatgirl14
Love Scorpio moon intensity and sexy mystery, but hate their tendency to push people away. Then sulk and cry and wonder why people are no longer in their life.
Yeah they do this

And convince themselves they are the black sheep even when they are really the only ones who see it that way - and purposely make it that way

lmfao lowkey called them victims
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They try really hard to be don't they ??

Posted by ChrisIsKodak
Posted by brianafay
Posted by ChrisIsKodak
Posted by brianafay
Posted by imbatgirl14
Love Scorpio moon intensity and sexy mystery, but hate their tendency to push people away. Then sulk and cry and wonder why people are no longer in their life.
Yeah they do this

And convince themselves they are the black sheep even when they are really the only ones who see it that way - and purposely make it that way

lmfao lowkey called them victims

They try really hard to be don't they ??

LOOLL I want to say no, but I remember my scorp moon ex crying because she was too beautiful, I kid you not.
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Must have been hard for her

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^^^^ Me Reading some of the responses in this thread
the worst people everrrrr but also the most sex appeal. i'm very attracted to them, i get close, or at least i think they do, then they become dicks or extremely manipulative. to the point where it's just like, wow you really want to burn bridges with each thing you do. lack of morals. betraying. gaslighters. will use info against you. deceptive.

one of my most traumatizing friends was from elementary school and we had this little group, me and one other girl. during high school she tried to turn the entire school against the third girl. i was so scared of her and a lot of people were scared of her. i don't understand how somebody could be so destructive.

my last two exes were moon in scorp. they lie a lot. they react with anger when you try to have a discussion with them about what bothers you - they don't handle conflict with maturity. they become so defensive that they flip shit on you, twist facts, talk over you, become violent, emotionally abusive.

my last two exes have made me scream from frustration and anger like no other person, and brought out my own violence.

And yet, having said all of that, i will still always have a love-hate relationship with them because there are few other placements that make me feel as comfortable in the moment. there is still a connection based on feeling. and of course, that sex appeal like no other.
Posted by RedShoes
I don't care
Posted by ChrisIsKodak
Posted by Cancan26
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^^^^ Me Reading some of the responses in this thread
Could be worse. You could be a cancer man with a scorpio moon. That's actual cancer by dxpnet standards.
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Laughing #blessed
Posted by Infinite8
I don't understand the hate. I have a lot of very close people in my life with that placement and have strong bonds with all of them. So, from my experience, I would say it's a placement I really like and connect well with...

No no no! You must hate or else! Lol
This is my moon sign and the stuff I see about it is just..

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Posted by ChrisIsKodak
Posted by Cancan26
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^^^^ Me Reading some of the responses in this thread
Could be worse. You could be a cancer man with a scorpio moon. That's actual cancer by dxpnet standards.
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You're not a Scorp mooner ?!

Posted by Piscoxo
Let's get real though, we all know that we really don't care wether people like us or not. The Scorpio moon is not a people pleaser, unless it's business oriented. ::shrugs::
I see... Confused

So for Scorpio Moons - relationships are just usual business (managing other people's resources (: emotional and physical).
I find men with this moon very attractive

Posted by Piscoxo
Posted by neves
Posted by Piscoxo
Let's get real though, we all know that we really don't care wether people like us or not. The Scorpio moon is not a people pleaser, unless it's business oriented. ::shrugs::
I see... Confused

So for Scorpio Moons - relationships are just usual business (managing other people's resources (: emotional and physical).
Assume whatever you will. It was a comment in regards to all of the negative accusations for Scorpio moons. I do not treat my romantic relationships the same as a business transaction.

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Oh wait... that's a Capricorn Moon. My bad. Straight Face

...was a joke! Big Grin

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Posted by DlCKBUTT
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I love this guy! He was born the same day as me! 06/26

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Posted by Cancan26
Posted by DlCKBUTT
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I love this guy! He was born the same day as me! 06/26

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I can see the resemblance... Scared

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Posted by neves
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by DlCKBUTT
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I love this guy! He was born the same day as me! 06/26

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I can see the resemblance... Scared

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LaughingLaughingLaughing omg gawd I just laughed so hard!!!

Posted by Cancan26
Posted by neves
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by DlCKBUTT
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I love this guy! He was born the same day as me! 06/26

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I can see the resemblance... Scared

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LaughingLaughingLaughing omg gawd I just laughed so hard!!!

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Big Grin