What is Mercury in retrogade and

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Ophiuchus on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 15 replies.
why is it being blamed every 2 minutes for the cancer we're witnessing?

Yes yes, I know, I can google it. But you know what, I want the lovely members of dxpnet to explain it to me. Like if I'm 5.


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Posted by aquanib
It has to do with gravity. That's all i know. Big Grin
haha... thanks buddy
Posted by Solitude
Because it takes a brave person to face reality

Draw your own conclusions from that
are you saying that people should stop blaming their outbursts on mercury retrograde and just accept the fact that that's the way they are? Cause well, I haven't been feeling any different. But I keep seeing people scared of mercury and blaming mercury. im like wtf am i missing out on
Posted by TrueFantasy
Apparently it doesn't affect people with merc rx in their natal charts.....or so I've been told.

IM SAVED. But that also means no excuses on my part lol
i dont have merc rx in my chart. i feel fine.
Posted by TrueFantasy
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by TrueFantasy
Apparently it doesn't affect people with merc rx in their natal charts.....or so I've been told.

IM SAVED. But that also means no excuses on my part lol
i dont have merc rx in my chart. i feel fine.
You are a strong soul.
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I didn't believe in it, until the last one and I have it rx natally but the one in Taurus was a freaking nightmare, lost texts, lost love, like bat crap crazy stuff... now this one has brought LOTS of past men back but otherwise all is fine. My progressed merc isn't rx so maybe that's why?
Posted by Koniuchaa
Well, tell me what we can blame the outbursts on when Mercury is not retrograde?
transits, LOL.
Posted by TheLibraMudra
It's a time where everyone can blame being an ass holio on a planet
i noticed
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by Solitude
Because it takes a brave person to face reality

Draw your own conclusions from that
are you saying that people should stop blaming their outbursts on mercury retrograde and just accept the fact that that's the way they are? Cause well, I haven't been feeling any different. But I keep seeing people scared of mercury and blaming mercury. im like wtf am i missing out on
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Some people are the way they are all year round. Merc RX is just a convenient time for them to blame something other than themselves.
Posted by Solitude
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by Solitude
Because it takes a brave person to face reality

Draw your own conclusions from that
are you saying that people should stop blaming their outbursts on mercury retrograde and just accept the fact that that's the way they are? Cause well, I haven't been feeling any different. But I keep seeing people scared of mercury and blaming mercury. im like wtf am i missing out on
There's probably a perfectly sound, in-depth astrological explanation for why you don't feel affected

I'm betting it on your rare Ophiuchus placement
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probs my rare placement
Posted by Tirano24
Posted by TheLibraMudra
It's a time where everyone can blame being an ass holio on a planet
Yeah I don't notice any differences.
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wtf, didn't you make that aries thread? You're the reason people keep bringing up the mercury retrograde excuse LOL
I can physically feel Mercury Retrograde. I feel wonky, whiney, sleepy, sloppy, messy, jittery. Everyone in my immediate family gets like this during it, I've realised since learning astrology. We all have personal planets in Gemini and/or Virgo. My Virgo husband gets super cranky especially around station and he doesn't even believe in astrology.

It's real. Just doesn't effect everyone the same.
I don't have emotional outbursts during it though.. then blame it on Merc Rx. What kind of an asshole would do that? HahaLaughing
Posted by TheLibraMudra
Posted by Tirano24
Posted by TheLibraMudra
It's a time where everyone can blame being an ass holio on a planet
Yeah I don't notice any differences.
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right? lmao
I suspect the peeps who blame outbursts on it are firey types. Merc Rx slows me way down. I feel like a clumsy sloth.