Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Scorpions can be very cunning, and sometimes revengeful. Great detecting/observational skills. Taurean's have unlimited patience and stubborn tenacity, where others give up. They not only can stratagize, they can build empires. Capricorn's are ultra cool, calculating and very resourceful. Focused, hardworking drones. Piscean's, if they're in it with their hearts, they can stratagize with the best. Sneaky, extremely elusive, they can anticipate many steps ahead. Piscean George Washington eluded the enemy by deception and trickery.
Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
"But the root of the idea are "goals" and "beleif"." Very true, outcast. Why a pisces stratagizes in the first place does have to mean something deep within us. Be it for goals or beliefs as you said. Bin Laden is a good example, aka religion. However, Planet Neptune's elusive, hidden powers to get to those goals is the initial strategy.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
Mystic, I think psices are good strategists at maintaining flexiblity. Capricorn has the patience to be good at strategist, but overcautiousness cause them to miss out opportunities. ( I think sun Tzu is a capricorn btw). Aries have the boldness to put his strrategy into action, but offten grossly lack tact in planning the attack. Scorpios are supremely strategic, but as soon as their feelings get in the way, ther obssession to wipe out the enemy cause them to lose all rationality. I really don't know what requirements are there to be good at strategy.
Signed Up: Dec 24, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 9
The Gemini sign has to be the ultimate strategist of the zodiac. Compare with Aries, the inner self of Aries is spontaneous emotional Fire comparatively more impulsive. Gemini is different Gemini is purely detached Air, Gemini is also purely multifaceted black and white and everything inbetween, Geminis are the ultimate seduction artists. Scorpios in the astrological association are way too one sided either white or black and that's it.
Signed Up: Dec 24, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 9
Besides Scorpio cannot be emotionally detached since its a Water sign. I think it depends on the nation that you live in, in the United States Geminis have got to be the number 1 versatile and strategistically orientied sign due to the fluidity of this nation's zodiacal influences the strong changeable qualities of the USA afterall this nation is ruled by Cancer and rising in Mutable signs (either Sagittarius or Gemini rising). The USA is far too devolved and changeable to be a strong hold for more stolid sign people, now I don't think its wrong to state that the Capricorn or Taurus sign are the "backbone" of America but this will strongly contradict with the constantly devolving and changeable modem of the United States. India comparatively must be Capricorn ruled and if you make a comparison India might not change much at all in the next ........... shall we say 600 years or maybe even 1,000 or 2,000 years into the future which is a very strong contradiction with the United States.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( hall we say 600 years or maybe even 1,000 or 2,000 years into the future which is a very strong contradiction with the United States. )) You think this earth and its people will go on for another 600 years if United States keep following its messed up domestic and foreign policy??? I would be really surprised if human beings make it beyond 2100 AD with this existing set of foolishness and chase for wealth and materialistic possession destroying the very planet we live and depend on.
The Libran:I would be really surprised if human beings make it beyond 2100 AD with this existing set of foolishness and chase for wealth and materialistic possession destroying the very planet we live and depend on lol Me too, I've been mulling over the idea of traddin' in this outdated body model for a gaseous, vapor form.....! lol lol Now, I believe a strategist is anyone who is rational, objective, and knows how to make the best of what they have to succeed......if you think about it stradegy is just like life and the everday grind.....the thing that every human being does well (you're still living and breathing aren't most of you? lol)......A person who is emotional lacks the vision to actually do anything about the situation becuase at any moment (since an emotional person 'feels' first before they 'think' they can't be as removed from a situation....meaning they may be good at plotting but they mind is clouded by their feelings and when things get personal....they loose their cool). Someone whom is a mixture between detatchment and practicality.....knowing how to use what you have, and a logical mind to execute.
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4935 · Topics: 117
"The Gemini sign has to be the ultimate strategist of the zodiac." Not in my case - the above statement is false. My ex Gem took me to court a few times THINKING he KNEW what he was doing. NOT! the Judge ended up making him look like a fool and my lawyer had a good laugh. Me thinks his "thinker" switch had not been turned on or if it was, the connection was very weak. Moral of the story - sometimes when we think we are better than the other and we want to hurt them....we end up being the one who looks like a fool. My vote is - Aries
I think it's a Tie between Virgo and Aries: both have the objectivity and adaptability to make up plans on the fly even if their intial plans go up in smoke.....You can plan out every possible detail of every possible scenario, BUT the theory is hard to use as a meter stick to measure the action phase.....meaning what you may think a person will do yeilds the potential to devestate you, and since you lack the element of surprise, you place to much confidence in over-analysis, and forget about thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX. That's why I cut that thinking style short and left it strickly for investigation.
Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
"Someone whom is a mixture between detatchment and practicality.....knowing how to use what you have, and a logical mind to execute." Interesting TL, and true enough; however with out some emotion and passion in the strategist equation, then where does your drive come from? When we really (want or need) something, we (feel) it. So initially, emotion is a great motivating factor, and makes the reward even that much more enjoyable and worthy. If i am (too) robotic, the means to the end doesn't mean so much. Thus, i would balance it with the some well-directed emotion along the way.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( however with out some emotion and passion in the strategist equation, then where does your drive come from? )) It varies for each zodiac group. For Aries and libra, it originates from the need for the betterment of society and people. For taurus and scorpio its their needs to execute revolutionary ideas which they think will change the world.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((don't make me laugh. out loud.)) That can only be understood and appreciated by Air or fire people. Having a strategy in theory is easy. Any non cardinal sign can do that job.
Signed Up: Dec 23, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 135 · Topics: 4
Hoi Shaka! =) I believe in you, but the Virgos I know they aren't good strategists... My ex boyfriend (curious he is dutch lol, but I'm not and I'm not even on holland anymore) he started something and then never end, or he made lots of plans but in the middle blow them away...My mother is also Virgo and she's also not good in strategy. I think because of Virgo insecurities they tend to screw everything. Of course, I believe not all Virgos are like these, but according to the ones I know I had to disagree.
Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
I like Taurus's staying power, patience and tenacity. I think who can stick with it the longest can most likely perfect their strategy, slowly but surely.. Rome wasn't built in a day. Who knows, maybe a Taurean coined that Generally speaking, i think all the earth signs can be quite impressive as strategists.. Speaking of Hitler, i think the majority of astrologers favour him as a very early born Taurean Sun; born 0' 48" into Taurus, April 20, 1889 at 6:30 PM in Braunau (Autriche) He was (very) cuspian; also having merc in firey Aries. He was Moon in Cap with Libra Rising. With his aries-taurus influences, he had both great passion, persistence and will, continuing on, greatly focused with his diabolical plans. With moon - jupiter in his 3rd house of communication, he was talented with speech, and at persuading his allies. In the end Saturn in Hitler's 10th and, Neptune-Pluto conjunct in his 8th house of death, helpled seal both his fate and his demise.. It would be interesting to see what the daily transits were, way back when..
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
It is. But time wise he was inside taurus. Aries is not an idiot. Of course I do agree that they do things without thinking and cause a lot of trouble. But they go through a painful stage soon after they do something. Taurus never faces that guilt part. Bcoz they are dead sure that whatever they have done is the best thing bcoz its already done. And thats exactly what Hitler was.
Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
"Hilter was an aries, aries last day is the 20th of april not the 19th." I believe April 19th is the last day of Aries. Though for people born extremely close to a cuspian degree of zero, it's best though to consult a solar chart to be sure, because the actual (year) you were born is very important in determining the exact position or (day) the sun actually entered a sign.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 97 · Topics: 5
A good strategist uses a straightforward approach with beneficial results, someone who can see all sides of a situation, has vision, anticipates the opponents next move and is aware of limitations, not someone who uses deception and trickery which results in destruction of others and themselves. A good strategist achieves a positive result. Perfect example: Bill Clinton (Leo/Virgo Cusp) was a good strategist whereas good ol' George W. Bush is a bad strategist (Cancer). Sorry to you cancer signs. I don't think this has much to do with signs. Donald Trump is also a cancer sign and one can hardly refer to him as a bad strategist. The key requirement to be a good strategist is vision.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
A good strategist is one who can see obstacles blocking his goal, and find ways to remove these obstacles with minimal effort. He sees opportunities where others only see dead ends. He has a good assessment of his own abilities. Alot of strategists got obssessed with eliminating his enemies and lose sight of the goal, I won't say who, but there are countless in history. And a good strategist can defeat a much more powerful (or numerically) superior enemy with inferior numbers in battle. I do not what sign fit these categories. but virgoheart is pretty right on track, though i still find the definition somewhat incomplete. There are strategists who wins every battle but still loses the war (for example Napoleon), for some reason, perhaps out of exhaustion. Hence the difference and gap between a good and great strategist is quite big. Patience is defintely a necessity.
Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
I have alot of respect and admiration for Donald Trump. (..although the repeated insults with Rosey O' got hell outta hand!!!) Anyway, he's a great life-business strategist, and i find myself agreeing or sharing many of his viewpoints and opinions... He's a Leo/Mars too, so maybe that helps some. He did say everyday is a mental battle of wills and winning in the real-estate/business world.. Never let them see you sweat and never admit to any weaknesses. What's the point? You have to be tough. Sometimes you don't want to be, but you have to be to survive. As he himself says, it's all about the 'Art of Negotiation' ..but i assume he's a competitor in almost every facet of life. There's a BIG heart and large streak of fairness, as well, which is also important.. + he's a patient, interested listener, who may not agree with you, but (will) hear you out just the same. In short, a good strategist is only as good as their weakest loyalist or link.. And success won't happen without good people to back you, either. In fact, people come before strategy on the way to success. *plus a good strategist must think (like) his competitor and do his research.. So generally, it takes the traits of many signs.. *a better way to look at it, may be: what chart* would make the best strategist..
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
I think trump can't handle failure, and he is quite insecure. That itself is already a sign of a poor strategist. "although the repeated insults with Rosey O' got hell outta hand! " You should have seen his battles with Leona Helmsley
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
a strategist does not fear to be weak, if showing weakness serves his purpose. Bill Gates occasionally display a wimp image as part of his strategy to get opponents to underestimate him (the days when apple was the dominant power in the computer market).
Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
LOL, don't not know Leona Helmsley, but yeah i can imagine, red_aries! The Donald should've taken up boxing..! Now, i'd pay to see (actually, no never read that book you mentioned, would like to though) ..about Trump, i don't think he fears weakness as much, as maybe it really doesn't serve him much purpose. Deep down, i'm sure he most likely knows his own. =) I think it's more about admittance, he ain't At any rate, he wouldn't let it control him anyway. Whatever he's doing, it's working, and i respect him for that. Although to be that successful and driven you have to make mistakes, pick yourself back up, and learn from it. Even Trump. Many of the things he says does make alot of sense though, at least to me .. *but even with Trump, not everyone is perfect, and i don't expect him to be..
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
don't read it, its alot of BS loaded with common sense that everyone knows already. Its much more educational to read Sun Tzu the Art of War or The Way by Lao Tzu.
Signed Up: Feb 07, 2008 Comments: 0 · Posts: 9 · Topics: 0
"Ikol: I'm the best at strategy. I once beat a cat at checkers. One out of ten is pretty good I say." ROFL...that's awesome dude..totally made my day on that one..
Signed Up: Dec 24, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 9
Any Feminine signs make the best strategists becoz they are passive. You have to remember that in the esoteric association the passive Feminine is more all encompassingly powerful than any projecting Masculine force. The Planet Pluto produces passivity in Scorpio females and effiminacy in Scorpio males (effiminate does not equal gay, or homo, or bi). Its the very rare Aries male that is effeminate but then Masculine signs are also selfish - while you might deduce that Feminine signs are 'stingy' but then 'stingy' is only some glib term that has no fully relateable concept through the astrological association, feminine signs are the the most unselfish and most completely devoted signs than any Masculine sign could possibly be, even Aquarius is selfish. Which force is more powerful? The projecting Masculine force or the passive Feminine force? You would think that it would be the projecting Masculine but in an esoteric sense this cannot be true since the passive Feminine is more encompassingly power than the Masculine. Ordinarily a nice sexy combination. Any kind of Feminine Passivity will on the earth plane will always be the greater powerhouse than anything the Masculine side of astrology has to offer. The ancient Hindus knew about this in the symbolical sense the chthonic goddess Kali stands over the corpse of Shiva, or you might say or consider the passive Shakti principle standing on the body of the sleeping man.
Signed Up: Dec 24, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 9
I don't speak Hindi although I actually think that Shakti (Indo European Sanskrit - Shakti = Strength) literally means Power and Shakti is on the earth plane pure Feminine passive power and energy (Passivity = Ultimate Power, Shrewdness, Resistance and Endurance and maybe even a pure erotic and elusive quality most apparent to males born in Masculine signs ) Shiva is just well a charasmatic Mercurian character that's all even his denoted name doesn't reek of anything truly powerful when compared with the Shakti intonation.
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