What would you do to revenge an ex coworker?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by spica on Thursday, July 16, 2009 and has 37 replies.
if they told lies, made you feel bad, docked your pay etc.?
You are no longer in the company.
Now would you let it go?
Ike, you are right, I'd say. An outward maninfestation of thoughts. But what if karma doesn't do it's work?
Starfish, what if they were a scorpio?
Starfish, no they did not break me, but they tried to, for some reason I don't know.
Perhaps its because I knew their ex, and they had a bad breakup blah blah, and the ex got married. Methinks its some weird feelings that got transferred to me. Their ex was a male; methinks she thinks he's talking to me about her. BUT puhlease.. I dont bother with others' relationships, not like hers was even in my mind.
But she was a terror - I'm sensitive and very empathic, so I know her feelings before she even did anything underhanded. It's like she delivers stuff with a smile.
I'm not sure her coworkers got a wind of her, but apparently she's great at curry favoring the boss.
Ya Tasha, I'm afraid Karma doesnt do its work, because sometimes it gets delayed or something. I believe in karma, but I dont believe in its effective timing. That means, their payment can be gotten back the next lifetime, maybe?
The best thing is that I'm outta there.
For some reason my life was a bed of flowers until I started to wake up and see the real world.
"LOL @ But what if karma doesn't do it's work? Starfish, what if they were a scorpio?
Hahahahahahahahaaaa... I dunno why i am laughing... was it your innocence? or was it a kind of a simple truth put forth in utter turmoil and confusion?? but yes.... so true.. why doesnt karma actually not even barely graze the scorp skin....
hahahahahhaaaa.. funny.. relly"
Ya, I'm innocent, really. And I believe in humour. smile
If this persons a Scorp, I'd definitely leave it alone. They are masters of revenge so anything you could throw out there would most likely be toppled and it won't be pretty. It's so hard...but you just have to let it go and hope you never see that person again. It will take time, but revenge is so unhealthy and can be scary at times.
Good luck! smile
"oh nevermind, the coworker is a scorpio??"
Yes she is a scorpio. I never did anything to her. I'd love to know exactly why she did that, but now I'm outta there I'd like revenge back where her stingers lie!
"If this persons a Scorp, I'd definitely leave it alone. They are masters of revenge so anything you could throw out there would most likely be toppled and it won't be pretty. It's so hard...but you just have to let it go and hope you never see that person again. It will take time, but revenge is so unhealthy and can be scary at times.
Good luck! "
I'd agree, Ramfish, I'd let it go already.. this is a few months back, but scenes keep replaying when I'd least expect it and I'd be so mad. There is some scorpio in my chart; though I dont want to take revenge, I like to know it's executed. It's a nice feeling.
By the way, the 2 "top dogs" - by that i mean the longest staying peeps are an aries girl and that scorpio. I'd say the aries girl is way better in that she did not do the dark maniulative shit, but the scorpio managed to politik things to her favour. It was pretty fierce in there, I'm glad I left.
I would have stayed to see how things fared between them, because as far as I know, those 2 try so hard to "get along" its scary.
I don't understand Scorpio all that much, being in the sign of the infamous airy fairies. In that I don't know if karma will hit on scorpio, because they're too hot or something. Maybe they'd just absorb the shocks.. since they're the agent of tranformation themselves.
BUT, the fact that they could do something so buttery is a reflection of their inner turmoil; to know that is a consolation.
"And pardon me if I upset anybody, but having scorpio somewhere in the chart doesnt really make anybody a percentage of a scorp."
Ya. I'm so not scorpio. I can't even begin to understand them. I'm super air and we just bubble through the scorpionic water pool. But the bit of scorpio within me likes revenge and will be satisfied once it is met.
"But the only true thing that I can work on, is MySelf. Would drop that person and incident out of memory, but not the lesson learned... move on and work on myself... dont try to repair ego coz it will ultimately be bruised again, somewhere, somehow by someone."
I agree.. Ego is such a huge thing. I think I hurt her ego as well, for some reason, that's why. But how do you go through life with no ego and not get stepped upon? I believe alot of peeps are egomaniacs, especially in the workplace. Just that some are kinder than others. And I wouldn't call a scorpio who needs power, respect and status a kind person, even if she pretends to be so.
"I guess you have to be shrewd enough and charming enough to pull off such a thing, like throwing a punch with a smiling face, which scorp is quite capable of."
Well I agree; Scorpio can be tops in this area. The ultimate pokerface. I question Karma, because they may forgive scorpio for acting this way... I would call it a personality thing more than anything else.
I don't wanna get caught Prince_Pisces, lol!
Months ago .... yet, you can't let it go because it still haunts you, since you said to this day you get angry about it, even made a post about it, eventhough months have gone by .... you didn't do anything to this lady, she just targeted you outta nowhere .... hum.

Sounds like some of your karma just came calling .... like you said, it arrives later .. this time in the form of a Stinger.
Somewhere, down the line .... you made this energy .... and sure as shit, it came back to you.
Four words: Shit. In. Their. Mailbox.
"If this persons a Scorp, I'd definitely leave it alone. They are masters of revenge so anything you could throw out there would most likely be toppled and it won't be pretty. It's so hard...but you just have to let it go and hope you never see that person again. It will take time, but revenge is so unhealthy and can be scary at times.
Good luck! "
Hahahaha this made me laugh. True. Sad but true.
Really though if you are glad to be out of there and this Scorp targeted you out of nowhere then why bother? It sounds like someone somewhere actually did you a favor. If this chick is so egotistical she'll clash with the wrong person one day and she may be sent packing. It's people like this that I say "let them have enough rope to hang themselves." And usually it doesn't take long before they do.
"Four words: Shit. In. Their. Mailbox"

LOL ... gross but fantastic!!! Tongue
There is actually a website that you can order a turd in a box to be delivered annoymously to someone. LOL Fucking brilliant!!

I should try it sometime Tongue
PP watch the mail buddy I'm sending you a package Winking LOL smile
wow fuck that. i hear people on here saying that " oh no she's a scorpio don't do anything to her bla blah"
"they are revenge masters" rofl that makes me laugh. just cuz someones a scorpio doesn't mean shit. i say get even with her if she made you put up with her immaturities, and show her whats up. don't let astrology rule your life to the point where you won't even try to get even just cuz someone is a 'scorpio' or whatever the sign. don't do anything malicious or anything, just throw the balance back; just find a way to get 'even' with her.
Seriously if she does something to "get even" it will only add fuel to the fire. Scorps are in their element when drama is involved. Reacting will only start a war. If she has removed herself from the situation and the Scorp is really as big of a bitch as she says she is in the work place it will come back to bite Scorpy in the ass. Her behavior is less then professional.
Hi all,
thank you so much for your replies. I appreciate them all.
Well, I have decided to speak out against her, and let the dominoes fall wherever they want to. I have first to get my pay straight - I don't want to miss a single cent, so everything has to be dug up, and it's in process now. I am not afraid of her; I'd just like justice for myself, I can't breathe easy otherwise.
I like the part about suing, but I am no lawyer, and I think my case is pretty trivial; let's see if the proj. manager can help settle anything. I also like the shxt in the box, but I don't think she's worth the money I'l fork out for the pile of shxt, though I might try it.
I have been doing alot of research on Office bullies, and there is a common theme here, and it describes her perfectly to a 'T'. If she wants revenge, so be it, I shall expose everything she did - because I think it's necessary.
Everything she did? Expose?

My ears perked up at that. smile
You have dirt on her huh? Hmmmm....
". And rest assured karma is relentless and ruthless as it is the law of universal justice . Just like the law of attraction it is always working , if not in one life the person pays the debt in another no exceptions . But do remember we create our experiences so something in your subconcious is attracting things that you don't want . Take care of that ."
Thanks Ike.
Actually karma is mysterious; we don't understand it, and can just hope it all balances out. I read that I attracted that office bully because she knows I can see right through her and will speak out against her. I don't shut one eye for this kinda thing, at least I wouldnt let it go. If the subconsious attracts things we dont want, we cant just change our mind, but we must face it head on to conquer that with which is lodged in our mind. You can't just snap out of a mindset; it becomes a repressed memory. I recongise the patterns that happen in my life and am still trying to work out what went off somewhere. But there is something about scorpio - I'm not sure what type of debt she will receive and whether it is to my liking at all. She's a torturous soul - Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. I tend to see peoples' Mr. Hyde side, and alot of them are permissable.
"Seriously if she does something to "get even" it will only add fuel to the fire. Scorps are in their element when drama is involved."
Yeah, it just got worse and worse. I wonder how many enemies she got already. I just hate it whe someone else is the victim.
"But, try to put aside your personal feelings about what she did to you, if you can. The fact is, another human is hurting and that is not something to be happy about, no matter their sins."
I can empathise with hurting, but not when they unleash their hurt and punish the innocent people. It's like saying forgive Saddam for being so messed up he has to take it out on people.
"Everything she did? Expose?

My ears perked up at that.
You have dirt on her huh? Hmmmm...."
Of course I do; I just need the energy to dig them all out from my mind. I don't forget.
Oh, and I mentioned one big reason is because I knew her ex boyfriend. she tld me alot of bad things about him, and he did mention once his ex is a psycho. She got me so scared of him I avoided him for a bit, but NOW I totally understand who is the real psycho. The one who slags people off through gossip, and causes rifts among people.. now her bf is happily married to another girl, and I told her he is married, and I think she decided to take it out on me. Note that I know both of them from different places. She was the one who came to me one day and told me to beware of her ex...
If anything, I understand her more, which is great; I always like to understand people, even if it's someone I dont think I can understand. I meet so many psychopaths I wonder if forensics should be an area I should look into smile
wait about 12 to 18 months. Then strike, you must come out of the dark mask yourself they cant be able to I.D. you use a cricket bat on them if you want them to live and suffer don't hit them in the head just brake a few ribs and maybe a leg. It will give you great pleasur to see them in hospital.
As the scorpios know, too, the more others give in to their power, the more they take it away. I've not met a scorpio yet who'd play fair - you give them an inch, they usually squeeze you till you're dry. Fear? I agree w/ Eulogy. From what I see, the more you fear them, the more they play onto your fears to manipulate you. They're not beneath playing dirty. The scorpio co-worker was a sucker for power. She plays the Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde game well thus far - the boss loves her I guess, at least he's got no complaints.
"Sometimes, people need the recognition that something or someone important is fading away, before they do something drastic."
Yeah, it's a good wake up call. But the length of time it takes for the action may deem it too late.
"people wouldn't lay a finger in any issue unless they are directly affected by it."
Ya, they can;t be bothered.. there is so much information floating around to take up energy and time..
"wait about 12 to 18 months. Then strike, you must come out of the dark mask yourself they cant be able to I.D. you use a cricket bat on them if you want them to live and suffer don't hit them in the head just brake a few ribs and maybe a leg. It will give you great pleasur to see them in hospital."
No, physical violence can land smack a lawsuit. My friend told me once, they were playing football, and a scorpio guy was sterilised from a hard kick of the ball. A long while later, they were going for lunch, and the scorpio guy striked. He kicked the crotch of the girl who sterilised him, and she had internal bleeding.
I won't do anything physical to the said person; I'm just not kinesthetic, and I can't throw a good punch. I have already formed a strategy (which isnt much of one anyway); the nasty people always fall - I see some kinks in her already.
I wondered why the soccer ball kept getting bigger
then it hit me.
"i didnt know libras were concious about vengeance ! something new to my knowledge! i thought it was just aries and scorpio!"
More like a justified balance.
"they not only steal thoughts, ideas, ideals, even souls... they even steal cosmetics/clothes or anything that would make the other person look good, LOL .. they set up rumors among everybody that such and such a person carries negative energy, but they want their possessions LOL how treetrunking disgusting they could be."
Yeah, I've experienced that. And it's an easy cover for them; just change the topic. My coworker slagged off alot of people, including those not working with us. I told her one of our common friends went to become a flight attendant, and she started criticising her looks and saying how she could get selected. You can bet that if you talk to a seasoned one and accused them of something they're guilty of, they'd pick out one incident where they didnt do it as a sign of innocence.. or just casually change the topic into something related, but which actually deflects the conversation.
The untrained, or unaware scorpio has the most negative energy ever, without ever realising it.
"The pain I felt here will stay with me forever."
This issue is surprisingly very ethically controversial.. on one hand, he's right to take revenge, on the other, not to such an extreme sense. Scorpio is not the sign of justice. When they take justice into their own hands, you can be sure it's skewed muchly to their favor.
"LOL, now she's preying on my aries friend, and I dont even want to come in btw LOL!!!!! coz the aries is stupid enough to not see the manipulation being done."
Aries is manipulative as well; I just like to watch, but usually the one who loses has the most morals. I know because I've seen both; the one who backs away is the better person.
Just shit on their mailbox. No harm, no foul, well mostly foul but you'd get your point across. Or you could just glue all their stuff onto their desk. That one always works wonders. Stapling their shirt to the chair while they sleep works too. Or Duct Tape mummy. Yeah, duct tape mummy sounds good.
Girls don't do guy things.... I mean if I duct tape her to the chair she might slice me ala 'I know what you did last summer' and we will all end up in prison. I don't want that to hapen.. also, I don't want to be within 5 miles of her.
Seriously ..... you should just give your father a blow job .... that would fix this whole problem.
And if it appears that she isn't satisfied ... then suck him off again and again until she gets the messege.
Seriously P-Angel I'd hire you to do that for me, and not to my father please, to hers or your own.
"BEAT THE cookiemonster!"
The thread is getting unserious now...
thanks for all suggestions anyway
Hay mine are in jest the others?
I'm not sure
you can bank on it
2 words: Paint thinner.
On her car, of course :X
Tell me I'm fucked up, I already know.
But if she hadn't slammed her car door into mine - she would never had to have her entire car repainted. smile

You'll feel bad for about five minutes but you'll get over it.
hard woman