Posted by blessyou
What are you saying Sag?
Posted by rabidtalker
my experiences have been air signs, particularly libra suns with scorpio venus, aquarius
scorp suns yes.
capricorn suns
i've seen it with people who have mars/venus in hard aspect with pluto
Posted by Gooober
Virgo placements. My grandmother is the ultimate snooper. Shes even admitted to going through trash with things written on them just to see what its about. Lol. Who does that? Shes a virgo sun moon and scorpio mars.
Posted by lisabethur8Posted by Gooober
Virgo placements. My grandmother is the ultimate snooper. Shes even admitted to going through trash with things written on them just to see what its about. Lol. Who does that? Shes a virgo sun moon and scorpio mars.
you have virgo in personal planets.
click to expand
Posted by GoooberPosted by lisabethur8Posted by Gooober
Virgo placements. My grandmother is the ultimate snooper. Shes even admitted to going through trash with things written on them just to see what its about. Lol. Who does that? Shes a virgo sun moon and scorpio mars.
you have virgo in personal planets.
Yep. Im nosy too. to expand
Posted by Crapmaster555Posted by rabidtalker
my experiences have been air signs, particularly libra suns with scorpio venus, aquarius
scorp suns yes.
capricorn suns
i've seen it with people who have mars/venus in hard aspect with pluto
I always thought that Capricorns gave 0 crap about gossip of any kind. But I could be wrong. I think Gemini is the air sign that to expand
Posted by rabidtalkerPosted by Crapmaster555Posted by rabidtalker
my experiences have been air signs, particularly libra suns with scorpio venus, aquarius
scorp suns yes.
capricorn suns
i've seen it with people who have mars/venus in hard aspect with pluto
I always thought that Capricorns gave 0 crap about gossip of any kind. But I could be wrong. I think Gemini is the air sign that gossips.
caps care about social status which necessarily involves gossip. if they view you either as a competitor or someone who can help them, they will want to know all about you
click to expand
Posted by Gooober
Virgo placements. My grandmother is the ultimate snooper. Shes even admitted to going through trash with things written on them just to see what its about. Lol. Who does that? Shes a virgo sun moon and scorpio mars.
Posted by TeaMintPosted by Gooober
Virgo placements. My grandmother is the ultimate snooper. Shes even admitted to going through trash with things written on them just to see what its about. Lol. Who does that? Shes a virgo sun moon and scorpio mars.
Mars in Virgo malicious carping with everyone , especially friends. So they have few and for short time. They are very very false pleple, creeps. Women, if Venus in Virgo too, witches and whores cooler than frigid to expand
Posted by killerwhalemoon
Oh man. Leo mars with virgo sun and sag moon. Too nosey. Ive seen my fellow sag mars stick their nose where it dont belong too.
Taurus mars people Dont hide thwir nosiness. Ive also seen cap mars and scorpio moons obtain information and use it behind the persons back...think it isnt just astrology its how they grew up