Which placements are the most nosy?

Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by Crapmaster555
Posted by rabidtalker
my experiences have been air signs, particularly libra suns with scorpio venus, aquarius
scorp suns yes.
capricorn suns
i've seen it with people who have mars/venus in hard aspect with pluto

I always thought that Capricorns gave 0 crap about gossip of any kind. But I could be wrong. I think Gemini is the air sign that gossips.

caps care about social status which necessarily involves gossip. if they view you either as a competitor or someone who can help them, they will want to know all about you

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interesting comment.

and i can see where you're going with this...


isn't it because capricorn is a cardinal sign and needs to MOVE.

so basically, when i was a pre-teen,teenager, under aged, my capricorn girlfriend hung out with me and me with her, and her with the Scorpio stellium because we are going to "raise" eachother up in the world?? or maybe because we are just discriminate? cause i am guessing the latter, due to the fact that most very popular girls wont let you hang with them or that they are very very snobby. We are snobby in our own way, but not snobby in the way of the gang of cheerleaders or the kappa kappa alpha omega sorority girl club. which we would never go into.

EDIT - which makes me think, alot of capricorn suns aren't into going up the ladder, while some are. it really depends on the individual.

I remember my cap girlfriend, last time i saw her, she was excited to be active again, and exercise (she loves fitness ect) so she became a fitness instructor after we got together and started doing alot of swimming and getting fit. She was SO motivated that she got into the fitness business.

some really like to be MOTIVATED --> cardinal moves.

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Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by Crapmaster555
Posted by rabidtalker
my experiences have been air signs, particularly libra suns with scorpio venus, aquarius
scorp suns yes.
capricorn suns
i've seen it with people who have mars/venus in hard aspect with pluto

I always thought that Capricorns gave 0 crap about gossip of any kind. But I could be wrong. I think Gemini is the air sign that gossips.

caps care about social status which necessarily involves gossip. if they view you either as a competitor or someone who can help them, they will want to know all about you

click to expand

interesting comment.

and i can see where you're going with this...


isn't it because capricorn is a cardinal sign and needs to MOVE.

so basically, when i was a pre-teen,teenager, under aged, my capricorn girlfriend hung out with me and me with her, and her with the Scorpio stellium because we are going to "raise" eachother up in the world?? or maybe because we are just discriminate? cause i am guessing the latter, due to the fact that most very popular girls wont let you hang with them or that they are very very snobby. We are snobby in our own way, but not snobby in the way of the gang of cheerleaders or the kappa kappa alpha omega sorority girl club. which we would never go into.