Which planets are most important to you?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by CancerKitten on Monday, January 12, 2009 and has 5 replies.
I know this may be a weird question but I have found that with people I am attracted to the position of their Mars and Moon seem to have a large influence on me.
1 guy I like
moon and mars in scorpio
Other guy I like
moon in sagittarius (my ascendent. I am fond of sagittarians)
mars in scorpio
An ex
moon sagittarius/mars virgo (sun in scorpio)
Guy I find attractive but just friends and nothing will ever happen
moon in aqua/mars in virgo (sun in sagittarius)
I find that regardless of what else is kicking around their signs there's always something in their sun/moon/mars that is either sagittarius or scorpio.
I have heard that matching up your venus and their mars is a way of working out compatability but that never actually indicates anything about how I feel about them.
My sun is cancer (and my mercury and mars) but my moon and venus are gemini. My ascendent is Sagittarius.
Actually I'm a cancimini.
Does this make sense to anyone?
Well honestly, I feel that I can truly identify with my Moon, venus & Mars. When I read about my Moon, venus & Mars I felt like those 3 things told the most truth about my personality & what I stand for. So I assume that it's the same for others.
When I meet a man, I pay more attention to his Moon, his Venus & his Mars because those 3 things alone will tell me a little bit about how he is in his relationships with others as well as how he deals with himself. Those 3 things pretty much summed me up (Even though my Saturn & Mercury was true too) so I'm assuming that if I know those 3 things about someone, I'll have a pretty good idea about them from an astrological standpoint
To be honest Venus seems to have very little bearing on whether I like someone or not.
occassionally I'll be attracted to someone for a little while with a compatable Venus but it's never more than a passing interest. However my most serious attractions or relationships are with people whose mars and/or venus don't match up with my own.
I also find that the descriptions of Venus in Gemini (which is what mine is) don't seem to apply at all. Maybe it's cause I have so much cancer but I have a lot of gemini too
lol evan - I know, my moon, venus and mars are in such conflict
No no if it was all air, there would be no conflict right?
but they're all earth or fire... I can basically sit down to think on how to react and hear 2 different perspectives going through my head...