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Oct 19, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 396 · Topics: 74
since 2017 when i moved out to the other country and came back again in August i felt that this period of my life was kind of a big change.
Since then i have started thinking and analysing so much .I do want to meet new people and change the envrionment ( i am doing it slowly since the middleof august when i am back). I feel like this part of 2017 is kind of a 'new doors opening' for me.
Why is that? What are the planet placements?
I know that maybe it s because Saturn in capricorn 2017-2020 but not sure.
I feel like i am getting matured.really like i am starting to be resposnible for my life.
I am 27 and since that time i felt like a teenager.
Since my exchange programme in Spain and the idea of finishing my studiesi have become more adult, more grown up.
Why do I feel that right now?
Few years ago, about 3 years ago as i mention in every topic here i met other groups of people including my ex virgo, bitchy taurus woman. I felt that they considered themselves as better than me and more matured, that they would mother me because they felt i was nice and weak,maybe not matured enough ( for them). They could not understand that some people grow up and get matured slowly or on different levels. They didnt like my spontaneity because in their mind it was something about being a child,something naive - not matured. Every one of them already worked in full time or freelance job. I was only doing stages and internships because i study sth else, something different that requiers being focus on, not being fast. They couldnt understand.
But maybe they were right- they thought of me as of a child because i was myself and they didnt like it especially taurus woman.
But anyway, since 2017 i have felt the change. I would like to ask you all is it because i am becoming 28 or my Saturn placements or what? I feel like i can take care of myself now. I feel it , i am becoming powerful in a sense that i am trying to be calm, mentally calm, and then i gain my power.
Is it adulthood?
What do you think?
Even that i do not make money now, i am single, i feel better, i feel safer i feel okey.
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Oct 19, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 396 · Topics: 74
my moon is in capricorn and so as saturn in capricorn- is it related somehow? even thought i am Aries, i feel like having 2 personalities. Very outgoing for external 'mask' and shy, more subtle for best friends, for family and so one. I do not open up and show people my inner side very often.