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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
I've heard some opposites get on better than others and was wondering what people's opinions are on the oppositions
Aries - Libra
Taurus - Scorpio
Gemini - Sagittarius
Cancer - Capricorn
Leo - Aquarius
Virgo - Pisces
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
They say the oposites are complements like on the color wheel.
But if that was the case I'd like geminis.... :/
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Feb 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
Eh Taurus.... I had a very breif encounter with one. I just wasn't that into him. Way too laid back and easy going. I need a man with some fire to him. I have a Taurus rising though so I get along with them great but to date one? Nah.
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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
I don't see how the differences between Gem and Saggi would be that problematic but then again I am heavily influenced by both so I see both sides of it in me and can relate to both I guess.
Capricorn women tend to bother but capricorn men are ok (so long as they aren't too earthy.yawn)
I find squares tend to be quite difficult. Mine are Libra and Aries but they're ok for my Saggi/gemini sides but a relationship would only work if they had something for my cancerian planets. (Water to give Aries some depth of passion and earth for libra to steady it.)
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Taurus - Scorpio
My Scorpio Brother was married to a Taurus Woman, and it didn't work. But, he's been married 5 times so far, so maybe he's not the best example! In fact, he's tried Earth Gals 3 times, with the same disastrous results...
Susan Miller is on the money for him: Your Scorpio will either be the best thing that ever happened to you, or the worst. Whether you complement or compete with one another is yet to be seen. Opposite signs on the astrologic wheel have that potential. If you develop some flexibility and sharpen your emotional sensitivity, things should go very well. This is not easy and some have said linking a Taurus with a Scorpio can be hard if not impossible. Give this relationship all you've got -- the rewards are too good to miss.
He missed the mark - thrice!
Virgo - Pisces
I've known a lot of Virgos over the years, and none were with a Pisces.
This blurb seems pretty accurate to me: Oh no! Quick run the other way. Dull Dennis is his name and being boring is his game. You just might find yourself saying that to your friends. He is a little too complicated for you. Too deep and well you just won't want to waste your time with him. Not too adventurous in the sexual realm. You will end up searching for a more suitable man.
Susan Miller is a tad more optimistic: Hang on to your lover, and try to make this work. Know that there will be no shades of gray in this relationship -- it will be wonderful or terrible. In astrology, an opposition of Sun signs means that your personalities will either dovetail perfectly or forever be at odds. The end result is up to you.
I'm Cancer with a Capricorn Ascendant. 2 of my 3 best friends are Capricorns. I've had to tell myself to give as well as I get with them, as they can be very abrasive and blunt when they are offering advice. They are probably some of the most stubborn people I know, but I can handle that, after the initial getting-used-to-it/ticked-off-by-it phases.
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
I like the Aquarius, I often have a secret crush on them. Why secret? Because they never show if they like you, and I don't like finding out things the hard way. But I find their independent and aloof nature very refreshing.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I think whether or not you end up being a great match with your opposite depends alot on level of self-awareness & maturity.
I'm with a Leo right now & oh man, when we first started off dating it was CLEAR & obvious that we were complete opposites. The way we "tick" & the way we straddle through life, our relationships with others & how our mind processes our thoughts were completely different. B/c of these differences, the relationship started off very rocky. There were lots of misunderstandings, lots of communication problems & lots of confusion about why we were even attracted to eachother in the first place (given that at first it seemed we both had absolutely NOTHING in common).
But, being with my opposite taught me alot about myself & how I can change for the better. I learned how to adapt to others who aren't on the same page with me. I used to only surround myself with people that were only on the same page with me. Being on a different page or in a different chapter wasn't good enough. But for some reason, there was something that drew me to him & that made me curious as to see why others who are not my sign are just as interested in him. And after just trying & out of alot of curiosity, I actually started to realize that my life could be just as rewarding & fulfilling when surrounded by people who aren't the way I am. I learned that I can roll with people who are on different pages (but yet atleast still in the same chapter) & still be just as happy with them the way I would with those who are just like me. It's so easy to get used to what's familiar to you, & alot of times I did it out of comfort & feeling like I had control or a good intuition about how things would work, & end up.
Being with my opposite ended up being a good thing for those in my life who hated how one sided my mind tends to work sometimes. I learned that 2 people can disagree with eachother, but yet still be right about the very same thing. Me being open to a man who's species is opposite of mine opened up a window of opportunities for me to think establish that same mindset with other things in my life besides just relationships & men.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Alot of people complain that Aquas are too close minded when it comes to anything outside of what they want to believe or think. And to those just like us, it wasn't a big problem. And it didn't become a big problem until I met those who were completely the opposite of me, but yet still just as smart, charming & "go-getter," like me. Me being able to open up & actually commit to someone whom I'd usually never have the time for (just simply b/c of the great number of differences between us) opened up the window for me to be able to expand my mind & how I process things. And that's good for me in the long run b/c Aquas love to live & depend on their own wisdom, which can either be what makes them rise to the top or what makes them fall to the ground.
Alot of people say that Aquas have a hard time taking criticism or connecting to outside sources that are nothing like them & me being able to commit my mind & time to those opposite of me made me realize how dangerous it was to just rely off of my own intelligence & my own "kind." So to an extent, I'm the example of how being with your opposite can be just as self-rewarding to yourself almost more than it can be with the other person who's been trying to pry us open.
I think all opposites can make it work. It's just as matter of being able to drop whatever flaws you have that are stopping you from exploring the "other side" or "differences" other words, maturity & self awareness.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I have a wonderful relationship with the Virgo's in my life .. in all the different roles (family, friends, co-workers).
There are probably many reasons why, but, what comes to mind at the moment is "attention" .... Virgo's (the ones I know) have a difficult time with genuine attention. They are excellent at being the social grace, with manners and superficial graditude/appreciation/consideration ... however, on a deeper level of their beings, they struggle to find a person to whom really relates to them, really.
All the Virgo's I know have something .... odd. Not odd in my eyes, because I'm wide open to possibilities .. but, odd to most other people. Some people call it boring, others call it being picky, some call it being a robot .... but, what it really is, is that there is something about each and every Virgo that is the focus of their thoughts .. something that has 100% of their attention if you aren't there to distract them.
Like politics, or gadgets ... and if left to their own devices, they will become consumed in whatever it is that has their fancy at this particular time in their life ... and most people are too busy to be bothered, they have their own agenda ... and will become easily bored with the Virgo droning on about 'whatever' it is that has their excitement = attention.
Pisces, by nature, has the uncanny ability to give a person their full undivided attention .... when we choose to give a person our attention, this other person knows it, there is no doubt that they have center stage .... in fact, it's one of the main reasons why when people are a partner of a Pisces, they KNOW they are special ..... because we are able to make this person KNoW, without a shadow of doubt .. that we hear/feel/understand/comprehend everything they just said or did .. no matter how odd.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
All of the Virgo's in my life, we cherish each other for genuinely having a care.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
As an afterthought .... this ability they have to put 100% of their focus into something, makes them pros at meditation and all of the ones in my life have psychic abilities .... they have "things" that come to them from the other side, and I'm convinced it is because of this ability they have .... this power of concentration.
Well, being a Pisces ... could I possibly love a quality like this any better? I mean, you know ... across the rainbow stuff.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
your opposite can be any sign from the same element.
for instanse: aries---> capricorn libra cancer
all three are in some ways opposite to aries
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Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Not much of a Libra person, the ones I've met are kind of boring... never really met one that tickled my fancy.
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Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Red_Aries why are you always spewing mumbo jumbo, you're going to corrupt some impressionable minds.
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
Cancer is my opposite and I say NO NO NO
I have two bestfriends, one of wich is a virgo ...25 yeay old friendship strong! We think so much alike, strange. I'm a pisces, could be we get each other so much cause of my virgo moon. Don't know about virgo romantically though, never dated one.
My opposite is Pisces
Friendship-wise, I get along with plenty of Pisces. The funny thing is they range in age, from 21-50.
Romantic-wise it's a different story. I dated a Pisces sun and he was one of the most needy person I ever met. After we broke up I was scared of him because I thought he would stalk me and not let me go. It's a good thing he met someone else after the break-up.
On the other hand, I'm currently seeing a Pisces mooner. I've known him for just a few months and I already feel like he's my other half. And I never fallen this fast and be so certain about my feelings for someone before.