Zodiac opposites!

I have a wonderful relationship with the Virgo's in my life .. in all the different roles (family, friends, co-workers).
There are probably many reasons why, but, what comes to mind at the moment is "attention" .... Virgo's (the ones I know) have a difficult time with genuine attention. They are excellent at being the social grace, with manners and superficial graditude/appreciation/consideration ... however, on a deeper level of their beings, they struggle to find a person to whom really relates to them, really.
All the Virgo's I know have something .... odd. Not odd in my eyes, because I'm wide open to possibilities .. but, odd to most other people. Some people call it boring, others call it being picky, some call it being a robot .... but, what it really is, is that there is something about each and every Virgo that is the focus of their thoughts .. something that has 100% of their attention if you aren't there to distract them.

Like politics, or gadgets ... and if left to their own devices, they will become consumed in whatever it is that has their fancy at this particular time in their life ... and most people are too busy to be bothered, they have their own agenda ... and will become easily bored with the Virgo droning on about 'whatever' it is that has their excitement = attention.

Pisces, by nature, has the uncanny ability to give a person their full undivided attention .... when we choose to give a person our attention, this other person knows it, there is no doubt that they have center stage .... in fact, it's one of the main reasons why when people are a partner of a Pisces, they KNOW they are special ..... because we are able to make this person KNoW, without a shadow of doubt .. that we hear/feel/understand/comprehend everything they just said or did .. no matter how odd.