I have a cancer friend, after on/off communication with him.
I finally confessed in letter that I like him but I got no respond from him.
but after 2 days I message him asking some advice to my problem and he responded,
he contact me when I contact him first but he never do the first contact even before
should I let him go?
Im scorpio w/ libra moon ascendant of sag
he is cancer w/ leo moon and ascendant of Aquarius
this is giving me some perspective....
i'm a sag and i move really fast and i am really direct
and the cancer guy i was seeing said he got scared and that he doesn't know what he wants...
Signed Up:
Apr 09, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 4200 · Topics: 67
Personally, I don't like it when people put an emotional heavy on me. A confession of feelings puts the other person in a position where they HAVE to respond and there is usually a time limit expectation along with it.
I'd need to process... because
a) I'd have to make sure that my response is actually what I FEEL, and not something I'm responded to because I know it's what you want or I feel bad and don't want to hurt your feelings
b) I want my response to be genuine. In order for me to do that, I'd need to to reflect on my feelings. If I'm feeling you... I'll eventually let you know without question, but in my own way
c) If I'm not feeling you, but like you as a person, I need to find a way to let you down gently. This could translate as me ignoring the whole confession and hoping you get the point.
I'm a girl tho...
btw... if you didn't read into my last post.. I gave him a he!! of a lot of time to get his $ hit together.. with ZERO expection... However I did expect that once he made his move.. he would have made the decision to move forward... and not to the side by side dance... which he seems to still entertain at my expense...
There is only so much tolerance which can be expected... when someone elses heart is at stake.. Just saying
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2011Comments: 12 · Posts: 2004 · Topics: 22
I agree with shellschocker, I'm the same way. I have a very hard time with emotional heavy in the beginning of a rel OR with someone who is interested in me. I need things to be nonchalant, and if someone comes on too strong when I'm uncertain of them or if I even want to pursue a rel, it scares me off. It has to be totally chill, nonchalant, not anything like 'set up' so that I feel at ease.
I think it's a few things potentially in why he hasn't responded...both his sun and venus in Cancer is a given. I'm mars in Aqua, so it isn't that (someone else said that too). So def his sun and venus, but too if he's uncertain or doesn't have those feelings there it's going to cause him to withdraw. So the key is to no push the subject, or you will risk him completely avoiding you or icing you out...not to be mean, but as a retreat from the situation. But, you certainly can ask but in a non confrontational manner...next time you see him, or send a note "Hey, I'm sure you got my letter. Not sure what you think about it, if you don't feel the same I understand." Something to break the ice, open the door, and a leeway into the subject. Now, it could be too that he does like you but he's being shy about it now.
It kind of put a wrench into things by you telling him..changes the dynamics, he might be scared of that if he holds you close as a friend...so he doesn't know quite what to say or how to react. If he's needing time to think, he'll retreat. The hard thing is though, I guess when I know that I'm into someone and they're into me? I go full boar. There's no stopping me.
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2011Comments: 12 · Posts: 2004 · Topics: 22
My lord, is it that hard to have an edit button? I suppose I could 'preview message' first lol
What do you mean by blasted him...let him have it, or you blasted him back with a barrage of texts/calls? But you haven't contacted him in about a month, have you heard from him in that time?? You haven't heard from him since his Bday in July?
Signed Up:
Sep 08, 2011Comments: 4 · Posts: 1107 · Topics: 77
As far as the cancer guy I'm 'interested' in goes: whatever happened, happened. Although he said to me on the night (and I totally agree with you on "listen to what they say to you, they tell you from the very beginning") he didn't want more, his actions and the way he treated me that night and after showed me he was at least a good person who may be worth pursuing as a friend. We all want good people in our lives, and although I fully comprehend he is just a normal guy who enjoys playing the field, there is a separate side to him which showed through, and I want to get to know THAT guy -- as a friend. I told him the very next day he didn't have to worry about me wanting anything emotional from him because of my commitment issues, I did tell him I very much needed friends as I am new in this city and he seemed like someone who would make a good friend and that I wanted to get to know him more for that. His answer was that "friendship is what matters anyway".
So now, I ask again: he has been quiet and I have extended invitations and he has declined for valid reasons. He is friendly to me when I get in contact with him and seems very much open to being friends, but he just doesn't initiate contact. Should I let go of my pursuit in establishing a 'friend relationship' with him or sit tight?
If he's a typical cancer, maybe he's sussing it out silently from all angles like they are famous for. Just to make sure I'm not trying to creep my way into emotional stuff or whatever...
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 662 · Topics: 22
He's not initiating contact. He's not interested and if he was, your continuous initiating and invitations makes you look desperate and that is a turn off. Sit tight
@ Catin, what you have with your cancer sounds disfunctional and you sound like an idiot going on and on about what to do and not to do, and yet you dont realize your contribution to this sick merry go round you call a "relationship" My head was spinning after reading your posts, it sounds utterly ridiculous! And no, it cant be justified by saying he's a "Cancer" And lastly, how do you know specifically Wineaux was dumped or are you just assuming because she hasnt posted since her last issue. And if she was dumped I dont think she would appreciate you advertising it to the entire board-thats for her to do, not you.