This topic was created in the Cancer forum by mine2u on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 and has 12 replies.
Is it better to go out and give a cancer lots of space or just silence space with him?
I dont want him to feel unloved.
That will vary from person to person and depending on offense. I think either is fine as long as you communicate. People get the impression that cancers need to be up under them all the time but that' isn't true. We can be very much be as long as he knows that everything is "ok" he won't take your retreat to heart.....where people go wrong with us is to just retreat unannounced of why....that's when we feel like they may not care.
Just reassurance that everything is ok because sometimes we can be a little paranoid.
a little paranoid??? LOL!!!
"a little paranoid??? LOL!!!"

I was trying to say it nicely. LOL
I mean when things aren't so good. When you are disapointed with their behaviour and don't understand their logic. And they are in their shell, not trusting, pushing all around them away.
mine2u...what is your sign?
i can be non trusting...but i do NOT push those that i love away...
ok, you are a cap...i see that now!!!
one of my girlfriends is a cap and she just married a cancer...
I sometimes do push my loved ones when I feel very sad/disappointed/etc. It's a good idea to give me some space when I'm in my shell. But the inconsistency of cancers is perhaps that they would want their space when they're retreating, but still would want to know that their loved ones are around to comfort them if the they need to be spoiled a little bit.
So, my sugeestion is: give him his space but reassure him, verbally and physically, that you'll be there in case he needs you.