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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
^5 girl. Go get your date on.
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1092 · Topics: 158
ha ha that's kinda exteme right there, gem with gem on the rise poor sweet heart lots of love and ..... well support and sympathy.
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Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
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Yes he can take it or leave it which i think is unusual for a man but Aqua's do seem to be different from the norm! I'm not saying we arent good together in the bedroom cos we are but i think its a case of mismatched sex drives, he is happy with a couple of times a week, i would like a bit more. I agree with the venus signs, they arent really a good match. We have the same moon signs though, both of us Pisces and we are always really affectionate with each other and unlike lot of Aquas he is quite open about his feelings and tells me he loves me all the time. I think Mars signs are important when it comes to sex drive aren't they. ?
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Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
leos are impossible. X__X
leokitten, let me ask you something. And I beg of you, please answer honestly, truthfully...
How much do we really have to sacrifice for you leos. And I am being dead serious..
Don't be afraid to tell us how far we really have to go. If you truly want us to prove it to you leos, seriously...WHAT is sacrifice to far???
at first i was going to ask you heidi if you were dating the aries guy i got rid of over a month ago...that was his MO the 9 months we were together, i grew to despise him truly because of his constant need for reassurance. i couldn't even get my nails done without him being "hurt" that i didn't want to spend the time with him. he was "hurt" about everything that didn't have to do with him being the best, greatest, most wanted/needed and desired guy in the world...oh and also smartest...couldn't even talk about anything that wasn't "intellectual" and if I ever ever ever disagreed with him about anything he would argue for hours how right he was in his opinion until i'd just give up because it got so boring and he'd get so "hurt" i keep using the word hurt because that is what he would inevevitably end up saying he was, somehow everything and everybody all came back to him. Now i'm not assuming every aries is as insecure and needy as this guy is but since i broke up with him over a month ago, i feel soooooooooooooo free, i used to feel so obligated, so guilty, over nothing! Good luck with this guy, i hope he lightens up
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Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
if you want an Aqua to do something, you have to give him or her every reason to..And I mean every reason. BE as logical and reasonable as possible.