Being an Aries I'm just going to get to the point (Aries/Leo rising /cap moon /Venus in Pisces
I've be involved with a cancer/ Pisces moon /Venus in Gemini .. I know what people are going to say cancer/ Aries not possible.. However I disagree
I'm going to break this down on simple terms..
I meet this cancer 7months ago and we hit it off.. Definite chemistry the first time we meet ( we meet through mutual friends) we ended up spending three days together.. I felt comfort as he did..
There was a definite connection, we both acknowledged it.However, when I meet him I knew he planned to be moving to San Diego due to work. ( I live in San fran) I accepted the fact this was just an enjoyable fling, well more an engima.After that weekend I didn't hear from him, then about a month later to my surprise he contacted me telling me he couldn't stop thinking about me and he wanted to get to know me better. I Agreed, we spoke everyday for hours on end. After few weeks he decided to come back to San Fran for a few days.. Well a few days ended up being two weeks. It was a lot of fun the connection was confirmed. He gets back to San Diego and he pulls back for a while. Until one night he calls to tell me he misses me but can't be in a relationship with me due to the fact of the distance and he was hurt before from a previous ex. I totally understood and wanted to still remain friends.
The contact continued and I really enjoyed getting to know him better. after a few weeks he invited me down to San Diego, it was Amazing .during that weekend he told me he wanted to be with me but the distance would be hard. I totally understood again but after that weekend I realized I was falling for him. He contacted me everyday telling me how great I was and he was lucky to have met me.
a few weeks went by the pull back started again. I didn't get phone calls only text which is fine. I have my life and I don't need to be waiting by a phone. Finally the other day he calls tell me how muched he missed me and again how great I was. We spoke for 4 hours. During that conversation he again said he was scared of getting hurt again.. However, during that same convo he decided to tell me how he has been dating and he has been only on horrible dates.of course being an Aries my ego was hurt.
Anyway my question is is this normal for cancer men? Pull you in and pull you away? Be so confusing and give mixed signals?
I'm ok with being just his friend, right now I can't get this guy out
Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2592 · Topics: 68
It's always push and pull with these Cancer males! ahah lol
So it's the norm for cancers.. Are they always so confused too..
Signed Up:
Aug 25, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 40
he is far from confused...its all part of the dance!!! :p
dance ? I'm assuming that cancers like to play games? Or does that mean they can't be direct with their feelings
@blackindian thanks for your input.. However this guy hasn't disappeared.. he is always in some sort of contact.. As I mentioned I spoke to him for 4 hours and received text from him since then. I'm ok with just being friends with him, I put this question up on this forum because I'm interested in astrology. also I'm bored at the moment and this guy has me baffled with his actions, I'm curious what others that are interested with astrology have to say..
also as an Aries women , if your Aries hasn't been direct she is most likely not interested.. If any Aries is interested she will be direct and go for it.. If you have lost her interest she most likely cant be bothered and has moved on..
Signed Up:
Aug 25, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 40
I m venus in gemini and past relationship has scarred me but made me much smarter.... He is just tesring you probably to know for sure if you do really miss him...see a lot of things can change the way i think from day to day...cant be that sure about him. But due to his past scars maybe hes extra cautious now about ebtering into somethibg serious. Its upto you to convince him...
@kerrbsman thank you for you input.. Interesting you mentioned a test. The other night I felt he was testing me, I have been direct with my words and actions that I do care about him. It just seems he gets confused says one thing and within days back tracks his words and acts like it never said anything. I'm pretty direct but I also respect people's space and boundaries, I do respect the fact he has been hurt and of course the distance.. I'm baffled, as I mentioned I'm ok with just being friends, I've have mentioned that to him on several occasions. Some days he reacts that is ok, he only wants to be friends, then the next day he has feelings for me and he wants to have " more passion and intimacy" between us. Days will pass and he will call and act like I'm one of his guy friends tell me about his horrible dating experience.. See my confusion? Back and forth, hot and cold.. I just wish he would get his feelings together.. I feel he is making it more complicated then it should be..
Once I again I do like him, he is pretty cool guy.. I just can't figure him out.. I guess that is why I am interested to some degree, he is posing a challenge and of course an Aries can't turn down a challenge
@blackindian22 I disagree with the Aries / cancers would not be a good match.. I know what people say, I really connected with my cancer.. I admire the connection with his emotions and I really like his wacky sense of humor.. I think less evolved Aries would get impatient with the back and forth wishy washy crap.. If two people connect they connect and no matter what sun sign you are if its going to work it will.. As I mentioned before I have a general interests in astrology, but I don't live my life by it.. If I meet someone I'm interesting in and they happen to be a sign people say I'm not compatible with, I don't run away.. I think there is truth to traits in sun signs , that is what makes it interesting. But don't disregard someone because your signs don't match up..